Quite a delay compared to Japan version (3 months), but Super Reincarnated Minerva arrived on her own, likely due to Eris Descended dungeon arriving later than other news at the time!…
Beach buffs that has already happened, but re-posting for completion and future reference!…
It took forever, but finally Super Reincarnated Sakuya and new evolution for Dark Kali arrive!…
Non-fixed-team ranking dungeon for mid-summer! Featuring 3% Crown, 10% for Event Medal – Rainbow!…
New Arena added to game – The new Training Arena! Featuring 12,000,000 Monster EXP per run!…
Remember the grind ranking of REMDra? The results are in!
Reward Distribution
- Final Rankings for the 3rd and 4th REMDra Fever!
Some Monster Point value changes for selected Gems, meaning they can be traded after update!…