2 New evolutions for CM Miru!
Details for the recolor Miru
How to evolve
- Both are revo from
Light Cutting Time Dragonbound, Mille
- Gem drops from MD2 – Fourth Dimension Visitor, click here for new dungeon info
New evolutions
Tree Cutting Time Dragonbound, Mille (Revo)
Dragon / Machine / Devil

Dragon / Machine / Devil

Active Skill: For 1 turn, greatly reduce self ATK; Fully recovers unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status (5 max CD)
Leader Skill: Greatly reduce dmg taken, +5 combo and deals 1 fix dmg when matching 3+ wood combo; 16x ATK when 5+ combo
Water Cutting Time Dragonbound, Mille (Revo)
Dragon / Machine / God

Dragon / Machine / God

Active Skill: For 1 turn, 3x RCV; For 1 turn, 3x ATK for sub; Freely move orb for 12 seconds (5 max CD)
Leader Skill: Greatly reduce dmg taken, +5 combo and deals 1 fix dmg when matching 3+ water combo; 16x ATK when 5+ combo
G. Myr is kinda bananas. Might end up bein comparable to GH Belial
She does more damage but GH Belial is more universal with all of those healing sticks.
As a member of the Emerald Dragon Clan, the eyepatch seals her demonic power and prevents her from going berserk and destroying her middle school.
Where do we get the base light card? I don’t think it’s the same as the droppable version from Myr descended dungeon
It’s the evolved form of No 5314 Dark Cutting Time Dragonbound Mille (Myr).
There was an event in JP in which people could get her. Then she became available through a PAD Pass day months ago. Similarly to how NA region gave her to PAD Pass users a couple months ago. That’s how I got mine.
JP region gave out an additional through PAD Pass recently iirc as well as she may have been purchasable through MP or Medals (little hazy on this part.) So more than likely when the new dungeon and evos come to NA region the same ways you obtain will apply.
I think the green ones equip is probably about the most niche card that can exist nowadays. I was hyped for Hermei equip. But I don’t think I ever used it once. FUA was so needed before.. and now its just really. For a team to need RCV, unbinable and FUA. There may be one coming up.. but there is a good chance there wont be