A Guide to the Sacred and Cursed Keys
With the Sin Dragons & Key Heroes event being highly anticipated to hit NA just about now following the confirmation of the event in Korea, I figured it’s a good time to take a look at the farmables known as the Keys.
To begin, there are two sets of five keys containing one of each attribute: the Sacred Keys and the Cursed Keys. There isn’t much notable difference between them; I noticed that all the Sacred Keys have positive stat boost awakenings and are already max skill level, whereas the Cursed Keys have negative stat boost awakenings
and can be skilled up/unskilled. Each base key (Sacred
or Cursed
) costs 100K MP to buy from the MP Shop; however, two (one of each) keys are given out for free in the beginning and two more are available as rewards after clearing certain objectives.
Also keep in mind that the Cursed Key evolutions have REM counterparts with the exact same inheritable active, so rolling first may affect which keys you end up making; after all, if you roll ten Pride Eggs, there’s not much point to making more than one Pride Key for the unique full poison resist equip.
Art Credits to @prp_z on Twitter: https://twitter.com/prp_z/status/1301141895951740933
Sacred Keys
Warrior’s Treasure Key


Active Skill: (20 ➧ 20) Inheritable
Reduce HP to 1; Deal 300x Fire damage to all enemies
Four Enhanced Attack awakenings may seem a bit underwhelming and uninteresting at first glance; after all, who cares about improving the attack stat when you can inherit rows and OE? While the most popular endgame dungeon builds don’t rely on equips like these, button builds will most definitely welcome the extra attack, as every stat point can make or break the build. Furthermore, to compare, there are only three other equips with 4+ ATK awakenings, and they are either top rarity collab cards or a rare former GFE (equips of Nemain
, Genjuro Kibagami
from Samurai Shodown, and Rukia Kuchiki
from Bleach). Considering that this is farmable, I already see it as relatively valuable.
What many will view as the selling point of this equip is the active; it is the first 300x Fire AOE nuke in NA, and although the suicide component prevents players from spamming multiples of this button, it is undeniably strong from a button farming perspective when taking into account the combination of the active with the +400 ATK from the awakenings.
Sage’s Treasure Key


Active Skill: (10 ➧ 10) Inheritable
Delay enemies’ next attack by 2 turns; For 2 turns, reduce enemies’ defense by 100%
While Odysseus was once hailed as a strong farmable equip due to his then-unique set of resist awakenings, powercreep has now rendered the same set of awoken skills nearly valueless due to the number of look-alikes that have appeared everywhere (think of Makoto’s
and Kotone’s
Headphones from Persona, and the farmable Jabberwock’s equip
) and because of the proliferation of super resists
The only real reason to get this is for the active, which is a full defense break on an extremely short cooldown. In fact, only fourteen other cards/forms of cards have a 100% DEF Break on <=10 CD. Unfortunately, the easily accessible Guardian Deva Card
from GungHo Collab was also farmable and much more accessible, requiring nothing but TAMADRA to become fully operational.
Wind God’s Treasure Key


Active Skill: (13 ➧ 13) Inheritable
For 1 turn, bypass damage absorb shield effects; For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 50%
While the split sets of Wood and Light OE are undesirable in comparison to OE concentrated on one attribute, the true value of this equip is its groundbreaking existence as the first farmable inheritable damage absorb void active. PAD certainly has come a long way from the release of Fujin, and while many superior options exist, all are locked behind various REMs. Furthermore, only three cards currently in NA provide an inheritable damage absorb void effect on a shorter cooldown (Gilgamesh
, Uesugi Kenshin
, and Yu Narukami’s equip
from Persona).
Blessed Treasure Key


Active Skill: (5 ➧ 5) Inheritable
Recover 30% of max HP; Reduce binds and awoken skill binds by 3 turns
Intended to be the ultimate recovery assist, this equip falls slightly short in comparison to other options currently available due to the short active cooldown. While the 5T CD may be useful if needing an immediate heal for farming or a fast bind/awoken bind clear, the short cooldown will generally be more of a hindrance in overwriting more valuable actives. There are six other farmable options for Heal OE equips (DMC Motorhome
from DMC Collab, Aphrodite Card
from GungHo Collab, Dorothy’s Shoes
, Whippe’s Monster Memory
, Spirit Beast Puu
from YYH Collab, and Valentine’s Day Chocolates (4 Goddesses)
from the Valentine’s Seasonal), with all but Aphrodite Card having longer active cooldowns than the Blessed Key. While GungHo succeeded in making this key an unbelievably powerful recovery augmentation option, I feel that they went too overboard and cramped its versatility with the short cooldown.
Angel’s Treasure Key


