April is Japan’s new school year, and academy is returning to PAD with some blazing passion you only encounter in schools!…
Latest PAD Japan server News
Before Academy and Slime is coming in April, Artists are rerunning to bait all your stones…
Since a lot of people were reflecting on the problem that Tokoyami had on the vdp spawn, the officials decided to make changes along with some tiny buffs to it!…
It’s fine now. Why? Because MHA is here!!!!
MHA collab finally making its rerun into PAD after years along with the new anime season that is coming soon!…
As teased in the anniversary stream, there are some new ordeal evolutions coming up soon, and here are some of the stats preview!…
As people predicted, the emptied spot in the Monster Book is indeed for new descend and hidden feature cards in the Generative Chalice and Droplets of God Event!…