Everything about Token (&Boss) Farming, an interlude

| Oct. 31, 2019 | 1,629 views |   2    

Here is an update from my previous write-up on reddit about token farming since it looks like they have revamped the way to farm collab tokens and boss drops.

Previously I concluded cooping the lowest available difficulty as the most stamina efficient way to farm token. Sadly this is still the case, but for solo players, things have changed quite a bit especially with the change of the dungeon drop structures.

Even though there are only 3 data points, I feel like I need to rush ahead and give an update since the old guide was made outdated because of the changes. I cannot guarantee this will stay the same for the fourth collab/seasonal, however to my projection GungHo rarely made rapid changes and I think this conclusion can be referenced to at least next JP anniversary.

On the other hand, there was no rerun for Ganesha’s Treasure Trove. Recently JP had Sonia TAMADRA Descended as a bonus event celebrating releasing of story mode. It is a dungeon mixing Gachadra event with Ganesha’s Treasure Trove token farming. Sadly I don’t have any data on drop rate on this dungeon.

Featured Image: @amy__pad

Ganesha’s Treasure Trove

Assuming everything remain unchanged, you can soft cap your drop rate at ~98% maximum drop rate (2.381 stamina per bronze token) with 1.372x drop rate boosts.

Sonia TAMADRA Descended!

Sadly I don’t have any data on hand. Since it is solo only and structured the same as Ganesha’s Treasure Trove with an extra floor dropping Sonia TAMADRAs, it is safe to assume similar conclusions as Ganesha’s Treasure Trove.

Collabs/Seasonal Token Farming

Let’s first take a look at what has changed. Since Samurai Shodown collab (JP), and then on to Halloween (JP/NA), Fujimi Bunko (JP) and up to Power Ranger (NA), the drop structure has been changed despite there is a bit of differences between each event.

The major change as seen from game UI is that top difficulty drops only token (& 3k MP cards if it is a seasonal). To get boss drops and other miscellaneous monsters you have to farm lower difficulties.

On top of that there are a two interesting adjustments they have made which is not shown in game UI:

  1. In all non-top difficulties, boss doesn’t drop bronze token, but occasionally they drop nothing;
  2. In top difficulty, there is a significant higher rate at almost 20% that a gold token will drop, and the total drop rate is 100%.

Base token drop rates

From the data of four collabs/seasonals we had, we can clearly see the token drop rate shifted up heavily in 3p coop, then top difficulty, with a stamina cost per drop lower than all previous collab dungeons. 3p coop is vastly superior in terms of token drop rate in terms of speed & stamina efficiency, but your multiplayer experience might vary.

If you are doing coop for tokens, buttoning Int is no longer the highest efficiency strictly for token farming. 

Stamina per bronze token
Collab / Seasonal 3p Coop Top (Myth) Lowest (Int)
Samurai Shodown (JP) 3.91 6.95 7.71
Halloween (NA/JP) 6.63 7.40
Fujimi Bunko (JP) 2.35 3.70 5.09
Power Ranger (NA) 2.80 4.14 6.66

Drop rates per floor

Drop rates per floors are pretty consistent across all newer collabs and seasonals with Halloween having an extra floors which drops only the MP cards. 

Drop rate of token of different floors of different difficulties
  Myth Legend Master Expert Int
Non-boss floors 0.7516 0.6234 0.4776 0.3882 0.3044
Boss floor (Token) 1.0000 0.1111 0.1066 0.0762 0.0692

The non-boss floor drop rate is similar to that previously, but the drop rate on boss floor has changed drastically. It can be seen that the drop rate will not cap on Int even at 3x total drop rate boost. However on Myth, drop rate caps at around 1.33x boost on non-boss floors and no effect on boss floors.

Since the boss in top difficulty drops gold token at a significantly high rate, it now contributes to majority of the drops of your runs. This change severely lower the efficiency – or the need – to run drop rate boost leads and awakenings.

As of writing, MMPR collab is ongoing but does not follow these boss floor rules. It uses the old format with an exceptional drop rate in 3p coop.

And as a side note, 3p dungeons has 100% drop rate of tokens on all floors.

Adjusting for drop rate boosts

Adjusting for dungeon boost, total drop rate and different token drops of every floors together, we arrive at the following conclusion:

Effect of drop rate boost on token compared to base drop rate
  Myth Legend Master Expert Int
Base (no boost) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
1.3x 1.1329 1.2983 1.3000 1.3000 1.3000
1.69x 1.1463 1.5670 1.6491 1.6900 1.6900

Remember: lower efficiency of drop rate boost doesn’t mean the difficulty itself is at a lower efficiency – it means you can reap most benefits from that difficulties without the need to run such leads & awakenings.

Strictly for token farming, for solo players not owning a drop rate boost lead, it is more efficient to run Myth pairing with friend’s drop rate boost lead than to run Int. If you own one, it is marginally better to run Int than to run Myth. However, running Myth is most likely faster in terms of time spent.

MP drops

Currently there is only one data point (Halloween) but it is very clear that Myth gives highest MP per stamina spent. And remember they can be increased via drop rate boosts since the drop rates is low enough that the cap does not matter.

MP per stamina
  Myth Legend Master Expert Int
Halloween (no boost) 12.7142 5.5556 3.9286 3.1429 1.9048

Boss drops

Farming bosses is rather simple since the competitive difficulty (Myth) to Int is out of consideration. The drop rate is surprisingly high across all difficulties (~42% at Int to 66% in Legend). However factoring stamina spent, running Int is currently the best choice if you want the boss drop. 

Average boss drop per stamina
  Myth Legend Master Expert Int
Boss (no boost) 0.0148 0.0163 0.0204 0.0284
Drop rate 0.6642 0.6404 0.5619 0.4238

“Rare” mark?

As a side note, the “rare” mark in dungeon select menu is totally misleading for drop rate. It is probably hardcoded instead of fetching drop rates from server and mistakes can be made which makes the “rare” mark entirely unreliable.


Since the drop rate of token on Int isn’t too far off from Myth, and especially when there is no boss drop on Myth, it is strongly advised to run Int first until you are done with the boss drop. 

If you have no interest in boss drop and only wanted to farm tokens, you should jump straight into 3p, or if you prefer 2p coop or solo, run Myth (with 1 dungeon boost lead Solo).

If you want more data for your own research, let me know via discord (fether#5637).

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