5/16 (Mon) 10:00am - 5/30 (Mon) 9:59am JST
Your Wallet is already dead!!! Fist of the North Star is making a return with new assist evo!…
It is not surprising that Star Fairies are making a rerun soon in JP along with the new color revos for the Dracobalders.…
While we are in the middle (?) of Srevo MP Dragons Descend, the Dracobladers are getting a Recolor Revo!…
More Srevo Pantheons!! This time, Hathor (first Egypt 2 but where is doggo Set) and Akechi is getting the Srevo…
3/27 is PAD illustrator Midorikawa sensei’s birthday! As a celebration, Fenrir and Viz is getting buffed and new equip evo!…