[Patch Note] Version 19.2 update, with Active Skill search!
Version 19.2 update with Active Skill search that I’ve been dreaming for!! And of course, 8-player versus mode arrives!
New mode: 8-Player versus mode!
As announced previously, finally here! More details in separate post as there are so many things!
Monster Search (and skill)!
- You can now search for monsters through Monster Name or Skill Name
- The “Monster Search” is added below “Monster Book”
The full screen looks like this. Read on for details on each part.
How to search
1. Searching by text
- Type in text (Japanese only probably), and click on the buttons under the search bar to fine tune.
- 「スキル」= Active Skill
- 「リーダースキル」= Leader Skill
- 「超覚醒」= Super Awakening
- Click “Clear” (the one below the >> arrows) to clear up the words entered. In the example below, “Carbuncle” is entered.
2. Sort by Attribute or Type
- Attribute and Type filter
- You may switch between “AND” and “OR” to alter your search
3. Sort by Assist or In Box
By tapping the “<<” or “>>” button you can hide or show the option for “Assist” and “In Box”.
- When “Assist” (アシスト) is on, it will only show cards that can be assisted onto other cards .
- When “In Box” (所持) is on, it will only show cards that are currently in your box.
Search results
- You can sort your search results by ID, Att., Rarity, Cost and more
- It will show stats at Max LV, with +297 stats in yellow
- It will show the number of the card you have in your box for the monster
- By tapping the monster icon or name, it will show its evo tree
When filtered with “In Box”, you can sort by “CHR”
For the screen below, the buttons at the top are sorting options:
- ID, Attribute, Rarity, Cost, HP, ATK, RCV, Turns, Number of cards in your box
Search history
Search History will show cards you searched for if you checked its evo tree.
You may filter by awakenings, by clicking on the bottom right “Filter” (フィルタ) button.
New Normal Dungeon – Hell Challenge Arena (No Continue)
- 120 stamina per run, 11 battles.
Dungeon name in Japanese: 獄練の闘技場【ノーコン】
New Guerrilla Dungeon – Revenge of the King Diamond Dragons!
- New Guerrilla Dungeon, check through the schedules page to see when it appears!
- 99 stamina per run, 6 battles total.
- Drops… King Diamond Dragon, surprise!
- Vendor type cards will appear in this dungeon.
Dungeon name in Japanese: キングダイヤドラゴンの逆襲!
Monster Book Improvement!
You can now switch the stats of the monster book into Lv. 110 and Lv. 120, and check their Super Awakenings
Monster Box – Skill Search
You can now search in your box by searching with Skill Effect (OH FINALLY).
An example of searching for cards with “Awoken Bind Clear” in their Active Skill.
Monster Box – Assisting cards
You can click the top right button to direct you to the card it is assisting.
Check Friend’s Assist!
- You can now look at the friends assist card through Friend list, Dungeon entering screen and Helper Selection list
Slight upgrade at Monster Exchange dialogue
- You can add the card to Favorite after exchanging a card in the Monster Exchange dialogue by long tapping the card
Other changes
- All multiplayer mode names got a slight change in Japanese.
- When completing Quests, you will now return to the list of floors after clearing the final floor.
- Bug fixes and small brush-ups as per usual.
I’m glad they added another challenge arena. I’ve been wanting it for awhile.
they should add “assist” as a tab when box filtering is on too. I already just use one of the two custom boxes for just assists, but to have an automatically curated assist box like the evo, enhance, and awakening tabs would be awesome.
I concur
Nice search features! Something to look forward to in 2027 in NA.
Gonna be a struggle to get cards to level 120 before that new challenge arena comes out
AS search, better monster search, can preview SA more easily, an upgrade to the current monster/card exp guerrilla dungeon, this is a good update