January Quest Dungeons
1 month, complete by 01/31 (Wed) 11:59pm JST.
Quest menu expires 2/7 (Wed), 11:59pm, JST.
Details (JP): January Quest
- Clear for Magic Stones! 30 of them!!
- Special dungeons lasting for a month, changes monthly. All co-opable!
- All the rewards this month are Magic Stones!
Descends and Reward List
Clearing all Quests – 10 Magic Stones!!
Rewards for each floor is 1 Magic Stone!
- Rushana (No dupes)
- Kuramitsuha (No skyfall)
- Gran Reverse (Dragon Enhanced)
- Surtr (All Attri.)
- Zeus & Hera
- Medjedra
- Wadatsumi (No awakenings)
- Hera Beorc
- Sandalphon (No dupes)
- Hera
- Challenge Lv. 10 (All Attri.)
- Lv.9 (No RCV)
- Lv.8 (7×6 Board)
- Lv.7 (All Attri.)
- Lv.6 (God Enhanced)
- Lv.5
- Lv.4
- Lv.3 (tri-color)
- Lv.2 (tri-color)
- Lv.1 (tri-color)
- 1) Challenges 1-3 and Hera Descended are Normal Dungeons. Completing those 4 rewards a Magic Stone. Clear all of the rest (technical dungeons) for another stone.
- 2) The Quest menu for January quests will be removed on 2/7 (Wed), 11:59pm. Claim your January rewards before then!