Event happened on NA server.
Event happened on NA server.
3/15 (Fri) 12:00pm - 3/25 (Mon) 9:59am JST
Filler collab? GungHo Collab returns suddenly with 4 new evolutions – The Dark Colors versions from Chrono Ma:Gia!…
This is how North America will receive the cards from the Shaman King Collab!…
Event happened on NA server.
4/22 (Mon) 10:00am - 5/6 (Mon) 9:59am JST
Shaman King collab details is finally here, after the announcement during the May Stream Event!…
Event happened on NA server.
3/22 (Fri) 12:00am - 4/7 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
Event happened on NA server.
After 8 hour maintenance on 4/16 (Tue) 12:00am - 4/16 (Tue) 8:00am JST
More QoL updates in version 17.1 update, featuring new awakenings!…
Have an idea for a fun Boss Monster? Want a chance to win a really cute, pudgy Tamadra Plushie?…
Spring Showers is in full effect and with it comes a new event from GungHo NA!…
The game will be down for an unspecified amount of time to prepare and implement the Version 17.1 Patch!…
Event happened on NA server.
4/8 (Mon) 12:00am - 4/21 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
New life in Japan, so of course it’s new school year too!…
3/15 (Fri) 12:00pm - 3/18 (Mon) 4:59pm JST