A Guide To The Mystic Seals

| Dec. 27, 2020 | 10,002 views |   4    


With the Mystics & Spectres event kicking off a brand new year, I figured it’d be a good idea to cover the uses of the farmable evolutions of the Mystic Seal . After all, if I’m going to grind my soul away for some farmables, I should inform myself of the value of said farmables so that my efforts are not in vain.

To obtain the farmables I cover in this article, first you must buy Mystic Seals from the MP Shop for 100K MP each, and then evolve them using Spectral Fireballs that can be farmed during the event. Of course, two Mystic Seals can be obtained for free following the completion of certain tasks; read the official post here. Link: https://www.puzzleanddragons.us/single-post/mystics-spectres

Though this event is very similar to the groundbreaking Sin Dragons & Key Heroes event, there are a couple differences. One, there is only one base card from which all the assists evolve from, removing the decision of what to spend Monster Points on (unlike choosing between Sacred and Cursed Keys). Two, the exchanges are now 3 1, so the grind should be much less arduous. Three, all of the seals have REM counterparts with the exact same active, which may affect your decision on which seals to grind for. Four, all the assist evolutions have a stat line of 1 HP / 1 ATK / 1 RCV, which means there is absolutely no point in investing said equips for stats (by feeding Monster EXP or plussing).

(Disclaimer: I don’t really have that much time during the holidays, so the individual evaluations for each seal may be a bit brief.)

Mystic Seal Evolutions

Kuukan’s Sealing Charm

Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 1 991
ATK 1 496
RCV 1 298

[6693]Kuukan’s Sealing Charm


Active Skill: (13 ➧ 7) Inheritable
For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 75%; For 1 turn, reduce enemies’ defense by 75%; Enhance all Fire and Wood orbs

An equip that gives you full blind resistance in exchange for nuking the holder’s offensive potential and gimping the team’s recovery. The full blind resistance on one equip is unique, but the drawbacks are quite severe. In my opinion, the full blind resist isn’t worth it when you can cover that niche via super resist on a sub or by amassing five traditional blind resist awakenings instead of subjecting yourself to such severe downsides, although said downsides can be somewhat mitigated by equipping onto a card that is primarily on the team for support utility (e.g. Polowne ).

What makes this equip relevant is the shield active that is so crucial for clearing Ruler of Hell’s Halls, otherwise known as Shura 2. The latest and greatest endgame dungeon (as of me writing this article) boasts massive hits that most teams cannot naturally withstand, so shield actives like this one have become quite valuable.

Ouki’s Sealing Charm

Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 1 991
ATK 1 496
RCV 1 298

[6694]Ouki’s Sealing Charm


Active Skill: (7 ➧ 1) Inheritable
Unlock all orbs; Create 1 Fire orb

Very similar to Kuukan’s Sealing Charm above, except that this equip boasts full jammer resistance instead of blind. Honestly, this is much worse even if the different resist coverage is preferred because the active is much less meaningful and is on a ridiculously short cooldown, which means careful active management is required so that the inherit does not come up.

Usui’s Sealing Charm

Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 1 991
ATK 1 496
RCV 1 298

[6695]Usui’s Sealing Charm


Active Skill: (11 ➧ 5) Inheritable
Reduce unable to match orbs effect by 5 turns; Reduce binds and awoken skill binds by 5 turns; For 3 turns, Water orbs are more likely to appear by 15%

This equip is absolutely loaded for farming TA2, as both killers are quite desirable for overcoming certain spawns on certain floors (F1-F4 and F11). Furthermore, the negative recovery is a boon in this situation, as some builds which require exact health management will welcome zero recovery that which counteracts random heal skyfall.

The active doesn’t really help with farming Training Arena 2, but looks to be a very convenient all-around status removal active, though the negative health and recovery stat awakenings are pretty hefty disadvantages for normal play.

Shiranaki’s Sealing Charm

Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 1 991
ATK 1 496
RCV 1 298

[6696]Shiranaki’s Sealing Charm


Active Skill: (9 ➧ 3) Inheritable
For 1 turn, 0.01x ATK for Wood Att.; Create an L shape of Light orbs with its center at the top row and the far left column

A double killer equip is always incredibly strong, though I don’t believe there are any dungeons that this equip is absolutely perfect for (like how Usui’s Sealing Charm is perfect for TA2). It is truly unfortunate that the spawn this seal would shine against invalidates the usage of assists as a dungeon entry condition. It is also a much cheaper alternative as a god killer equip compared to Selica .

The active is quite unique and can be extremely useful depending on the build, but is somewhat short if unneeded.

Machigane’s Sealing Charm

Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 1 991
ATK 1 496
RCV 1 298

[6697]Machigane’s Sealing Charm


Active Skill: (20 ➧ 14) Inheritable
Create 15 Fire and Light orbs over any orbs

A farmable perfect bicolor board with no additional animations? Sounds like some busted ranking tech to me! Indeed, with the way ranking has prioritized combos and speed, a perfect bicolor board is the optimal active to maximize both. Also, this charm is only the second farmable equip to have an [L] Increased Attack awakening (the first being Wicked Key of Envy from the Sin Dragons and Key Heroes event).

Kunashi’s Sealing Charm

Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 1 991
ATK 1 496
RCV 1 298

[6698]Kunashi’s Sealing Charm


Active Skill: (16 ➧ 10) Inheritable
For 1 turn, 3x ATK for Water Att.; Change the 2nd column from the right and the far right column to Water orbs

The second farmable combo orb equip (Romia & Ilmina’s Album being the first), I think this is honestly the most busted equip among all the farmable seals in terms of swipe farming. Not only are combo orbs strong, but the equip also comes with an adjacent double column orb generation active that can be easily swiped to activate said combo orb awakenings. It also comes with a spike as well, which can help teams reach the required damage threshold to kill certain enemy spawns.

