New Descended – Shirokiseiryu Descended!

As people predicted, the emptied spot in the Monster Book is indeed for new descend and hidden feature cards in the Generative Chalice and Droplets of God Event!

About the Descended

  • Starts from the 2nd week of the event and last until the end of event
  • Clear for the first time to receive 1x Chalice Event REM roll and “Heavy Drinker” (酒豪)Title

New Cards

[11007]/ Light Spirit of God Droplets

Active Skill: Delay enemies’ next move by 3 turns; Transform to [11008] for the rest of the dungeon (25 max CD)

Leader Skill: [12 sec move time] 4x HP and ATK for God type; 6x ATK and deals 1 fix dmg when 5 colors attack

[11008]/ God Made Droplet Dragon, Shirokiseiryu (Transform)
God / Dragon

Active Skill: For 1 turn, change self dmg cap value to 9,900,000,000; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to all att. + heart orbs (3 max CD)

Leader Skill: [12 sec move time] 5.1x HP and ATK for God type; 10x ATK, +3 combo and deals 1 fix dmg when 5 colors attack

[11009]/ Aged Spirit of God Droplets (Uvo)

Active Skill: Charge allies’ active by 3 turns; Transform to [11009] for the rest of the dungeon (25 max CD)

Leader Skill: [12 sec move time] 6x ATK and deals 1 fix dmg when matching 6+ connected wood orbs; 4x HP and ATK for Wood att.

[11010]/ Generative Droplet Dragon, Kurokireiryu (Transform)
God / Dragon

Active Skill: For 1 turn, change self dmg cap value to 9,900,000,000; Unlock all orbs; Change fire and water to wood orbs (3 max CD)

Leader Skill: [12 sec move time] 8x ATK, +3 combo and deals 1 fix dmg when matching 6+ connected wood orbs; 5.1x HP and ATK for Wood att.

2 Replies to “New Descended – Shirokiseiryu Descended!”

  1. Shirokiseiryu have “L + T” awoken skills. sound like a code or something. but yeah he would solve most orb problems all by himself

  2. Thank you for the post and all your work! The size and the animation of this dragon is quite amazing!

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