April Quest Dungeons!
Complete quest by: 4/30 (Mon) 11:59pm JST
Quest menu gone: 5/7 (Wed) 11:59pm JST
Academy Sakuya is the grand prize for this month’s quest!! Lots of goodies again.
All quest dungeons are co-opable.
Side Notes
Aside from saying that Academy Sakuya is the grand prize, this also showed up…
3x chance of Skill Level Up! (When you run the dungeons solo, of course)
Descends and Reward List
Full Clear
Clearing all Quests – Academy Sakuya (Base form, Lv. 1)
Dungeon & Rewards
Dungeon Name |
Reward |
Azazel アザゼル 降臨! |
Super Snow Globe Dragon |
Mion ミオン 降臨! |
Rainbow Py |
Star Justice (All attri.) スタージャスティス 降臨!【全属性必須】 |
Diamond Dragon Fruit |
Shuten-doji (7×6 board) 酒呑童子 降臨!【7×6マス】 |
Snow Globe Dragon Noir (Lv. Max) |
Jormungandr ヨルムンガンド 降臨! |
Snow Globe Dragon Blanc (Lv. Max) |
Takemikazuchi (Balanced Enhanced) タケミカヅチ 降臨!【バランス強化】 |
Snow Globe Dragon Vert (Lv. Max) |
Yamatsumi (Wood Enhanced) ヤマツミ 降臨!【木属性強化】 |
Snow Globe Dragon Bleu (Lv. Max) |
Surtr (All attri.) スルト 降臨!【全属性必須】 |
Snow Globe Dragon Rouge (Lv. Max) |
Zeus & Hera ゼウス&ヘラ 降臨! |
King Tamadra |
Indigo (7×6 board) インディゴ 降臨!【7×6マス】 |
Skill Delay Resist Latent Tamadra |
Jord ヨルズ 降臨! |
Grand PreDRA |
Sonia Gran ソニア=グラン 降臨! |
One-time only Jewel Rush! |
Medjedra メジェドラ 降臨! |
One-time only Lit Rush! |
Mephisto (No RCV) メフィスト 降臨!【回復なし】 |
One-time only Dragon-ful Rush! |
Thoth & Sopdet トト&ソティス 降臨! |
One-time only Mask Rush! |
Heracles ヘラクレス 降臨! |
One-time only Keeper Rush! |
Athena アテナ 降臨! |
Woodsie (RCV +99) |
Zeus Dios ゼウス・ディオス 降臨! |
Flamie (ATK +99) |
Tengu (Balanced Enhanced) 大天狗 降臨!【バランス強化】 |
Bubblie (HP +99) |
Hera ヘラ 降臨! |
PreDRA |
Challenges | Reward |
Challenge Lv. 10 チャレンジLv10 |
Ancient Tri-God Mask |
Lv. 9 (No Skyfall orbs) チャレンジLv9【落ちコンなし】 |
Super Snow Globe Dragon |
Lv. 8 チャレンジLv8 |
Rainbow Py |
Lv. 7 (All Attri.) チャレンジLv7【全属性必須】 |
Shynee (+297) |
Lv. 6 チャレンジLv6【7×6マス】 |
6-Year Anniversary Tamadra |
Lv. 5 チャレンジLv5 |
Jewel of Creation |
Lv. 4 チャレンジLv4 |
Time Extend+ Latent Tamadra |
Lv. 3 (tri-color) チャレンジLv3【3色限定】 |
10,000 Pal Points |
Lv. 2 (tri-color) チャレンジLv2【3色限定】 |
10,000,000 Coins |
Lv. 1 (tri-color) チャレンジLv1【3色限定】 |
Tamadra |
Note: C1-3 and Hera Descended are Normal Dungeons. Completing those 4 rewards a Magic Stone. Clear all of the rest (technical dungeons) for another stone.
The One-Time Only Rushes
One-time only Keeper Rush:
Keeper (1 each), Rainbow Keeper, Keeper of Gold.
One-time only Masks Rush:
R/B/G/L/D Masks of Lowest tier (Spaghetti) and Divine (the 3-eyed ones), Mystic Mask, Ancient Green/Blue Sacred Masks.
One-time only Dragon-ful Rush:
1 each of Dragon Seed, Plant, Flower, Fruit, Red Dragon Fruit, Blue Dragon Fruit, Green Dragon Fruit.
One-time only Lit Rush:
R/B/G/L/D of small and Dub-lits, Mythlit, Dub-Mythlit, Angelit, Devilit.
One-time only Jewel Rush:
TWO of R/B/G/L/D Jewels.
The 6-Year Anniversary Tamadra

[4175] 6-Year Anniversary Tamadra
Awoken Material / Enhance Material / Vendor
Active Skill: (6-Year Anniversary Tamaa!) Inflict 6 damage (true damage) to 1 enemy 6 times.
Leader Skill: Fuse in Power-up Fusion menu to unlock the Base Card’s Awoken Skills.
- Fuse to Base Card for 6,000,000 EXP (for off-color), or sell for 600,000 coins and 60,000 Monster Points!
what is that lvl 6 challenge. cant seem to figure out what to do to deal damage