Active Skill: (15 ➧ 15) Inheritable
For 2 turns, bypass att. absorb shield effects; Change all orbs to Light and Dark orbs
Similar to the Wind God’s Treasure Key, the dual sets of OE are undesirable, which means most (if not all) of this equip’s value is derived from the active. Fortunately, the active delivers tremendous value, as this key provides the first farmable inheritable multi-turn attribute absorption void active in PAD. Furthermore, most of the other options are either top rarity cards (GFE, Collab, Seasonal), which gives the key value through its accessibility. Unfortunately, Anubis’s Necklace was recently released in JP, and is the stronger option within the same niche (though it is REM, it is a pantheom/bottom rarity pull in SGF). It can also be quite annoying to use the Angel Key during farming, as it creates a random bicolor board of Light and Dark Orbs, which can screw up certain board setups and/or force another fixed orb generation active.
Cursed Keys
Lust Evil Key


Active Skill: (19 ➧ 12) Inheritable
For 1 turn, 4x ATK for Fire Att.; For 1 turn, 4x orb move time; Charge all allies’ skills by 2 turns
Four row awakenings and an SB. While there are many SB equips now due to their immense value for transforming teams, there are only three equips currently in NA that provide three rows (Red Sonia’s Equip
, Omega’s Equip
from GungHo Collab, and Safi’s 1st Equip
from the recent Monster Hunter Collab) and only one that provides four rows (Madoo’s Hat
). All are pretty difficult to obtain, making the Lust Evil Key quite a powerful option partly due to its accessibility. Furthermore, the combination of the rows and SB make the equip uniquely strong in its own way; while the attack debuff awakening may seem distasteful, it should not affect much in the way of teambuilding as rows are teamwide damage boost awakenings. Simply slap the equip on a support sub that doesn’t deal much damage and voila, the team gains an SB and four rows with no real drawbacks.
The active skill is also quite strong in providing a large burst and a time rebuff but mainly due to the two-turn haste effect. If the equip is placed on a card with an active on a short cooldown, that card can utilize the inherited haste effect to provide an effective 3 SB. This can make or break transforming teams, for which every SB matters. Of course, it can also be used as a large inheritable spike that also provides a two-turn haste for recharging actives, which could be potentially useful for farming.
Envy Evil Key


Active Skill: (32 ➧ 25) Inheritable
For 2 turns, bypass void damage shield effects; Change all orbs to Water, Light, Dark, and Heal orbs
While this key may just seem like a mishmash of random awakenings with no synergy whatsoever, I see this key as an accessible option for enabling style points during ranking dungeons. TPA, L-Unlock, and SFUA have all been critical parts of certain rankings, and while not every ranking may need these awakenings, having access to the style points can make or break a ranking run. Though the health debuff sucks, the inherited active cooldown is immensely long, which means it can be safely assisted without fear of the inherit coming up.
Speaking of the active, it is also the first farmable version of the inheritable void damage void active, which can be immensely valuable for farming as it is difficult/expensive to incorporate fixed orb generation in a box pattern. Though the quad-color board may be slightly annoying, the void void active effect lasts for two turns.
Sloth Evil Key


Active Skill: (21 ➧ 14) Inheritable
Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, Dark, and Heal orbs; Remove all awoken skill binds; Reduce unable to match orbs effect by 9999 turns
The first equip ever to possess Guard Break. While it may be difficult to use in farming, rainbow teams and ranking teams can definitely utilize this despite the steep drawback of the health and recovery stat reductions. Lately, there have been some incredibly high defense spawns appearing the latest and greatest endgame dungeons, most notably Aten on F4 of A6/AA4 with a staggering two billion defense. These spawns have partly revived rainbow teams back to the top tier of the endgame meta due to their ability to deal with said spawns via an awakening, whereas monocolor teams may have to resort to more inelegant solutions such as poison actives or a dedicated killer sub. As for ranking, guard break provides an immense amount of points, and every point counts when competing for the top spots.
The active is also incredibly powerful as a full rainbow board (including hearts) along with a simultaneous awoken bind clear + unmatchable orb status removal. It not only is strong overall for rainbow teams but is also quite the counter to Odin Dragon in A6/AA4, removing all the negative pre-emptive effects but the anti-spike.
Pride Evil Key


Active Skill: (22 ➧ 15) Inheritable
Unlock all orbs; Create 15 Light and Heal orbs over any orbs
While the full poison resist equip is unique and can be extremely convenient, the attack and recovery stat reductions relegate the assisted card to basically being a utility stick, so already existing utility sticks would be the best place to equip this key. For example, I would never use Polowne
as a damage/recovery sub option, so she would be a perfect candidate to place the Pride Evil Key on, enhancing her utility-based role without too many drawbacks.
What may draw much more interest from some is the active; perfect bi-color boards paired with quad-color skyfall actives have become quite the ubiquitous strategy in recent rankings, and Pride Evil Key provides players with a farmable perfect bi-color board option that pairs perfectly with Xellos
from Fujimi Fantasia Bunko Collab.
Gluttony Evil Key


