Basically Godfest for PADR, happens almost monthly!
Also 1.5x chance for Gold Chests!
8/26 (Mon) 10:00am – 9/2 (Mon) 9:59am JST
Monster Memories!
Translations for all of the Search Fes. exclusives. Good luck finding them!

Devil / Attacker
Active Skill: For 2 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Fire orbs. Change Heal, Jammer, and Poison orbs to Fire orbs. (8 turn CD)

Devil / Balanced
Active Skill: Unlock all orbs, change all orbs to 5 attributes and Heal orbs. For 1 turn, fix orb movement time to 7 seconds. (9 turn CD)

Devil / Attacker / Physical
Active Skill: Change top-most row to Wood orbs, bottom-most row to Heal orbs. For 2 turns, reduce opponent’s defense by 50%. (13 turn CD)

Devil / Balanced
Active Skill: Change Water and Wood orbs to Light orbs. Full HP and Bind recovery. (10 turn CD)

Devil / Physical
Active Skill: For 2 turns, lock Dark orb skyfalls for self and opponent. For 1 turn, increase orb movement time by 1 second for self and opponent. (9 turn CD)

God / Attacker
Active Skill: For 2 turns, 2x ATK for God type. For 1 type, skyfall only Fire, Water, Wood, Light, and Dark orbs. (10 turns CD)

God / Attacker
Active Skill: Reduce defense by 25% for self and opponent. Change left-most column to Water, right-most column to Light orbs. (9 turn CD)

God / Attacker / Physical
Active Skill: For 1 turn, slightly increase skyfall of Jammer orbs to opponent. Randomly replace opponent’s orbs. (14 turn CD)

God / Attacker / Physical
Active Skill: Change all orbs to 5 attirbutes + Heal orbs. Lock all orbs. (10 turn CD)

God / Devil / Machine
Active Skill: Change Wood, Heal, Jammer, and Poison orbs to Dark orbs. For 3 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Dark orbs. (10 turn CD)

God / Balanced / Machine
Active Skill: Change Light, Heal, Jammer, and Poison orbs to Water orbs. For 3 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Water orbs. (10 turn CD)

Dragon / Balanced
Active Skill: Change all orbs to 5 attributes + Heal orbs. Blind opponent’s orbs. (11 turn CD)

Dragon / God
Active Skill: For 2 turns, 2x ATK for God and Attacker types. 1 turn haste. ( turn CD)

God / Attacker
Active Skill: For 2 turns, fix orb movement time to 7 seconds. 2 turn haste (13 turn CD)

Active Skill: Change all orbs to 5 attribute, Heal, and Jammer orbs. For 1 turn, increase orb movement time 2x. (6 turn CD)

God / Attacker / Machine
Active Skill: Change Light, Heal, Jammer, and Poison orbs to Wood orbs. For 3 turns, slightly increase skyfall of Wood orbs. (10 turn CD)

Dragon / God
Active Skill: Change all orbs to 5 attributes. 1 turn haste (9 turn CD)

Dragon / Physical
Active Skill: Change Water, Jammer, and Poison orbs to Dark orbs. 1 turn haste. (7 turn CD)
The picture for Aten is Scheat…..
Will fix later, been pumping out posts in the last few days (like 15 now?) so errors will happen! (Just me doing news most of the time now)