Miru Bot – The #1 Discord Bot for PAD (Part 2 – Master Command list)
Part 1 – Introduction to Miru Bot
Part 2 – Master Command List
Note: This is not a guide for Myr
, nor about botting PAD (we don’t support nor do we condone the act of botting). This is a guide for a PAD information bot used on Discord.
Master Command List
Below are global commands available on Miru Bot, separated into various categories. New commands are added constantly, but we will try to keep this up to date!
Monster Information
[cmd]^idna[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – Pulls up information about the card specified excluding current JP buffs.
[cmd]^pantheon[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – Lists the cards in the specified cards pantheon.
[cmd]^evos[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – Shows the evolutions of the specified card.
[cmd]^evolist[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – Allows you to browse through a cards evolution tree.
[cmd]^which[/cmd] [param]<card name>[/param] – Advice on what evolution you should evolve your cards into.
[cmd]^mats[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – Shows the evolution materials of the specified card.
[cmd]^pic[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – Displays the specified cards in-game transparent art.
[cmd]^leaderskill[/cmd] / [cmd]^ls[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – Shows the total bonuses a cards leader skill has. Mention two cards/id’s with a space between to compare leader skills.
[cmd]^skillups[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – Shows monsters with the same skill that can be used to skill up the specified card.
Note: The commands above each use the same system to look cards up. This means using a nickname for a card that works with one command, will work for the others. However, commands such as [cmd]^guide[/cmd] are on a different system and require the exact name of the card to use the command.
[cmd]^skillrotation[/cmd] – Displays the current farmable skill up fodder for monsters on the NA server.
[cmd]^skillrotation jp[/cmd] – Displays the current farmable skill up fodder for monsters on the JP server.
[cmd]^otherinfo[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – Shows miscellaneous information on a card.
[cmd]^jpname[/cmd] [param]<name/id>[/param] – Displays the Japanese name of a card.
[cmd]^evos?[/cmd] – Image showing how the evolution process works throughout a monsters evoltuion tree. Created by Reni.
[cmd]^evogems?[/cmd] – Discusses and explains what Rare Stones are (JP only).
[cmd]^assistevos[/cmd] – Discusses and explains what assist evolutions do.
[cmd]^skillreset?[/cmd] – Describes how and when skill levels are reset when evolving monsters.
[cmd]^whaledor?[/cmd] – Discusses Whaledor.
[cmd]^ripper-dragons?[/cmd] – Discusses where to farm the Ripper Dragons.
[cmd]^toydragons[/cmd] – Discusses where to farm the Toy Dragons.
Search Function
Using search, you can use Miru to search through every card in pad and provide a list of cards that match what you entered for the commands [param]<parameters>[/param]. It’s parameters can be varied, by using either a single parameter or multiple parameters.
Many parameters will require a specific variable which needs to be specified within parentheses, where others do not. In addition, the [cmd]^search[/cmd] command can take multiple parameters to narrow the results given by Miru!
The search function is a powerful tool players can use to help look for the perfect card they need for their specific needs such as:
- Find cards with a particular active skill
- Finding the right orb changers
- Finding cards with a specific attribute and type
[param]cd(#)[/param] – Displays cards whose active skill cooldowns are equal to or less than the specified number.
[param]farmable[/param] – Displays cards who are obtainable outside of the Rare Egg Machines.
[param]haste(#)[/param] – Displays cards whose active skills reduce the cooldown of other active skills by the specified number.
[param]inheritable[/param] – Displays cards who are inheritable.
[param]shuffle[/param] – Displays cards who have a board refresh active skill.
[param]unlock[/param] – Displays cards who have an orb unlock active skill.
[param]active(text)[/param] – Displays cards whose active skills contain the text specified.
[param]leader(text)[/param] – Displays cards whose leader skills contain the text specified.
[param]name(text)[/param] – Displays cards whose name contain the text specified.
[param]type(text)[/param] – Displays cards whose type is specified.
[param]board(colors)[/param] – Displays cards whose active skills change the entire board with the orb colors specified, with multiple colors separated by commas.
[param]color(color)[/param] – Displays cards whose primary attribute matches the color specified.
[param]hascolor(color)[/param] – Like “color”, but also includes sub-attributes.
[param]column(color)[/param] – Displays cards whose active skill creates a column of orbs of the specified color.
[param]row(color)[/param] – Displays cards whose active skill creates a row of orbs of the specified color.
Accepted variables for orb colors: fire, red, r, water, blue, b, wood, green, g, light, l, dark, d, heart, h, jammer, poison, mortal, and any (a wild card for orb colors).
Searching with a single parameter:
Searching with multiple parameters:
Game Help
[cmd]^reroll?[/cmd] – List of monsters to look out for when rerolling. Also shows beginners guides.
[cmd]^glossary[/cmd] [param]<term>[/param] – Explains terms commonly used in regards to Puzzle and Dragons.
