Suddenly 2 recolor evo for Sara and Luna
New evolutions
Golden Underworld Lotus Empress, Echidna – Sara (Revo)
Healer / Devil

Healer / Devil

Active Skill: Delay enemies’ next move by 3 turns; Unlock all orbs; Create 9 light, dark and heart orbs (13 max CD)
Leader Skill: 3x HP and ATK for Light att.; 7x ATK when 6+ combo; Deals 10,000,000 fix dmg when matching 9+ connected light orbs
Crimson Star Divine Queen, Hera – Luna (Revo)
God / Devil / Attacker

God / Devil / Attacker

Active Skill: Deals dmg equal to 15% of enemies’ max HP; Change bottom row to fire orbs; For 2 turns, reduce dmg taken by 60% (14 max CD)
Leader Skill: 3x HP for God and Devil type; Orb move time +5 sec; 14x ATK and +4 combo when matching 6+ connected fire orbs
7 vdps what the actual flip
610x personal damage with one vdp
I’m definitely exchanging for Sara when we get the medals/tokens in NA. I’ve never rolled her before but her dark form seems really strong and useful for my current teams.
We all talked about how absurd 50x atk boost active was but now 7 VDPs and 6 7-cs are actually real
Right now 4 and 5 7combos is useless, max damage still 217……..also I cant beat those dungeons sadly! Most of my monsters still not evolve yet.
Dude, if you can’t beat dungeons with 4 or 5 x 7 combo awakening cards then you probably need to practice or work on your team building.
Aside from the WOC (Shura) and the MD dungeons, everything is beatable with cards everyone can get.
WOC and MD aren’t horrible but everything below them is pretty easy.
Why not suggest some of those cards everyone can get? I think they’d appreciate it.
If you get to cap damage (2.17 bil) and still not be able to beat dungeons, I guess the problem isn’t at dealing damage whatsoever. You might be missing some key actives and/or awakenings, which vary from dungeon to dungeon. Study and prepare well before entering dungeons, because almost all mechanics in this game can be countered with correct actives or awakenings.
And about “cards that everyone can get” if you mean by farmable cards then medal exchange collab cards can be a good start for leader position. Then again farmables aint a must nowadays, since Gungho is being generous with gifts and stones and even with all the ads they offer, one should not worry too much about not being able to clear low dungeons because they lack damage. It just takes time, so don’t rush and you’ll be fine.
If those dungeons you meant were above WoC level then git gud cuz high endgame dungeon isn’t for anyone.
*for everyone
You answered and explained it perfectly. That’s exactly what I meant by cards that everyone can get.
If people do the monthly dungeons they’ll have rainbow medals. Same as they can do the 8 player dungeons and get em. Even some descended dungeons have good usable characters.
If people do all of the Story modes they’ll have fully evo’d Sakuya for example and she’s relevant even in later dungeons.
I hate Disney and want to rub it in their face!
And I just thought of the perfect excuse to have said that on this post. WE MISSED OUT ON THE ONLY VDP EQUIP IN THE GAME FOR A WHILE!
Hope that there’s someone testing if 8 vdps were enough to reach damage cap (or even double damage cap) for a standard 400x leader multiplier. I’m actually curious
LSara awakening mostly VDP.
LSara assist evo awakening not a single VDP.
Was GungHo knew VDP equip overpowered if slapped on to unit with mutiple killer?
Or Ghostring. Also I think this was a sign that Star Wars was a very expensive collab even for JP to get
I’ve been waiting for hera and/or echidna to get a sort of buff for a loooong time, im definitely gonna be using both of these alot, especially hera!