[Advanced Tip] Fullmetal Alchemist Collab on HK/TW (and what it means for JP)

Edit: English failed me yesterday, I fixed some words.

Originally written by Ripper, I’m just spreading the information!

The Hong Kong / Taiwan (HK/TW) server of PAD just got Fullmetal Alchemist (FMA) collab, which is happening from 3/12 to 3/26. HKTW and JP share servers, this means that if you download the HK/TW app, you can actually log onto the server with your JP account.

(But of course… it’s not that simple. That’s why this is “advanced”!)

For Android, you have to download the APK file and have both apps on the same device. I don’t have an Android device anymore, so I can’t help anyone on the process.

For iOS it’s a bit more complex – a Device Change is needed, which means you can’t switch back for 30 days… If you’re on iOS, doing the device change may risk yourself missing other JP collabs whlie getting stuck in HK/TW version (like the upcoming Yu Yu Hakusho and Persona collabs). You’re warned!

Edit: There are ways for iOS to do this without Device Change, but it’s not trivial. I won’t comment much on here about it, but just be careful if you’re doing that, don’t lose your account.

Reasons why people bother doing this

  • To roll FMA collab! … for a chance to get Edward! Comes with free roll and the special bargain. 
  • Finish skilling things from last time, or get your farmable cards (stopwatch and Father) if you slacked off last time.