Miru Bot – The #1 Discord Bot for PAD (Part 1 – Introduction)
Welcome to the Miru Bot guide! This contains basic information about everyone’s favorite PAD bot on Discord, as well as a list of useful commands that you may never realize existed!
This is a two-part guide about our favorite bot.
Part 1 – Introduction to Miru Bot (You’re here)
Part 2 – Master Command List
Note: This is not a guide for Myr
, nor about botting PAD (we don’t support nor do we condone the act of botting). This is a guide for a PAD information bot used on Discord.
What’s Miru Bot?
Miru Bot is a Discord Bot developed by PAD player tactical_retreat, and maintained by a team of experienced PAD players. She boasts a multitude of functions such as card lookup, dungeon and team guides, damage calculators, game mechanic explanations, and even a built-in glossary. This means she can answer many of your PAD questions!
- Wondering which Sherias Roots evolution
to make? Miru Bot can give advice.
- Need help dealing with Diara
in A4? Miru Bot has your back.
- Not sure of
Poison Orb mechanics? Miru Bot can tell you exactly how they work.
There are more commands on Miru Bot than even I know what to do with, so we made this guide to help out. We won’t list all of them in this guide as some are temporary or server specific, and commands are being added, removed, or updated daily by the Miru Bot team behind the scenes.
For the most up to date commands, look for Miru change log channels in the Discord servers for updates from the Miru Bot Team.
Basics of Miru Bot
To use Miru Bot, you need to join any Discord servers that has access to the bot.
Wait, what is Discord?
Discord is a free, online, text and voice chat platform for your PC or mobile device that’s primarily directed towards gamers of all kinds. Simply register for an account, join servers, and you can discuss PAD with many others around the world! On desktops you may access Discord through its webpage or download the application, while on mobile you can download the Discord app from your device’s app store.
Puzzle Dragon X (PDX) – Discord server for Puzzle Dragon X, the PAD monster & dungeon database for NA.
Miru Bot Server – Official support server for Miru Bot. You can setup guerilla dungeon alerts on there!
I joined a PAD Discord server, now what?
Simply go to the servers specified Bot Commands text channel, enter the command, hit Enter! Miru Bot will respond with the information.
Some commands, mostly those that provide information on specific cards, require the card name (nickname or full name) or ID to function. Below shows using the [cmd]^id[/cmd] command to look up information of
I want Miru Bot on my own server / I’m too shy.
While the big channels listed above runs on the most trendy Private Miru Bot, there is Public Miru Bot that anyone can add to their own server. The difference is simply the speed of update and icon used, which you cannot change.
If you prefer not to make any servers, simply send the commands as direct messages to Miru Bot. She’ll answer you.
I’m ready. How do I use this guide?
You’ll notice all of the commands are highlighted in light blue. These are the commands you type in! The orange text such as [param]<name/id>[/param] are parameters you enter on your own, which usually is required to use the command if it’s listed.
Popular Commands
Let’s start with the commands everyone knows and uses! Below are the most used commands on Miru Bot and what they do.
Looking up Cards
[cmd]^id[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – Typing this brings up detailed information on the specified card.
Note that you do not need the full name of the card for this! Common nicknames work quite well. This means you can use this to find out the name of cards people are talking about (Nicknames such as Yog, Miru, Dath, Lmeta, Thicc…)

Suppose you want to bring up the image of Eschamali directly, simply use ^pic escha to bring the transparent image up.
What if I want other evolutions?
You can add prefixes to the name for them! Use “base” for base form, “evo” for evolved form, or even use attributes for attributes (“l escha” for Light Eschamali, for example).
Which evolution should I make?
Ever stuck thinking if you should make one evolution over the other? I certainly do! This is the command for me and probably you!
[cmd]^which[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – This command displays information from experienced players on which evolution is more useful, if a card has different evolution pathways. Yes, this pretty much has all of the important evolutions of cards from the Rare Egg Machine.
The command was a huge contribution by Ripper, one of the Miru Bot admins! Since we are human, there are bound to be mistakes… Do let us know if you see typos or errors.

Leader skill multipliers
[cmd]^leaderskill[/cmd] / [cmd]^ls[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – This shows the total bonuses (highest possible multiplier) a card’s leader skill provide.
There are two ways in using this command:
Method 1: Same leaders

Method 2: Different leaders
Mention two cards/id’s with a space between to see how the leader skills work together.

Other popular commands
[cmd]^pic[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – Displays the specified card’s in-game transparent art. Great for making avatars, banners, or… anything.
[cmd]^shouldiroll?[/cmd] – Should I roll? Maybe or maybe not. This command displays opinions on the currently available and next announced Rare Egg Machine(s). Maybe you will ignore the advice after all, but it’s nice to have a second opinion!
[cmd]^shouldirolljp?[/cmd] – JP version of the “should i roll” command.
[cmd]^glossary[/cmd] [param]<term>[/param] – Explains terms commonly used in regards to Puzzle and Dragons.
[cmd]^time[/cmd] [param]<timezone>[/param] – Get the time of the specified time zone. Example: [param]^time pdt[/param]
[cmd]^timeto[/cmd] [param]<timezone>[/param] [param]<time>[/param] – Get the length of time till the specified time in the specified time zone.
Example: [param]^timeto 6pm pdt[/param]
[cmd]^jpen[/cmd], [cmd]^jpus[/cmd] or [cmd]^jaen[/cmd] or [cmd]^jaus[/cmd] [param]<text>[/param] – Translates text from Japanese to English.
Example: [param]^jpen 転生レイラン[/param] returns Reincarnated Leilan.
[cmd]^calc[/cmd] [param]<input>[/param] – Calculates the mathematical formulae entered. Useful for quick damage calculations (or maybe your math homework).
I want more commands!
Found these easy? These ones are just the warmup and are the basic commands to get you started. Ready for Part 2?
Can I have a link to add public miru bot? Google only turns up his patreon. Or are both public and private bots 5$/month?
Wow, somehow I missed adding the link to the bot… but here it is!
I’ve now added to the post. Public Miru Bot is for everyone to add, while private Miru Bot is only for larger public servers such as PAD Community Server and PDX Discord Server.
A long, long time ago 🎶
I can still remember when that Miru used to make me smile 🎶
I added Miru to my server and put in an id command but it still hasn’t replied in 2 hours. Is there a start command for it or am I missing something? It has all the commands enabled