Advanced functions on PDC

| Jul. 22, 2019 | 711 views |   0    

This session will outline other important settings, minor customizations and tools that you will be using in PDC. You can also find the ultimate cheat sheets at the end. Make sure you are familiar with the basic function first before proceeding. If you are looking for a step-by-step guide to PDC, you can read it here.

Featured art source: あおブリー@pixiv

Team entries for Coop / 3P

You can set up both teams for Coop and all 3 teams in 3P. Practically they serves no specific propose except for you show the entire set up in the screenshot session.

Selecting ソロ/2人 (Solo/2P) and tapping the B tab to the right will switch you over to set up team B for Coop play. 

Selecting 3人 (3-man) on top will switch you over to 3p team editing with three teams. Switching between Solo/2P and 3P will reset your current team set up.

Team Customization

Adjusting Level and Plus

Levels and Plus value of your team members can be adjusted at these two locations. Be reminded that Super Awakenings will be disabled if the card is lower than level 100.

Character Menu

Long hold on the card icon will bring up the Character Menu. From there a few more adjustment can be made to the card.

Change Awakenings

Number of awakenings on base card, Super Awakenings and awakenings on equips can be adjusted in this menu. The top button (未覚醒に変更) removes all awakenings. Tap the bottom right option (完了) to save.

Assist Level / Plus

Level and plus value of the Assist can be adjusted in this menu. Tap the bottom left option (変更完了) to save.


Use this option to change the attribute of the card since PDC doesn’t support attribute changing active skills. Tap the bottom left option (変更完了) to save.

Bind cards

This toggles bind status of the card. Binded cards will show up like above.

Change Current Team HP

To set team HP to trigger certain type of leader skills and awakenings, scroll down to the top of the orb matrix and select this option. The number next to it shows the approximate HP at that HP%.

Additional options

Four common used switches that affects your team can be found just above the orb matrix. From left to right:

  • Multiplay – If this option is ON, PDC will treat it as in multiplay – Super Awakenings will deactivate but Co-op Boost, multiplay-only leader skills will be effective
  • Skill Use – Toggle this option to ON to trigger leader skills that requires an active use
  • Toggle LS – For cross heart leads, toggling this to ON will activate the cross heart part of leader skill without matching a heart cross. This is useful to calculate 1c damage of certain set up in normal dungeons. This is mostly currently left unused for future use. 
  • Awoken Invalid – as stated, switch it to ON to disable all awakenings.

Enemy Customization

Enemy’s passive

Tapping this area brings up a list of possible buff this enemy can get. However they are only available in Japanese. 

Simply check or uncheck the desired buff then tap Finish (完了) on the right to apply.

You can also toggle enemy’s status shield by tapping the Shield icon to the right of the enemy icon.


Tapping the enemy icon will bring up a menu to change its attribute. Select the bottom left option (変更完了) to save.


This part in the main screen shows the accumulated %damage you have done to this enemy (also see below). Tapping the area will bring an input prompt up to set the remaining %HP of the enemy.

Attacking and Using Skills

You can use any skills in your team (and assists) that apply defense break, deal direct damage or increase damage on the enemy. Effects like defense break will last until you choose another enemy.

Applying defense break and dealing direct damage

Clicking on this option (攻撃スキル選択) will bring up a list of available attacks from your team, their effects and the bearer.

Choose the skill to use and you will see the Attack (攻撃) button changes to Skill (スキル) button. For skills that do direct damage, you can see the damage that will deal to the enemy on next to the team stats session.

Press the Skill (スキル) button to attack. Remember debuffs (defense break) will not be applied if the enemy has status shield up.

Applying damage increase

Scroll down to the top of the orb matrix. Clicking on this option (エンハンス無し) will bring up a list of available enhance from your team. You can check the type of enhance, the amount of increase and the card that bears that active skill.

Filter and Sort monsters

Filter and Sort are powerful functions that let you get a specific card for certain jobs, or simply let you explore combinations that you simply overlooked.


 To enter Filter mode, select the left option (条件検索) in the monster select menu.

One thing to take note is that you can select multiple of the same awakening.

When you are finish, select the left option (完了) at the bottom. Select the middle option (一括クリア) to clear All filters. Select the right option (キャンセル) to cancel.

Note: Filters carry on to future search. If you couldn’t find a card after entering the name or ID, check if any of the filter setting is active and clear them. 


To enter Sort mode, select the right option (並び替え) in the monster select menu.

The setting itself is not too complicated. However to get the best results you have to fully understand the logic running behind the filters.

For the Awakening section, the selected awakenings will affect the final sorting of the cards in the following ways:

  • Cards with ANY of the selected awakenings will be included. 
  • All selected awakenings will active on those cards, and their stats will be adjusted for rankings (see below).
  • In cases where conflicting awakenings are selected, the combination resulting in higher damage will be used and the others will count as not activated.
    • From developer notes: L-ATK, TPA and VDP are considered as “conflicting awakenings”, and more obviously <50% and >80% boost. 
  • Latent awakenings will be considered if selected and it is always assumed to use all six slots. Selecting Killer awakenings will automatically select the same latent awakenings.

When you are finish, select the left option (完了) at the bottom. Select the middle option (一括クリア) to clear All filters. Select the right option (キャンセル) to cancel.

A list of monsters will be generated and sorted based on the input. 

The rank of the card will be shown on the bottom left of the monster icon. Orange numbers on the top are the sorted stats adjusted by the awakenings selected. Orange numbers next to awakenings indicate that the awakenings are current active and affecting the selected sorting stats.

If Super Awakenings are selected to be included, the preferred Super Awakenings giving the highest boost to the selected stats will be automatically selected. You can tap and change the Super Awakenings in the list and it will automatically re-calculate.

Shield Checker

Shield Checker is a miscellaneous tools that help you to determine the amount damage reductions you need to survive some common hits.

The Shield Checker button next to the enemy icon will light up after you have selected a dungeon (and if PDC has spawn data on that dungeon).

The checker shows you major spawns in that dungeon and the damage of their movesets. You can toggle leader skills reductions, active skills and check how many resist awakenings you need to survive those attacks.

Everything translated cheat sheet

There are smaller functions that weren’t covered in both guides since it’s a bit dragging to cover them point by point. You can find the them (and everything else!) in this ultimate cheatsheet. Click for an enlarged version.

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