New slimes that were voted to be added to PAD! Are they as good as you expected?…
New evolutions and buffs (with additional ones) from stream!!…
Crows x Worst Collab returns for 1 day after 6 months, for the new live action movie, “HiGH&LOW THE WORST”!…
Atatatatatata! Fist of the North Star (FOTNS) Collab returns after almost 3 years (last run was in 2017, during 1/9 ~ 1/15)!…
Official notes from the official site, with the news of Sonia + more things buffs (with basically no details)!…
Along with information of Story Dungeon, new evolutions arrived today!…
Magazine Collab returns for the 3rd run, with more characters added and a long list of buffs!!…
Finally more Assist Evo. for Fes. Exclusives! Plus Super Awakenings added for Fire Ragnarok Dragon.…
First Heroines run this year, with new Assist Evos and buffs!…
Not listed anywhere on official site is the return of Burning Horus for a day!…
Monster Hunter (MH) makes a sudden return!…
Buffs from news video earlier. YamaP’s gacha challenge for GungHo collab!…