Remember real life gacha? Shown in CoroCoro magazine is the upcoming 5th set of Monster Memories, featuring the PADR event descend boss, Agito-Dio!…
Latest PAD Japan server News
Weekly rotation of Rare Egg Machine lineup (that no one really cares)!…
Weekly Pal Egg Machine rotation. Pal Egg Machine rotates to Rare Characters Carnival for this week!…
Some biweekly dungeons we forgot about are returning for limited time.…
Along with version 16.3 update, there have been some new icon added, including Super Reincarnation Evolution…?!…
Those who followed stream news and even PADR shouldn’t find strange that Umaibo and PAD (Radar) has been collaborating, and will have a new flavor of Umaibo snack coming out – Dragon flavor.…
Mini update for some QoL changes and a L-shield awakening buff!…
PADR. Food. Again. More Meiji Almond Chocolate to celebrate Valentine’s day!…
More Monster Memories for PAD Radar just before Street Fighters, this time Valentine’s Special!!…
PAD Radar gets Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition collab as well, with 5 leaders and Monster Memories!…
Official site for the Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition collab is up, with the collab date and more characters shown!…