[Three Kingdom series buffs added] New Evolutions as promised by YamaP! Hamal, Ares, I&I, Kamimusubi!
Onion may cry since he loves Kami
Now with buffs for Three Kingdom series as promised!
New cards
Awoken Hamal


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 3325 (4315) | 3658 (4648) |
ATK | 2605 (3100) | 2866 (3361) |
RCV | 148 (445) | 163 (460) |
Active Skill: (12 ➧ 8) Inheritable
Change Light, Heal, Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Dark orbs; Reduce unable to match orbs effect fully
Leader Skill: [2.25/256/1, 43.75%]
1.5x HP for Dark Att.; 4x ATK when 6 or more combos; 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 5 or more connected Dark orbs
Super Reincarnated Ares


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4031 (5021) | 4636 (5626) |
ATK | 3549 (4044) | 4081 (4576) |
RCV | 262 (559) | 301 (598) |
Active Skill: (12 ➧ 8) Inheritable
Change Water and Heal orbs to Fire orbs; For 2 turns, Fire orbs are more likely to appear by 15%
Leader Skill: [1/225/9, 43.75%]
3x ATK & RCV for Fire Att.; Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds; 5x ATK, increase combo by 1, and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 2+ Fire combos; when matching 2 or more Fire combos
* Needs Eris’ Gem for evolution
Super Reincarnated Idunn & Idunna


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 5202 (6192) | 5982 (6972) |
ATK | 2877 (3372) | 3309 (3804) |
RCV | 314 (611) | 361 (658) |
Active Skill: (16 ➧ 12) Inheritable
For 3 turns, 2.5x ATK for Water and Dark Att.; For 3 turns, 2.5x RCV; Charge all allies’ skills by 1 turn
Leader Skill: [2.25/144/16, 43.75%]
4x ATK & RCV and 1.5x HP for Water Att.; 3x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when matching 5 or more connected Water orbs
* Needs Vidar’s Gem for evolution
Mega Awoken Kamimusubi


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 3738 (4728) | 4486 (5476) |
ATK | 1520 (2015) | 1824 (2319) |
RCV | 1278 (1575) | 1534 (1831) |
Active Skill: (6 ➧ 2) Inheritable
For 1 turn, 1.5x RCV; Create 3 Heal orbs over non Dark orbs
Leader Skill: [4/324/1]
2x HP for God type; 4.5x ATK when 10 or more combos; 4x ATK and increase combo by 2 when matching 5 or more connected Heal orbs at once
Some QoL update for search: Series!
Searching by series is now possible! Here are searching by 北欧神 (Norse god) and 星機神 (Constellation gods) for example.
Card | Change |
Reincarnated Cao Cao 転生曹操 |
Active Skill: Delay enemies’ next attack by
Reincarnated Liu Bei 転生劉備 |
Active Skill: Change Dark and Heal orbs to Wood orbs; Recover 20% of max HP; Reduce binds and cannot match orb effect
Reincarnated Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao 転生大喬&小喬 |
Active Skill: Change Dark orbs to Light orbs; Change Fire orbs to Heal orbs; Change Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Water orbs; Recover
Awoken Antares 覚醒アンタレス |
Awoken Alrescha 覚醒アルレシャ |
Awoken Spica 覚醒スピカ |
Awoken Pollux 覚醒ポルックス |
Awoken Castor 覚醒カストル |
Reincarnated Alrescha 転生アルレシャ |
Awoken Denebola 覚醒デネボラ |
Awoken Acubens 覚醒アクベンス |
Evolution Materials
For the new cards.
Base |
Base |
Base |
Base |
[Misc.] Idunn & Idunna, who’s who?
Finally after so many years, I&I’s artist Shinnosuke Hino explains which one’s Idunn, and which one’s Idunna.
Idunna on left, Idunn on right.
Super chibi, super cute.
イズイズ名前問題の図解最新版ができました。「で、どっちがイズなん?」「自分はどっちのイズが気に入ってたの?」などの対処にお役立てください。#イズイズ pic.twitter.com/2engV4PAsl
— 日野 慎之助 (@Shinnosuke_Hino) August 26, 2020
I’m crying! since I first downloaded this 2 years ago kami was my first GFE, and second card, who I used almost exclusively for months. And ive been wanting mega ever since! :’D
The art is really worth the wait. She’s cute. :3 (Also animation in the video!)
Now where are those Three Kingdom special awakening lol
Let’s hope they’re part of some buffs somewhere sometime lol
Dam those awakening on Kami gives it 45x atk assuming you reach 10 combo with L-shape heart combo
Mega Awoken Kamimusubi’s main weakness is not having any Skill Boost unless you count her potential Super Awoken Skill, but otherwise her damage, healing and utility potential are remarkable to say the least.
The fact that Kamimusubi puts 3 Heal Orbs with 1.5x RCV on the board every 2 turns is kind of insane in terms of stalling potential and providing Awoken FUA consistency, and her base CD is low enough that you can potentially offset her lack of Skill Boost with a Haste or Delay assist to meet Skill turn quotas. Also, her artwork is absolutely fantastic, she just looks so adorable and happy. I feel happier just by looking at her already!
Now release an Awoken Alcyone, Gung-ho.
I’m glad to see these series getting love but it’s so piecemeal.
Reminds me of Lu-Bu and how long it took him to get any evolutions.
Poor Alycone 🙁 I barely knew that she(?) existed until I rolled her in my free 100 gf rolls
Wow, Kamimusubi’s kind of freaking incredible. Look at all those added combos for 5 heal orbs, on top of that active skill… she needs skill boost team support, but that’s a /huge/ shift from her playstyle all this time and should prove really interesting for teambuilding.
Really happy to see her, though. The Kotoamatsukami trio are some of my favorite GFEs. 🙂
Aww no shield for Kamimusubi . Only from L heart. Very dangerous when facing gravity followed by normal attack.
Is Diamond Dragon Fruit and Ancient Tri-God Mask farmable? I mean from dungeon not prize nor medal exchange.
Don’t underestimate L-shield. If you’re worrying about Hera-Nyx in AA4, one L-shield is enough to survive her gravity+hit.
Diamond dragon fruit can be farm in Thursday dungeon (rare invade) or A4/AA2. Lucifer (F2) in Illusory World of Carnage (or Alt version) can dropped ancient tri God mask mask.
Actually I barely able to clear AA1. I still need compose better team for AA2 and above. Trying once and got hit hard by Goemon.
Trying Kami with rag tag team she is fun. Could reach 10 combo easily at normal board just like when playing MA B/G Sonia. Because this is just throwing whatever I have, it got little problem with VDP. Skill at 2 CD really help consistently activate her leader skill. But if you need her to inherit skill, better prepare increase heart drop. I wish when her new form arrive in NA it become popular.
When I saw Kami I lost.