Along with the next 2-part Godfest are buffs to many rare seasonal monsters, from PAD Academy, June Bride, and PAD Island!…
2-part event!…
Remember how Ea, Baddie, and Shynee were gonna get buffs from the 7-Year Anniversary Countdown stream?…
Something that Paulo noticed today was the increase of PAD resume (#パズドラ履歴書), made from GameWith’s webpage!…
Great news! Tamadra infestation will be added to Special Dungeons! Also, Insect Dragon dungeons and Flower Dragon dungeons are added to Technical Dungeons!…
Wondering why you are constantly reconnecting? The server is taking heavy load thanks to the Super Player’s Choice Godfest that just started!…
Already seen in the stream compilation post is the introduction of 3 new Godfest Exclusives!…
We already knew for a while about the Dark Witch coming soon, and here it is, finally!…
Preface: I hope you readers aren’t sick of me posting Chrono Ma:Gia (CM) stuff, I actually don’t play the game, but am following for PAD goodies.…