Appreciation Festival – December Updates with Super Appreciation Godfest Rolls!
Sources Official site
The Appreciation SGF rolls for the Appreciation Festival is back! This time, Pink REMDra (6 Pulls) and Purple REMDra (8 Pulls) is also joining the fun!
Free Stones!!!!!
Hurray, another 100 stones!!! Will you save it or throw it into Orchestra for some idols?
About the Appreciation SGF Rolls
Period: 12/1 (Thu) 4:00 – 1/1 (Sun) 03:59 JST
- In the above period, all players will receive 10 SGF rolls in their in box mail
- Like past appreciation SGF rolls, this 10 rolls will guarantee one of the REMDras
- This time, Pink REMDra (6 Pulls) and Purple REMDra (8 Pulls) is also joining
- You can chain up to 50 pulls total (if you get 4 Diamond REMDra)
- Line up of the rolls:
- All Srevo pantheons
- All GFE (★8, ★7 and ★6, ★6 will appear as mega form if they have one)
- All REMDra (3/4/5/6/8/10 pulls)
- Pad Pass players clearing the 12th Day Dungeon will receive 12 extra pulls
- You receive a 4 SGF rolls by clearing the 12th Day Dungeon that guarantees 1 Purple REMDra (8 Pulls), which gives 8 more pulls
- Do note that rest of the pulls from that 12 extra pull does not include any REMDra
New Cards
New Evolutions
Pixel PEMDra (Pixel uvo)
Dragon / Machine

Dragon / Machine

Active Skill: Can only be used on floor 3 or after: For 1 turn, increase combo by 3; Unlock all orbs; Change top row to wood orbs (3 max CD)
Leader Skill: 4x HP and ATK when subs consist of pixel evo only; 7x ATK and deals 1 fix dmg when matching 6+ connected wood orbs
How generous!
Purple REMdra assist is nuts, 2 skill boosts, some HP and an active that’s useful, especially since the +8 combo will help in dungeons where you have combos negated and you get 2 turns of damage void piece
these are mostly outstanding and all but why make 10 remdra raimbow awakening? if they’d put a 10c hed be a fine sub for BB and would still work on rainbow teams. Rainbow awakenings are so limiting and make the game so centralized. this rainbow meta has gone on so long
I don’t think so. Rainbow dra had a guard break awakening before, he is more rainbow oriented (even his name suggests so). The buff is still kinda weak though.
guard break is just a dead awakening. Tanjiro and Gileon have guard break. Should they get forced into rainbow meta too? retadr