New Descended Dungeon: Zahhak Descended!
New Descended dungeon announced a day before the Year end stream! First from Persian mythology – Zahhak descended to PAD!
About the dungeon
- No skyfall orbs!
- Three difficulties as usual: Mythical, Mythical+, Annihilation
- Multiplayer (3P) version available – Annihilation difficulty!
- First clear of Annihilation level (not 3P version) rewards Rainbow Event Medal x1!
New card information

[5034] Zahhāk (Base form)
Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 3835 | 4825 |
ATK | 1733 | 2228 |
RCV | 80 | 377 |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, Poison orbs are more likely to appear; Change top most row to Dark orbs and bottom most row to Light orbs (40 10 max CD)
Leader Skill: 10x ATK when below 20% HP; 1.5x HP for Dark Att.; 2x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching Dark+Light [2.25/400/1, 75%]

[5035] Zahhāk (Uvo.)
Dragon / Devil
Super Awakening:
Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4235 (5225) | 5082 (6072) |
ATK | 1833 (2328) | 2200 (2695) |
RCV | 200 (497) | 240 (537) |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, Poison orbs are more likely to appear; Change top most row to Dark orbs and bottom most row to Light orbs (40 10 max CD)
Leader Skill: 10x ATK when below 20% HP; 1.5x HP for Dark Att.; 2x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching Dark+Light [2.25/400/1, 75%]
Evolution Materials
Large Dark GemPsychopomp of Oblivion, Grisar’s Gem
Maleficent Phantom Dragon King, Zaerog∞’s Gem
Large Light Gem
Tornado Holy Dragon’s Gem
Illustration artist
NINNIN created the artwork of Zahhak!
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