[Event] Spring Break Special! (Updated 3/31 – All info released!)

3/23 (Fri) 12pm – 4/8 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
Details (JP): Event Info

Spring break event!! (but where’s my Spring Box Cleaning with Evo materials stacking?)

Update (3/31): Item #6 updated – 100% chance of SDR at selected Rushes!!

Update (3/30): Item #3 updated – Godfest!

Daily Magic Stone!

3/23 (Fri) – 4/2 (Mon) 
10 days, 10 Magic Stones! 
All waiting in your mail when you log in.

Daily 5,000 Pal Points!

4/2 (Mon) – 4/8 (Sun) 
7 days total, 35,000 Pal Points! 
Starts after the daily Magic Stone.

Godfest Announced!

See here for details!

+15 Shynees in Pal Egg Machine!

4/6 (Fri) 12pm – 4/13 (Fri) 11:59am JST 
Yes, +eggs are back for a week! 
+15 Shynee, which is +5 each stat. 
Get your +297s stock up again!

2x Monster EXP at Ultimate Arena (No continues)!!

3/26 (Mon) 12am – 4/1 (Sun) 11:59pm JST 
GungHo remind us that you can solo this to level up your cards with this too! lol.

100% Chance of Skill Delay Resist Latent Tamadras at selected Rushes!! 

Schedule (starts at 12am)

  • 4/2 (Mon) – 4/4 (Wed) – Super Ultimate Chinese Rush!
  • 4/5 (Thu) – 4/6 (Fri) – Super Ultimate Norse Rush!
  • 4/7 (Sat) – 4/8 (Sun) – Special Descended Rush!

Coin and mail dungeons are excluded from this event.

Daily Bonus at Selected Descended Dungeons!

3/23 (Fri) 12pm – 4/8 (Sun) 11:59pm JST 
Different bonus dependent on the day and dungeon!

Date Dungeon
3/23 (Fri)
100% Daily King Flamtan at Mythical
3/24 (Sat) Zeus & Hera
ゼウス&ヘラ 降臨!
4x EXP
3/25 (Sun) Valkyrie
+30 boss drop (+10 each stat)
3/26 (Mon) Beelzebub
ベルゼブブ 降臨!
100% chance of Tamadra at Mythical
3/27 (Tue) Sandalphon (No dupes)
サンダルフォン 降臨!【同キャラ禁止】
100% King Shyntan at Mythical
3/28 (Wed) Hera-Is
+30 boss drop (+10 each stat)
3/29 (Thu) Aamir
アーミル 降臨!
100% King Badtan at Mythical
3/30 (Fri) Mephisto (No RCV)
メフィスト 降臨!【回復なし】
4x EXP
3/31 (Sat) Guan Yinping (Phys/Healer enhanced)
関銀屏 参上!【体力回復強化】
+30 boss drop (+10 each stat)
4/1 (Sun) Izanami
イザナミ 降臨!
100% chance of Tamadra at Mythical
4/2 (Mon) Dragon Zombie (Dragon enhanced)
ドラゴンゾンビ 降臨!【ドラゴン強化】
4x EXP
4/3 (Tue) Hera Beorc
100% King Woodtan at Mythical
4/4 (Wed) Legelonte
レジェロンテ 降臨!
+30 boss drop (+10 each stat)
4/5 (Thu) Noah (All attri.)
ノア 降臨!【全属性必須】
100% King Bubtan at Mythical
4/6 (Fri) Zeus-Dios
100% chance of Tamadra at Mythical
4/7 (Sat) PADZ Collab
パズドラZ コラボ
+30 boss drop (+10 each stat)
4/8 (Sun) Kanetsugu (All attri.)
カネツグ 降臨!【全属性必須】
4x EXP

Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri Dungeon returns! (3 weekends)

3/24 (Sat) – 3/25 (Sun)
3/31 (Sat) – 4/1 (Sun)
4/7 (Sat) – 4/8 (Sun)

Also see the next point!!

HALF STAMINA weekday dungeons!

3/23 (Fri) 12pm – 4/8 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
For Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Fri dungeons (No Monday), and also the Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri Dungeon on weekend!!
Great time to stock up mats!

5x EXP at Ultimate Descended Rush – Gathering of Talents 2!

3/23 (Fri) – 4/1 (Sun)

5x EXP at 3P Descended Rush! !

4/2 (Mon) – 4/8 (Sun)
Starts after 5x EXP Gathering of Talents 2.

EXP of a Lifetime

5x rate for Skill-up/Fusion