Brief Talk: Voice Actors in PAD
Everyone is excited about some PAD characters getting voiced, but do some of the voices sound familiar? Some of the voice actors (JP term: seiyuu) may have voiced some other anime or movies you know!
Let’s take a quick look at the voice actors behind the characters!
Updated 9/30: Added the newer batches of voice, plus another voice actor!
Wait, Voice? PAD?
Version 15.2 of PAD introduced the Skill Voice awakening, giving a voice line to those with the awakening, which activates when you use the card’s active skill in a dungeon, or click on the awakening when viewing the card.
All the characters we’re familiar with, and the new characters in Dragonbound & Dragon Callers series below all started talking, as of 9/7.
Since 9/20, more characters got voiced!
Voice Awakenings, as you expect, don’t really have uses in game except healing your ears. JP player Paprika made a button team of Neys and Cottons to button SKC with cute voices!
The Voice Actors
Disclaimer: I’m not super familiar with voice actors, and I have not watched a broad spectrum of anime. There may be cases where I missed your favorite anime, or that I missed important points. I apologize in advance.
Tomokazu Sugita 杉田智和

Voices in PAD | Gintoki Sakata |
Roles full list | My Anime List / Anime News Network / IMDb |
Notable characters |
Let’s start with the voice actor for Gintoki. Not surprisingly he has the longest role list in this entire post, with lots of notable characters that I can’t even finish listing.
You definitely should recognize some anime series, even I can!
Sumire Morohoshi 諸星すみれ

Voices in PAD | Myr/Miru Mega Awoken Ryune Mega Awoken Sylvie |
Roles full list | My Anime List / Anime News Network / IMDb |
Notable characters |
Young voice actor who debuted at age of 7, with a really cute and young voice. Her role list is long, so you may recognize quite a few of her works!
I cannot imagine putting Cotton or Miru on an Ed team now (not that I ever would)… In fact, base form of Cotton does say “Let’s play?”…
Aina Suzuki 鈴木愛奈

Voices in PAD | Mega Awoken Blue Sonia ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Roles full list | My Anime List / Anime News Network / IMDb |
Notable roles |
Commonly known as Ainya. Though she’s in the field for less time than Sumire, she’s getting more and more popular after her role in Love Live! Her voice gives a nice character.
Just like her voice, she’s also really cute! (Ney cosplay when?)
Yumiri Hanamori 花守ゆみり

Voices in PAD | Mega Awoken Green Sonia Ilmina Planar |
Roles full list | My Anime List / Anime News Network / IMDb |
Notable roles |
Really cute voice that definitely surprised a lot of Green Sonia lovers. Cute, but more mature (I don’t know how to explain in words, help). Whether her voice is suitable for Ilmina is kind of a mixed bag – Some like it, some don’t.
I hope she voice more characters in PAD though!
Ayumu Murase 村瀬歩

Voices in PAD | ![]() ![]() |
Roles full list | My Anime List / Anime News Network / IMDb |
Notable roles |
A male seiyuu! Like Sumire, he has quite a long role list as he’s been in the field for a while. Interesting to see he’s also
Leo Bloomfield in CM, perhaps we’ll hear him again in PAD soon.Now try getting image of
Rikuu and Bananya together out of your head… I know I can’t.Kentarou Tone 利根健太朗

Voices in PAD | Lajoa |
Roles full list | My Anime List / Anime News Network / IMDb |
Notable roles |
The other male seiyuu with also a long role list, mostly supporting roles. He does have a really powerful deep voice, really suited for
Lajoa.I believe he cut his hair already too, this is an older photo of him.
Chitose Morinaga 森永千才