[cmd]^folders?[/cmd] – Explains how to enable Monster Box Folders, and how to use them.
[cmd]^crowns?[/cmd] – Explains what crowns are. Also has images of all obtainable crowns.
[cmd]^plusbank?[/cmd] – Information on the Plus Bank (JP Only)
[cmd]^globes?[/cmd] – Information on Snow Globe Dragons EXP values.
[cmd]^fodder?[/cmd] – Information on Metal Dragons and what they do. Also provides advice on efficient farming.
[cmd]^jewels?[/cmd] – Information on where to obtain Spirit Jewels.
[cmd]^pixelits?[/cmd] – Information on where to obtain Pixelits.
[cmd]^when?[/cmd] – Discusses the time between JP server updates and NA server updates.
[cmd]^versionhistory[/cmd] – Provides a link that shows the version history of PAD.
[cmd]^kingtans?[/cmd] – Explains the proper use of Tans and Kingtans.
[cmd]^quests[/cmd] – Information on Quests, both normal and monthly.
[cmd]^earlystones?[/cmd] – Advice on how to manage your Magic Stones (the Premium Currency of PAD).
[cmd]^rankchart[/cmd] – Shows a chart of the EXP curve for ranking up.
[cmd]^rankfarm?[/cmd] – Explains rank farming, and if it’s right for you.
[cmd]^maint?[/cmd] – Shows when the next planned maintenance is or was.
[cmd]^monsterbook?[/cmd] – Provides tips on how to fill out your monster book.
[cmd]^mpdra?[/cmd] – Discusses if you should buy an MP Dragon.
[cmd]^sell?[/cmd] – Discusses the pros and cons of selling cards.
[cmd]^tradegfe?[/cmd] – Discusses things you should consider when using the Event Monster Exchange to trade for Collab Diamonds.
[cmd]^rollfor?[/cmd] – Discusses the pros and cons of chasing cards.
[cmd]^skillups?[/cmd] – Advice on how to farm skill up materials efficiently.
[cmd]^eventsjp[/cmd] – Next available guerilla dungeons for JP.
[cmd]^currentevent[/cmd] – Information on the current events for the NA server.
[cmd]^nextevent[/cmd] – Information on the next announced event for the NA server.
[cmd]^trading?[/cmd] – Image describing how to trade.
[cmd]^tradeables[/cmd] – Shows an infographic on tradable cards.
[cmd]^rem?[/cmd] – Explains the Rare Egg Machine renewal.
[cmd]^resetremlist?[/cmd] – Links to Memorial Egg Machines rewarded at specific ranks.
[cmd]^peminfo?[/cmd] – Details about the current Pal Egg Machine.
[cmd]^pem[/cmd] – Shows the general rotation of what appears in the Pal Egg machine.
[cmd]^shouldiroll?[/cmd] – Advice on if you should roll the available Rare Egg Machines on the NA server.
[cmd]^techs[/cmd] – Shows the map on how to unlock other Technical Dungeons.
[cmd]^4xtechs?[/cmd] – Shows a chart of EXP values for specific Technical Dungeons when they have a 4x EXP buff.
[cmd]^sdr[/cmd] – Explains where to farm Skill Delay Resist Latent TAMADRAs.
[cmd]^whichtama?[/cmd] – Explains which TAMADRA Village floor you should run.
[cmd]^whichpredra?[/cmd] – Explains which PreDra infestation floor you should run.
[cmd]^coinlatent[/cmd] – Shows where Latent TAMADRA invades are for specific Coin Dungeons.
[cmd]^roguelevel[/cmd] – Explains how monster leveling works in Rogue Dungeons.
[cmd]^roguemp[/cmd] – Lists amount of mp gained per run of a Rogue Dungeon by selling every drop.
[cmd]^monsterleveling?[/cmd] – Explains how monsters acquire EXP and Skill Levels from Dungeons.
[cmd]^srank?[/cmd] – Explains the S-Rank system and gives helpful tips on how to obtain an S-Rank.
Dungeon Mechanics
[cmd]^bombs?[/cmd] – Information on Bombs and how they work.
[cmd]^poison?[/cmd] – Information on

[cmd]^damage-control?[/cmd] – Information on how to master damage control.
[cmd]^attackorder[/cmd] – Explains the attack order of your team.
[cmd]^whyskillbound?[/cmd] – Explains the Skill Bind dungeon mechanic.
[cmd]^coopawakenings?[/cmd] – Explains how awakenings work in Co-op (2p) mode.
[cmd]^3padvice[/cmd] – Advice for 3-Player Mode.
[cmd]^lucifer[/cmd] – Advice for dealing with Lucifer in a dungeon.
[cmd]^lak[/cmd] – Advice for dealing with Lakshmi in a dungeon.
[cmd]^laila[/cmd] – Shows Laila’s move set and how to deal with her.
[cmd]^gilles[/cmd] – Describes the kill order to get through the pillars in Gilles Legato Descended.
