[Patch Note] Version 16.0 Update! (Updated 10/30)
Major update on the entire PAD interface, new icon, and moreee!! One of the most exciting patches to date!
Added 10/30: Side notes on coin dungeons
Some of the old Coin dungeons have migrated, they are now free and can be found under Special Dungeon Collab tab.
List contains:
- Puzzle and Dragons Battle Tournament Collab
- Groove Coaster Collab
- Takaoka City Collab
- ECO Collab
- GungHo Dungeon Collab
- Taiko no Tatsujin Collab
- Gunma Collab
We’ve been joking about changing the icon since forever, yep it’s happening! It’s gonna be… Volcano Dragon still.
Like finally. We’re turning more PADW!
Top to bottom, left to right: Special, Multiplayer, Quest, Ranking, Technical, Normal Dungeons.
Normal, Technical, Special, and Multiplayer (2-player) dungeons will have difficulties separated into categories (Stage 1, 2, 3 etc below).
When you check the floors available, you can see the dungeon drops listed. (THANK YOU GUNGHO)
Note that these are drops, not encounters in dungeons. That means for 100% Skill-Up dungeons you won’t see anything, since the cards don’t drop.
Example shown here is Monday Dungeon.
- The +? at the end indicate duplicates of drops.
- Low rarity drops will have “Rare” (レア) shown on it!
- Since the list are drops in dungeon, the list may contain monsters that are not in the dungeon.
We’ve been waiting for this since forever!!
Assist monsters will be shown directly!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!
Click on “Cost” (コスト) to show OVERALL TEAM STATS.
Highlighted are total cost, total HP, total ATK, and total RCV.
We finally have FULL INFORMATION OF TEAM!!!! Just like PAD Radar! This shows:
- Leader skill
- Total Cost, Total HP
- RCV, and ATK of each attribute
- Number of each awakening present in your team
Note: This doesn’t show Latent Awakenings.
Orb designs can now be modified!
As seen above, at the bottom part of the Team screen there’s a new option. That’s the orb design change.
Listed below. Locked ones are from obtaining the new Godfest Exclusives (See compilation post):
- Normal orbs
- Fancy orbs (shown below, PADW ones)
- Valkyrie orbs
- Zeus orbs
- Athena orbs
Currently colorblind mode isn’t supported for this.
- During Multiplayer, orb choices of the host will take priority!
- You can disable using your host’s orb setting in Other –> Options –> Dungeon –> Share orb setting. (Default is ON)
You can pick helper from your own cards now!
Notice that blue button? That’s the helper button. When you enter a dungeon you can choose your own cards, not just relying on friends.
- The helper has to be a separate card that is not on your team (also can’t be currently assisted).
- Stackable monsters cannot be chosen as helper.
- You can also choose a different helper for each team you build!
How to set helper:
In Team menu, press the blue button. Choose a card as helper.
When you enter dungeons, you can choose yourself as helper! Crazy eh?
Note: Press the dark brown button (変更する) to change your helper.
New dungeons added!
Machine Noah Descended!
- More details of Machine Noah, including stats, can be found in the compilation post.
- Dungeon is 99 stamina, 10 floor, Annihilation difficulty.
- Skyozora link for dungeon information.
- JP name: マシンノア 降臨! / Machine Noah Descended!
Machine Noah Stats

Evolution materials
Training Arena (No Continue)!
- Not shown on stream is a new Normal Dungeon!
- Unlocked after clearing Legendary Earth (伝説の大地).
- 99 stamina, 15 floors.
- Many drops possible as seen below!
- Skyozora dungeon link.
- JP name: 練磨の闘技場【ノーコン】/ Training Arena (No Continue)
Lowest team cost increased to 300 (from 100)!
With this update we all start with 300 instead of 100 team cost!
Just a name change.
Small dungeon adjustments
- Unlock requirement of selected dungeons are changed. (not shown)
- Rules of selected Technical dungeons are changed:
- Tower of Blazing Fire / 猛炎の塔
No RCV / Fire Enhanced
- Tower of Ice Water / 水氷の塔
No RCV / Water Enhanced
- Tower of Windy Woods / 風樹の塔
No RCV / Wood Enhanced
- Forbidden Tower / 封印の塔
No Awakenings (previously no leader skill)
Coin Dungeon, Challenge Mode removed
As we know already from previous post. Discontinued after this patch!
- Bug fixes.
- Small brushups.
Honestly, I’m very surprised to see all these changes. I’d been under the impression that Gung-ho had given up on PAD to focus on their new games, so it’s really nice to see them finally implement features old players have been complaining about for awhile (notably the friend system). I guess there might actually be a chance at PAD reviving. Who knows.
Pad is still on the top of mobile game list in JP. GH is wise enough to invest on it.