Somehow GungHo decided that hydrangea is a suitable flower for Blue Odin, hence the name of this cup!…
Magazine collab is over, so next set of pre-built team rotation is out!…
Along with the Search Fest is of course increased rate for finding Gold chests (1.5x rate)!!…
1 week only, limited-time Monsters Memories that you can find from Chests!…
[Completed!] Leader & Monster Memories (team subs) for Magazine Collab in PAD Radar!…
Simply increased rate, 2x rate to find rarer chests. Hopefully you get higher rarity subs within this one week event, especially from Magazine Collab!…
PADR is getting both leaders and Monster Memories from Magazine All Star Collab!…
GungHo Festival coming up in weeks, so of course a ranking battle is lined up for it!…
In preparation of the actual GungHo event on 5/27 (Sun) in real life, PADR specials!…