Active Skill: (17 ➧ 10) Inheritable
Reduce HP by 50%; Change all orbs to Water and Dark orbs
Technically, this key is the first equip to possess four Team HP awakenings, but in reality, most people are not going to punt an entire sub’s damage and recovery just for the sake of Team HP in most cases; Team HP is simply not impactful enough most of the time. Instead, options like Amakozumi
and Fagan-Rai Equip
will usually be preferred, as they do not come with strings (stat reductions) attached and also provide additional benefits as well.
The active is a simple health cut along with a bi-color board on a relatively fast cooldown; in fact, there are no other legitimate inheritable bi-color boards that are faster than or equal to Gluttony Evil Key’s cooldown. However, most teams require much more from their inherits than a simple bi-color.
Which Keys Do I Make?
The answer is that it depends on your box, your priorities as a player, and your monster point budget. In general, making one of every key is a good idea, but not everyone needs a Gluttony Evil Key or can afford to spend 800K MP. Therefore, I will try to take a couple of relatable perspectives that you may be able to draw insight from. One assumption that I make is that most people farming the keys will most likely roll quite a bit in the machine, and since the keys have counterparts in the Sin Dragon REM with the same inheritable actives, I give awakenings more consideration than actives.
New Players
New players should rush to grab a cheap farming set of Pixel Woodsie and Zeus-Dioses, as those cards can form a relatively budget co-op farming team. Assuming that new players cannot buy any keys, the question becomes focused on which form to choose for the free keys.
The big brain solution is to farm the evolution materials and then save them until you find a pressing need for one of the key forms. That way, one can extract full value from all the hard work invested into farming the mats.
However, if you want to make a key right away after farming all the mats, then my recommendation is:
- Sacred Key
Wind God’s Treasure Key
- Cursed Key
Pride Evil Key
Budget-Restricted Players
For budget-restricted + experienced players (basically poor players), it is also good to save the mats until you actually need to make a certain key form. (Most players probably won’t fit in this perspective, because MP has been so plentiful lately.) However, if you can only buy a limited amount of keys and wish to evolve them right away, then my recommendation of priority is:
- FREE Sacred Key
Warrior’s Treasure Key
- FREE Cursed Key
Lust Evil Key
- 100K MP: Cursed Key
Sloth Evil Key
- 200K MP: Sacred Key
Wind God’s Treasure Key
- 300K MP: Cursed Key
Pride Evil Key
- 400K MP: Cursed Key
Envy Evil Key
- 500K MP: Sacred Key
Angel’s Treasure Key
- 600K MP: Sacred Key
Blessed Treasure Key
- 700K MP: Sacred Key
Sage’s Treasure Key
- 800K MP: Cursed Key
Gluttony Evil Key
Farmers + Rankers + Endgame Players
At this point, you should be able to figure out exactly what you need/want. My only opinions are that it may be worth getting two Warrior’s Treasure Key
for button farming (while using a heal active in between) and that it is probably best to get multiple Lust Evil Key
(around 2-4).
Final Note + Most Important Requirement
While the Sin Dragons & Key Heroes event is extremely exciting, I want to say that farming the evolution materials will probably be much more arduous than most people initially think. Therefore, the most important requirement for players farming the event will probably be the resolve to keep going, day in and day out, to grind for the key evolutions. My advice is to make a schedule/daily routine; I am personally running the dungeon ten times a day after I finish work, but I am also taking a day off every week (Sundays) to rejuvenate my mental stamina.
With all that said, I wish each and every one of you the best of luck in rolling and grinding this event!
Great writeup, loved the level of depth you put into this
Thank you so much! I appreciate the compliment.
Also, farmers should take note that the multiplayer dungeon has movetime reduction, spinners, awakening bind, delay, and damage void, and having at least some fixes should make the grinding process less painful.
I totally agree! A dedicated farming build would certainly help relieve some of the stress that this event will inevitably cause.
You should include in the conclusion that you need to farm MINIMALLY 95 shards (if you somehow get lucky with perfect amounts of shards for each crystal needed) PER KEY. This way it gives backing behind as to why this event is painful to farm and requires investment.
It’s actually 145 shards per key, minimum, because the rainbow crystal needs 125 shards + four color crystals need 20 shards total. At this point, though, 145 just sounds like a number, and people will only figure out that grinding for the keys feels like a death march once they start. Until people can relate the number 145 to tangible aspects like time, effort, and stamina, it won’t really hammer home the point the way it should.
You mentioned that 2 keys are farmable, but your mp writeup is based on spending 800k mp for all of them. You should be able to spend only 600k mp assuming you can clear gols.
That is true, but I don’t make that assumption. In any case, you can simply adjust the budgeting by making the first four keys free and then scaling up to 600K MP.
I have to compliment your grammar, it’s good to see when people understand the proper usage of “a” and “an” when it comes to phonetics. I’ve seen people use “a” prior to an acronym such as SB or FBI when it should be “an” as you properly did within here. I feel really old commenting this, but I did want to give you props.
Thanks! I find that proper grammar makes the article feel much more professional, so I try to make sure there are no mistakes before I publish.
Can someone link the OC for the art at the top of page? thanks ._.
There’s a link at the bottom of the intro.
Silly question, but are we supposed to farm the annihilation dungeon or the mythical?
Since the annihilation dungeon is a one-time only dungeon, we are supposed to farm the mythical difficulty.