Shaman King Review

By on Apr. 24, 2019  |    1

Shaman King offers one of the first damage void bypass actives available along with a strong button and some neat utility cards in the 5* cards.…

Meme team explained: King Frost Cloak

By on Jun. 22, 2018  |    2

So I’m sure we all got hyped a bunch by Persona Collab, some of you may have been taken away by the franchise like Ken did, others may have been taken away by the design of the cards, but a good amount of people have noticed this hidden gem from the collab and that is the farmable .…

Miru Bot – The #1 Discord Bot for PAD (Part 1 – Introduction)

By on Jun. 20, 2018  |    4
also helped!

Welcome to the Miru Bot guide! This contains basic information about everyone’s favorite PAD bot on Discord, as well as a list of useful commands that you may never realize existed!…