[Returned since Ver. 19.2.1!] New mode: 8-Player versus mode!

A post dedicated to the new 8-player versus mode, added with Version 19.2 update!     

Update: 8-Player Versus Mode returned, Rank50+!

Updated 5/7: Rank limit lowered to 50, along with a new floor (Beta Cup 2).

Updated 5/6: Rank limit is now lowered to Rank 500 (previously Rank 900), after version 19.2.1 update. 

4/22: After emergency maintenance, the new mode is locked for the time being (as of April 22, 2021) due to server connection issues. . Unless you can find 8 players who are Rank 2000 to unlock it… (No one’s even at Rank 1600 LOL)

System requirement

  • For iOS: All versions supported (as long as PAD runs on it).
  • For Android: Requires Android OS 7.0 or above.

Where is this?

Rank 900 500 50 or above only. This may change on official release, after Beta version (this is really a beta run).

Access through Multiplayer「マルチプレイ」8-Player Versus「8人でスカッと【対戦】」

Setting your Avatar

All players can pick an avatar. You may set your own Avatar through the “Avatar Shop“, the button at the top right (アバターショップ).

  • You can purchase the Avatar for free for the 1st time. From 2nd time onward it will cost Coins.
  • Avatar price increases with the card rarity.

As shown below, Tyrra icon costs 200,000,000 Coins normally, but free here since first time.

How to play

Click “Search Opponent (Auto Match)” to start.

Entering dungeon

You will enter the battle with a fixed team.

  • The Monster marked with “PVP only”  will have specific skill for PVP mode.
  • You will proceed to the next screen once you pressed the “Search Opponent” button, and the PVP will start once there are 8 players in the room.

For screenshots below

  • Left: Time limit: 180 seconds, no continue, fixed team, 15 seconds move time, 12x bonus for Two-Pronged Attack, 2x bonus for L-Attack.
  • Right: Each box shows player Rank and their Battle Points (BP). Stamina cost for the dungeon is 1.

Race time!

  • Let the race begin! Rush through the dungeon while trying maximize points (see next section)!
  • Think of this like Ranking Dungeon but against 7 other players!
  • Score will be calculated once you clear the dungeon or the timer counts down to 0.


Winner of the race is determined after adding in “Highest Bonus Points“.

Matching Bonus (during dungeon)

Like a regular Ranking Dungeon, you get bonuses for activating awakenings during the race. Here are the base points given for activating each awakening, for each activation:

Awakening Base Points for each activation

Highest Bonus Points (after dungeon)

Among the 8 Players, “Highest/Maximum Bonus Points” will be added to the player who achieve the highest of the following:

Type of Bonus Base Points Condition
Highest Combo Bonus
10,000 At least 7 combos
Highest Damage Bonus
10,000 At least 1 damage
Highest Special Matching Bonus
10,000 At least 5 matching bonus activated

Below shows largest combo bonus, +10,000 points bonus for the Fujin avatar player, who is now 1st place in the race.

Battle Points: Things you collect

You will gain Battle Points (BP) and Event Points (EP) based on your ranking.

  • Battle Points are points you get after every 8-Player mode run.
  • Event Points will be given during events, that are NOT Beta-cups (βカップ).
BP and EP will be reset on official launch, after Beta-cups complete.

In the example below, the player got 3rd place overall, with 94,684 for final score. They also got 50 Battle Points, and now have a total of 150 Battle Points.

Important note: Beta Cup

As there is a trial period to start (remember Ranking Dungeons also started as Beta?), BP and EP will be reset on official launch, after Beta-cups complete.

Avatars you picked will remain even on official launch.

Additional note from YamaP

Quoting YamaP:

The 8 Player PVP is a beta test version when the server maintenance is over on Thursday, we have set the limit of only Rank 900+ players can play in the 8p mode, and observe the network traffic performance.

If it turns out well, we will loosen up the rank limitation to all users (or perhaps rank 20+). Player skill differences are taken into consideration as well, so there will be some tuning in terms of the matching process.

Hope you all can enjoy the new 8p mode!

11 Replies to “[Returned since Ver. 19.2.1!] New mode: 8-Player versus mode!”

  1. Hoping the PVP battle points as such are used exclusively for PVP related goods. Kinda like how the ranking dungeons aren’t needed for the main part of the game and that crowns are purely ascetic aside from the no sky fall badge.

    1. Since the teams are predetermined, it should be safe even if the prizes have high values like 1 time godfest gacha, etc.

      the pvp would be like a battle of skill rather than who has a better monster box

      1. Ok cool. You eased my doubts there. One of the reason I’ve played as long as I have to go over rank 1k and such is because it was one of the few non PVP games out there. So having preset teams it’s a pretty nice way to do it. I hate playing a game only to be forced to go PVP up against someone with a bottomless wallet. As much as I do spend a lot on this, I prefer to do set teams if it’s PVP. I’ll probably be really lazy with PVP though in the same sense that I never try to crown in the ranking dungeons lol.

  2. An 8 player ranking dungeon, gungho calls it pvp but it’s not…? it’s mention that the AS are PVP but no explanation about that is given and this requires android 7?… maybe we are missing some important details but looks pretty bad

    1. There are scores like ranking dungeon…. Maybe calm down and re-read the post?

      What important detail do you think are missing?

      1. “it’s mention that the AS are PVP but no explanation about that is given” is a reference to “The Monster marked with “PVP only” will have specific skill for PVP mode.” what does that mean?
        Do you understand, that as far the it has been explained, this is just a ranking dungeon with 8 players icons on the side? and somehow this makes it require android 7

        Telling someone to calm down because he made a post asking details/explanations… then not managing to understand the user is asking for details/explanations and telling him to re-read the post… a lot of irony going on here

        1. No offense, but isn’t your reply self-explanatory?
          First: The monster marked with the PVP icon with have different awoken skill than usual for PVP mode ONLY. To rephrase, that monster’s PVP awoken skill will only appear on PVP, not anywhere else. I think an example of this can be seen on Rushana in the two screenshot comparison section.
          Second: Like any game, each has a minimum system requirement in order to play the game on the device. For Android, it happens to be 7 as minimum requirement in order for the PVP mode to work on PAD. I’m no tech person, but that how tech works. Some new perks only work with newer updates/OS’s.
          Hope this helps to clarify.
          Also, I appreciate the hard work you put into the posts Reni. 🙂

          1. Adding further into your explanation :
            Phones powered by an Android OS have an update life of three years. So it’s rare to not have a phone that is at least Android 7. My phone is an older Galaxy S5. Manufactured in 2014 so 6.01 was the last update this got while my cheapo Tab A is at Android 10. If you still want to play the game at that point just get a cheap tablet, they’re way less expensive that upgrading your phone. IIRC there was an update last year at some point or the one prior in which some OS were no longer playable. It just happens dude. OS become outdated for games as they get upgraded in the same way PS4 wouldn’t be able to run some PS5 games even if they tried making a disk for it.

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