Nakoja’s Sealing Charm

Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 1 991
ATK 1 496
RCV 1 298

[6699]Nakoja’s Sealing Charm


Active Skill: (15 ➧ 9) Inheritable
For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 75%; Change all orbs to Water, Wood, Light, Dark, and Heal orbs

Only the third farmable TPA equip (along with Wicked Key of Envy and Golden Armlet, Draupnir ), the extra damage can be useful for some teams, although the damage potency of TPA pales against the power of Enhanced Combos. In my opinion, its real value lies in being an easily accessible equip that can trigger the new awakening-restricted Latent TAMADRA (Unmatchable Orb Recovery) as well as being a ranking score stick that triggers bonus points for matching TPAs.

Furaku’s Sealing Charm

Stat Lv.99 +297
HP 1 991
ATK 1 496
RCV 1 298

[6700]Furaku’s Sealing Charm


Active Skill: (13 ➧ 7) Inheritable
Change the far left column to Heal orbs and change the far right column to Dark orbs; Charge all allies’ skills by 1 turn

The first farmable equip with FUA, this charm may be useful for score challenges and some quest dungeons in which you have certain restrictions that make it somewhat difficult to bring a sub with FUA. What I love about this equip is that it also brings an active that creates columns of Dark and Heal Orbs that you can swipe to not only deal damage with Dark Att. but also trigger the FUA that you equipped. Furthermore, there is also a haste effect, which can be utilized as a pseudo skill boost to charge up transform actives.

Which Seals Should I Make?

The answer is that it depends on your box, your priorities as a player, and your monster point budget. In general, making one of every key is a good idea, but not everyone needs a Nakoja’s Sealing Charm or can afford to spend 600K MP. Therefore, I will try to take a couple of relatable perspectives that you may be able to draw insight from. One assumption that I make is that most people farming the keys will most likely roll quite a bit in the machine, and since the keys have counterparts in the Mystics & Spectres REM with the same inheritable actives, I give awakenings more consideration than actives.

New Players

Assuming you are new and have no MP to buy additional seals (which means you have only two free seals), I would personally make Furaku’s Sealing Charm (FUA Equip) and Kuukan’s Sealing Charm (Full Blind Equip). In the early stages, resolves can be quite annoying, and though many popular leads possess an automatic follow-up attack, new players do not have the flexibility to pick and choose. Therefore, having a portable FUA means that any team is equipped to deal with resolves. As for the blind resistance, I figured that sticky blinds are quite the challenge for new and upcoming players, so I thought that full blind resist would be immensely valuable. As for jammers, I think that new players should learn to deal with jammers naturally in order to bolster their combo/orb manipulation skills.

Of course, you should ideally farm the evolution materials and then hold off on evolving the seals until you need to make a particular assist evolution form for a specific purpose. However, if you can’t hold out until then…

  • Free Seal 1 Furaku’s Sealing Charm
  • Free Seal 2 Kuukan’s Sealing Charm

Budget-Restricted Players

For budget-restricted + experienced players (basically poor players), it is also good to save the mats until you actually need to make a certain key form. (Most players probably won’t fit in this perspective, because MP has been so plentiful lately.) However, if you can only buy a limited amount of keys and wish to evolve them right away, then my recommendation of priority is:

  • FREE Seal 1  Kunashi’s Sealing Charm
  • FREE Seal 2  Furaku’s Sealing Charm
  • Seal 1 (100K MP) Kuukan’s Sealing Charm
  • Seal 2 (200K MP) Machigane’s Sealing Charm
  • Seal 3 (300K MP)  Usui’s Sealing Charm
  • Seal 4 (400K MP)  Shiranaki’s Sealing Charm
  • Seal 5 (500K MP)  Ouki’s Sealing Charm
  • Seal 6 (600K MP)  Nakoja’s Sealing Charm

This list is pretty subjective regardless of how objective I want to be, so take this suggestion with a grain of salt and make your own priority list based on your personal needs. For example, if you only care for ranking, I can see Machigane’s Sealing Charm shooting to the top of the list.

Farmers + Rankers + Endgame Players

At this point, you should be able to figure out exactly what you need/want. My only opinion is that you should consider farming for multiple Kunashi’s Sealing Charms, as the active is quite busted for swipe farming.

Final Note + Most Important Requirement

While the Mystics & Spectres event is extremely exciting, I want to say that farming the evolution materials will probably be much more arduous than most people initially think. If you think that this should be easy compared to Sin Dragons and Key Heroes, you will probably be a bit shocked. (It is easier, but it doesn’t make the farming easy.) Therefore, the most important requirement for players farming the event will probably be the resolve to keep going, day in and day out, to grind for the assist evolutions. My advice is to make a schedule/daily routine; I am personally running the dungeon ten times a day after I finish work, but I am also taking a day off every week (Sundays) to rejuvenate my mental stamina.

(Haha, who am I kidding? I’ll probably procrastinate until the middle of Week 3 and then rush to finish all the seals.)

With all that said, I wish each and every one of you the best of luck in rolling and grinding this event!

4 Replies to “A Guide To The Mystic Seals”

  1. Thank you for the concise and informative guide! Do you think Shiranaki’s equip might be good for santama and ryumei because it is has a low cooldown light L?

    1. Not really, because Ryumei builds ideally want to system three of him for constant orb generation while Santama doesn’t really need the equip for orb generation because he should be tanky enough to stall for orbs. If anything, the fixed orb generation in said [L] pattern is best for farming because it allows you to mostly swipe a free L.

  2. Very spot on analysis after a few months. I made all of the seal and tbh, I haven’t really touched them.no Nice to have for sure though.

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