Alt. Billion Challenge Arrives!

Alt. version of the UN Rush dungeon arrives with a new title challenge!

Dungeon Information

Appearing Monsters Chance to drop one only
Type-100 Dragon, Byakurenko
Thousand-Armed Dragon, Senkyo
Wan Shou Dragon, Koubang Shen
Trillion Omen Dragon, Zenchoga
Gazillion Omni-Dragon, Aggregate

Additional Rewards are

  • 1,000,000,000 Rank Experience
  • 1,000,000,000 Coins

The new Billion title looks like

along with your usual chance for the Fastest title.

This dungeon also showcases Introverted Wolf Missy, Lou from Fest Exclusive Heroine with Woodsie and Baddie as the parts spawn.

Destroying each part gives you the chance to earn the gems used to exchange for the cards below. The gems look like


[12343] Woodsie’s Card

Active Skill: Replace all orbs; Charge all allies’ skills by 5 turns (34 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[12344] Baddie’s Card

Active Skill: For 99 turns, 3x ATK for Devil type.; Charge all allies’ skills by 5 turns (32 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

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