Voices in PAD | Uruka |
Roles full list | My Anime List / Anime News Network / IMDb |
Notable roles |
New to the PAD voices is Chitose Morinaga, who also voiced Luluna in Chrono Ma:Gia! Both characters are some of our PDX moderator’s favorites, so I do look forward to hearing more from her!
Fun fact, her interest is weight training.
Chrono Ma:Gia Voice Actors
So far the trend is that voice actors for GungHo’s card game, Chrono Ma:Gia, also voice PAD characters. Perhaps we can expect some of them later!
Below are a list of all known voice actors for CM characters:
Character in Chrono Ma:Gia | Voice Actor (JP) | Voice Actor (EN) |
Karin Shindou | Yumiri Hanamori 花守ゆみり | Same as JP |
Zeta | Tetsuya Kakihara 柿原徹也 MAL |
Same as JP |
Elena Brilliante | Ayane Sakura 佐倉綾音 MAL * Ochako – Boku no Hero Academia |
Soness Stevens * Hello Kitty (English voice) |
Raizer | Kentarou Tone 利根健太朗 | Same as JP |
Knight Kisaragi | Soma Saito 斉藤壮馬 MAL * Tatsumi – Akame ga Kill! Aoto – Divine Gate Feather – Granblue Fantasy The Animation |
Same as JP |
Lilia | Shu Uchida 内田秀 MAL |
Same as JP |
Aoi Shikigami | Hiroki Takahashi 高橋広樹 MAL * Impmon – Digimon Tamers |
Same as JP |
Honoka Shindou | Yukiyo Fujii 藤井ゆきよ MAL * Hotaru Tomoe – Sailor Moon |
Same as JP |
Leo Bloomfield | Ayumu Murase 村瀬歩 | Same as JP |
Luluna | Chitose Morinaga 森永千才 | Same as JP |
Sari | Sayaka Ohara 大原さやか MAL * Michiru Kaiou – Sailor Moon Erza Scarlet – Fairy Tail |
Same as JP |
Marius Faust | Kohei Kaieda 海江田康平 | Same as JP |
Durandalf | Chō チョー MAL * Principal Shinonome – Nichijou Brook – One Piece |
Douglas Kun |
Gamayla | Urara Takano 高乃麗 MAL |
Same as JP |
Omega | Nozomu Sasaki 佐々木望 MAL * Tsubasa Oozora – Captain Tsubasa J Eriol Hiiragizawa – Cardcaptor Sakura Takuya – City Hunter Ushio Aotsuki – Ushio & Toora Yusuke Urameshi – Yu Yu Hakusho |
Same as JP |
PAD Characters in Chrono Ma:Gia
Since PAD characters got added to Chrono Ma:Gia, some got voiced in CM! Some of these aren’t currently in PAD yet, perhaps we’ll hear about it soon? (lol)
PAD Character | Voice Actor (JP) | Voice Actor (EN) |
Myr (Miru) | Sumire Morohoshi 諸星すみれ |
Jenny Simma |
Dark Ideal | Yumiri Hanamori 花守ゆみり | Lynn Harris IMDb |
Mega Awoken Blue Sonia | Aina Suzuki 鈴木愛奈 | Hannah Weakley |
Bastet | Chitose Morinaga 森永千才 | Same as JP |
Ra | Kentarou Tone 利根健太朗 | Same as JP |
Reeche | Aina Suzuki 鈴木愛奈 | Jenny Silver Website |
Zela | Yumiri Hanamori 花守ゆみり | Lynn Harris |
DQ Hera | Chitose Morinaga 森永千才 | Same as JP |
Final Thoughts
I do think that the voices are really well done, especially Ney. To be honest I really liked that they included male voices too, good gender balance for once!
Since many of the seiyuu already voiced characters for Chrono Ma:Gia, it won’t be surprising to see more from them. Heck, this really suggests that GungHo Collabs should return to JP server with Skill Voice awakening on cards eventually.
Now let’s see how
Ilmina, Uruka , and Planar will sound like! (Sumire and Ainya again? Or more Seiyuu?) Perhaps I’ll make a part 2 when this happens.Side note: Do you know who needs voice awakening the most?
Chaos Dragon Knight, VOICE! (haha sorry)
Was anybody else expecting a slightly older-sounding voice for Ney?
Hmm, I thought the voice was perfect, but older would work too!
I thought planar is getting voice too?
So are Ilmina and Uruka, but I’ve only covered the ones who actually have voice awakenings at the moment in game, since we don’t know the voice actors at this time!