[PADR] Monster Memories – PAD Island (Beach)!
[Completed] Leader & Monster Memories (team subs) for PAD Island in PAD Radar!
These are only available during 8/13 (Mon) 10am – 8/27 (Mon) 9:59am JST.
30 Monster Memories total.
PAD Island Monster Memories
Mama’s Thoughts
Why is everything giving good stuff to the opponent?
Stat ranking still same old, no changes.
About the awakenings
Big thanks to Paulo, Hispanic Zuoh, Ronderic and Stormie for sending me some screenshots! The rest were from Unofficial PADR Twitter.

Devil / Dragon
Active Skill:
Change all orbs to Water and Heal orbs. Reduce orb movement time by 2 seconds for 1 turn, for both self and opponent. (14 turn CD)

God / Attacker
Active Skill:
ATK x2 for Water attribute to opponent for 1 turn. Change Fire orbs to Water orbs, Heal orbs to Wood orbs (self). (13 turn CD)

Promises of Summer Vacation, Barbara & Julie
Dragon / Machine
Active Skill:
Change Light orbs to Water, Heal orbs to Fire orbs. Reduce opponent’s defense by 50% for 2 turns. (11 turn CD)

Blue Summer’s Star Goddess, Eschamali
Machine / God
Active Skill:
Slightly increase skyfall of Water orbs for 2 turns to both self and opponent. Change Wood, Jammer, and poison orbs to Water orbs (self). (12 turn CD)

Snow-White Beauty, Valkyrie Claire
Healer / Devil / God
Active Skill:
Change Heal orbs to Dark orbs. ATK x2 for Dark attributes for 3 turns. (12 turn CD)

Endless Summer’s Hunting Deity, Artemis
God / Attacker
Active Skill:
90% damage reduction from Fire, Light, and Dark attribute for 1 turn. Change Fire and Heal orbs to Water orbs. (13 turn CD)

Beach Volleyball Goddess, Tachibana Ginchiyo
God / Attacker
Active Skill:
Change top-most row to Light orbs, bottom-most row to Water orbs. Increase opponet’s orb movement time by 1 second for 1 turn. (10 turn CD)

Abiding Sniper Dragonbound, Myr
Dragon / Machine / God
Active Skill:
Randomly spawn 7 Heal orbs to opponent. Lock orb movement time to 7 seconds for 1 turn (self). (9 turn CD)

Bleak Night Daughter, Pandora
God / Devil
Active Skill:
Change Wood orbs to Dark, Light orbs to Heal orbs. Change opponent’s Water orbs to Dark orbs. (12 turn CD)

Paradise Jade Dragon Caller, Sonia
Dragon / Attacker
Active Skill:
Change all orbs to Water and Wood orbs. (12 turn CD)

Genbu Princess of Paradise, Meimei
God / Balanced
Active Skill:
Change all orbs to Water, Wood, and Light orbs. 100% damage reduction of Water attribute damage for 1 turn. (9 turn CD)

Swimming Feline, Kurone
Healer / Attacker
Active Skill:
RCV x2 for 2 turns. Randomly spawn 3 Dark and Heal orbs. (10 turn CD)

Amusement Dancer, Fuu
Healer / Attacker
Active Skill:
RCV x2 for 2 turns. Randomly spawn 3 Light and Heal orbs. (10 turn CD)

Guardian of Paradise, Metatron
God / Healer
Active Skill:
Change right-most column to Heal orbs. RCV x2 for 1 turn. (5 turn CD)

Resting Norn, Urd
God / Physical
Active Skill:
Change all orbs to Fire, Water, and Heal orbs. Reduce opponent’s RCV by 75% for 3 turns. (11 turn CD)
Active Skill:
Slightly increase skyfall of Heal orbs for 3 turns. (5 turn CD)

Unprecedented Surfer, Ishikawa Goemon
Physical / Dragon
Active Skill:
Change top-most row to Fire, bottom-most row to Water orbs. (12 turn CD)

Goddess of Beach Volley, Lakshmi
Physical / God
Active Skill:
Change left-most column to Water orbs. Change right-most column to Heal orbs to both self and opponent. (10 turn CD)

Summery Tourist, Chester
Dragon / Devil
Active Skill:
Reduce orb movement time by 2 seconds for both self and opponent. Change Jammer and Poison orbs to Heal orbs (self). (4 turn CD)

Paradise Celeb, Hera-Is
Devil / God
Active Skill:
Slightly increase skyfall of Wate rorbs for 2 turns. Lock Water skyfall orbs for 2 turns. (10 turn CD)

Cool Evening Sorceress, Almadel
Balanced / Devil
Active Skill:
Randomly spawn 6 Wood orbs from non-Water orbs. Lock Wood orbs. (7 turn CD)

Incognito Queen, Awilda
Dragon / Attacker
Active Skill:
80% damage reduction for 1 turn. Randomly spawn 3 Water orbs to opponent. (11 turn CD)

Beach Café Waitress, High Water Ninja
Healer / Devil
Active Skill:
Change opponent’s Wood and Heal orbs to Jammer orbs. Lock opponent’s Jammer orbs. (11 turn CD)

Shaved Ice Specialist, Frost Demon
Active Skill:
Reduce opponent’s defense by 50% for 2 turns. Randomly spawn 5 Water and Jammer orbs to opponent. (10 turn CD)

Active Skill:
Randomly spawn 4 Water and Poison orbs to opponent. (7 turn CD)

Active Skill:
Change left-most column to Poison orbs, right-most column to Water orbs. ATK x2 for Fire and Water attributes for 1 turn. (8 turn CD)

Horse Enjoying the Cool Evening, Kelpie
Active Skill:
Change Heal orbs to Water orbs. 100% Fire damage reduction for 1 turn. (6 turn CD)

Marine Diver, Blue Gadget
Active Skill:
Slightly increase skyfall of Water orbs for both self and opponent. Change Wood orbs to Water orbs. (7 turn CD)

Ice Cream Master, Cockatrice
Active Skill:
Randomly spawn 8 Heal orbs to opponent. (8 turn CD)

Beach Lifeguard, Aqua Chaser
Physical / Machine
Active Skill:
Change all orbs to Water, Wood, and Light orbs. (8 turn CD)
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