[CoroCoro Magazine] Dark Miru & New Toragon Coming Soon on GungHo Fes. Finale! (Updated)
Two leaks from CoroCoro magazine just before GungHo Fes. finale on 5/26 – Dark Miru (Myr) and new Toragon! This time, a new merchandise is available to obtain Dark Miru!
Dark Miru
Leaked on CoroCoro Magazine is Dark Miru (Myr) that will be sold as a new card in real life at GungHo Fes. on 5/26, called Monster Memory Card. It will have a QR code that you can scan to have Dark Miru in PAD!!
By wording, it seems like this is the same Monster Memory toy before, where you scan in PAD Radar, and obtain in PAD, except this is more Eco-friendly since it’s on paper instead of plastic toy. Nice to see that PAD is reducing on plastic too.
More notes:
- Dark Miru’s design is, of course, from Chrono Ma:Gia. Likely this will be animated too.
- No mention if this is on PAD Radar too.
- For once, it doesn’t sound like a real life Gacha.
- She will be sold as a set with 4 more cards: Azathoth, Awoken Machine Noah, Rainbowpy, and Ancient Tri-God Mask. All the cards can be claimed in PAD!
Update: More details on Dark Miru Set
A bit of information is shown on GungHo Festival site, but still no stats. New things we now know:
- 3,000 yen (27.5 USD) for a set of 5 cards (not random).
- Only 2 purchases per person at the venue, requires entrance ticket to venue. Cash only, and may sold out before GH Fes. ends.
- Will be available outside of GungHo Fes. at a later date
- Monsters will be available on PAD and PAD Radar, as Monster Memories.
Super New Dragon: Toragon
Literally that’s the name… Along with the PAD manga/anime, new form for Toragon! Toragon became more Digimon/Pokemon-like? Nothing much is known except that it’s , for PAD Radar, rest are speculations.
CoroCoro speculates combo-type leader skill, Fire orb-generation active. No mention if available on PAD, but we’ll find out more on GungHo Fes. stream on 5/26!

Hopefully this Myr is a Meta card somehow (while incorporating Heart-cross). Maybe Like, separating the damage reduction from the heart cross to something else and instead using heartcross as a combo adder would be cool to see.
Do you think they will make her leader with L like Fatalis hope for it. Cross heart harder to make.
Let’s hope it’ll be something not boring! 🙂
Why does N A always get screwed 99% of the time?
Never know how they’ll introduce her to NA though, if they do!