11/7 (Mon) 10:00am - 11/21 (Mon) 9:59am JST
10/21 (Fri) 10:00am - 11/7 (Mon) 9:59am JST
Rrrrrgh rrrrgh rrrrrgh rrrgh rrrrrrgh rrrgh rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!
…Oh sorry, there’s a lot of voices from the monsters in this Monster Hunter rerun!…
10/28 is PAD illustrator Kazama Raita sensei’s birthday. As celebration, Kali and Eir is getting buffed!…
10/17 (Mon) 10:00am - 11/1 (Tue) 9:59am JST
It’s the spooky month!!!! Witches Which is …. time for Halloween Seasonal REM to return!!…