December Quest Dungeons!
Monthly Quest again, same format as last month, 3 sets! Full clear for 2 Rainbow Event Medals and a King Tamadra!
All quest dungeons are co-opable.
About Rainbow Event Medals
These are event medals you get from completing each difficulty of the September Quests, and was introduced since June Quests.
See here on an overview on these special Event Medals!
Quest Dungeons
With the recent version 16.0 update, Quest dungeon can be found with the big blue button. This time with 3 sets of difficulties!
Descends and Reward List
All rewards are sent directly to mail. Dungeons are linked Skyozora database (Chinese).
Full completion of all quests will reward:
3 Magic Stones
- 2 Rainbow Event Medals
- King Tamadra
- And all the rewards obviously, in mail!!
Expert Dungeons
JP name: 12月のクエスト 上級者向け
Dungeon Name | Reward |
FULL CLEAR | Rainbow Event Medal |
Gilles Legato Descended ジル=レガート 降臨! |
Super Snow Globe Dragon |
Nordis Descended (Special) ノルディス 降臨!【特殊】 |
Rainbowpy |
Manticore Descended (Devil enhanced) マンティコア 降臨!【悪魔強化】 |
Dark Resist+ Latent |
Ras Descended ラス 降臨! |
Light Resist+ Latent |
Serket Descended セルケト 降臨! |
Wood Resist+ Latent |
Agni Descended アグニ 降臨! |
Water Resist+ Latent |
Hanuman Descended (No dupes) ハヌマーン 降臨!【同キャラ禁止】 |
Fire Resist+ Latent |
Gran Reverse Descended (Dragon enhanced) グラン=リバース 降臨!【ドラゴン強化】 |
Dragon Killer Latent |
Journey to the West 西遊記 降臨! |
Devil Killer Latent |
Jormungandr Descended ヨルムンガンド 降臨! |
Challenge Lv.10 チャレンジLv10 |
Ancient Tri-God Mask |
Challenge Lv.9 (No skyfall orbs) チャレンジLv9【落ちコンなし】 |
Super Snow Globe Dragon |
Challenge Lv.8 (Fixed team) チャレンジLv8【固定チーム】 |
Rainbowpy |
Intermediate Dungeons
JP name: 12月のクエスト 中級者向け
Dungeon Name | Reward |
FULL CLEAR | Rainbow Event Medal |
Zhou Yu Descended (All attri.) 周瑜 参上!【全属性必須】 |
Hephaestus Descended ヘパイストス 降臨! |
Diamond Dragon Fruit |
Aamir Descended アーミル 降臨! |
Snow Globe Dragon Noir |
Jord Descended ヨルズ 降臨! |
Grimoires Descended グリモワール 降臨! |
Zeus Vulcan Descended ゼウス・ヴァルカン 降臨! |
Snow Globe Dragon Bleu |
Mephisto Descended (No RCV) メフィスト 降臨!【回復なし】 |
Snow Globe Dragon Rouge |
Noah Descended (All attri.) ノア 降臨!【全属性必須】 |
Petite Snow Globe Dragon Vert |
Takeminakata Descended (No Wood/Dark) タケミナカタ 降臨!【木闇なし】 |
Petite Snow Globe Dragon Bleu |
Hera-Is Descended ヘラ・イース 降臨! |
Petite Snow Globe Dragon Rouge |
Challenge Lv. 7 (No awakenings) チャレンジLv7【覚醒無効】 |
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Challenge Lv. 6 (Special) チャレンジLv6【特殊】 |
6-Year Anniversary Tamadra |
Novice Dungeons
JP name: 12月のクエスト 初級者向け
Clearing Challenge Lv. 1-3 will give a Magic Stone (all Normal Dungeons).
Dungeon Name | Reward |
King Tamadra |
Challenge Lv.5 (All attri.) チャレンジLv5【全属性必須】 |
One-Shot Jewel Rush! 一度きりの宝玉ラッシュ! |
Challenge Lv.4 (Tri-color) チャレンジLv4 【3色限定】 |
Petite Snow Globe Dragon Noir |
Challenge Lv.3 チャレンジLv3 |
Petite Snow Globe Dragon Blanc |
Challenge Lv.2 チャレンジLv2 |
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Challenge Lv.1 (Tri-color) チャレンジLv1【3色限定】 |
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It says hanumam for the dec quests just a heads up!!
LOL let me go fix that, thanks!