New Uvo and Awoken Evolutions: Wisdom Kings and Samurai 2!
New evolutions for Trailo, Acala, and Tachibana Ginchiyo! No skyfall everywhere!!
YouTube Video
… Same information as below anyways.
New Card Information
From Official Twitter:

[4247] Trailokyavijaya (Uvo)
God / Physical
Active Skill: Same as before.
Leader Skill: No skyfall orbs. 1.5x HP and 2.5x ATK for Fire attributes. 6x ATK and RCV when 8+ combos are matched; 7x ATK and RCV when 9+ combos are matched.

[4248] Awoken Trailokyavijaya
Attacker / Dragon
Active Skill: Reduce enemies’ HP by 10% of the max HP. Change all orbs to Fire, Light, and Dark orbs. (14 max CD)
Leader Skill: No skyfall orbs. 1.5x HP and 2x ATK for Fire attributes. 7x ATK and slight damage reduction when 8+ combos are matched.

[4251] Acala (Uvo)
God / Balanced
Active Skill: Same as before.
Leader Skill: No skyfall orbs. 1.5x HP, ATK, and RCV for Wood attributes. 3.5x ATK for each cross of Fire or Wood orbs matched.

[4252] Awoken Acala
Devil / Dragon
Active Skill: +2 combos for 1 turn. Change the 2nd row from bottom to Wood orbs. (12 max CD)
Leader Skill: No skyfall orbs. 1.5x HP and ATK for Wood attributes. 4x ATK for each cross of Wood orbs matched.

[4451] Tachibana Ginchiyo (Uvo)
God / Attacker
Active Skill: Same as base form. (+2 combos for 1 turn. Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, and Heart orbs.)
Leader Skill: No skyfall orbs. 5x ATK and slight damage reduction when Fire, Water, Wood, and Light are matched at once. 4x ATK when 6 or less orbs remain on the board after matching.
Evolution Materials
High Resolution Images
From Instagram.
Artists: Yosuke Adachi (安達洋介), NINNIN
Trailokyavijaya (Uvo)
Awoken Trailokyavijaya
Acala (Uvo)
Awoken Acala
Tachibana Ginchiyo (Uvo)