[cmd]^hexazeon[/cmd] – Describes the kill order to get through the stones in Hexazeon Descended.
[cmd]^padspike[/cmd] – A calculator for Puzzle and Dragons.
[cmd]^gravitymath?[/cmd] – Information on how to calculate Gravity damage.
[cmd]^resistmath?[/cmd] – Information on how

[cmd]^optimals[/cmd] – Shows commands for optimal board setups for different leads.
[cmd]^buffs?[/cmd] – Discusses all the types of buffs/debuffs that can be stacked or that will override each other.
Team Guides
[cmd]^redditguides[/cmd] – A list of team guides created by the Reddit Community.
[cmd]^ganazca[/cmd] – A guide on using Ganesha or Nazca as leaders to farm the Monday Dungeon for Rank EXP.
[cmd]^guide yog[/cmd] – A guide on using Yog-Sothoth to farm 3P Ultimate Descended Rush.
[cmd]^guide amun[/cmd] – A guide on using Amen as leader.
[cmd]^grodinmathena[/cmd] – A guide on using Green Odin to clear Machine Athena.
More information on the Arena Dungeons can be found below~
[cmd]^guide aizen[/cmd] – A guide on using
Aizen as a leader to clear A3.[cmd]^guide ameno[/cmd] – A guide on using Amenominakanushi as a leader to clear A3.
[cmd]^guide asta[/cmd] – A guide on using Reincarnated Astaroth to clear A3 or Colo.
[cmd]^guide dath[/cmd] – A guide on using Dark Athena to clear A3.
[cmd]^guide dmeta[/cmd] – A guide on using Dark Metatron to clear A3.
[cmd]^guide kiri[/cmd] – A guide on using Kiri as a leader to clear Alt. Arena.
[cmd]^guide kushi[/cmd] – A guide on using Reincarnated Kushinadahime to clear A3 and Colo.
[cmd]^guide math[/cmd] – A guide on using Machine Athena to clear A1.
[cmd]^guide melio[/cmd] – A guide on using Meliodas to clear A3 (JP Only).
[cmd]^guide meri[/cmd] – A guide on using Meridionalis to clear A3.
[cmd]^guide minerva[/cmd] – A guide on using Reincarnated Minerva to clear A3.
[cmd]^guide miru[/cmd] – A guide on using Miru/Myr to clear A3.
[cmd]^guide noctis[/cmd] – A guide on using Noctis to clear A3.
[cmd]^guide yomidra[/cmd] – A guide on using Yomi Dragon to clear A1.
[cmd]^guide heradra[/cmd] – A guide on using Hera Dragon to clear A3.
[cmd]^guide yusuke[/cmd] – A guide on using Yusuke to clear AA.
[cmd]^superawakening[/cmd] – A guide that covers Super Awakenings by Kennori.
[cmd]^assists?[/cmd] – A guide on Assists (aka Skill Inheritance).
[cmd]^assiststats?[/cmd] – Explains how a cards stats can be inherited and provides advice on inheriting for stats.
[cmd]^attboost?[/cmd] – Information on attribute specific buffs and multipliers. This includes leader and active skills.
[cmd]^buttons?[/cmd] – Provides information and examples of different types of buttons.
[cmd]^resists?[/cmd] – Explains how resist awakenings and shields work; not specific to elemental resists.
[cmd]^latents?[/cmd] – Explains the use and value of different Latent TAMADRAs.
[cmd]^statlatents[/cmd] – Displays the bonuses stat latents provide when placed on a monster.
[cmd]^killers[/cmd] – Shows a list of available killers based on monster type.
[cmd]^rows?[/cmd] – Explains how

[cmd]^suicides?[/cmd] – Shows a list of cards with active skills that will cut your HP by a certain amount.
Arena Commands
[cmd]^arenapoison?[/cmd] – Shows a list of arena spawns that make

[cmd]^arenaskillbind?[/cmd] – Shows a list of arena spawns that have skill bind attacks.
[cmd]^dqh[/cmd] – Shows how much Divine Queen Hera will hit for, in dungeons where she appears in.
[cmd]^himalayan[/cmd] – Shows Parvati’s damage when you reduce her to below 30% HP.
[cmd]^sopdet[/cmd] – Shows Sopdet’s “Goodbye” damage if she gets her attack off.
[cmd]^a1expchart[/cmd] – Shows EXP values for each encounters for Arena 1.
[cmd]^a1killers[/cmd] – Shows a list of spawns and their typing, good for deciding on what latents to use on your team.
[cmd]^radars-acala?[/cmd] – Shows useful information on using an Acala team to clear Radar Dragons in Arena 3.
[cmd]^radars-bmyr?[/cmd] – Shows useful information on using a Beach Myr team to clear Radar Dragons in Arena 3.
[cmd]^radars-dathena?[/cmd] – Shows useful information on using a Dark Athena team to clear Radar Dragons in Arena 3.
[cmd]^radars-dathena-nokillers?[/cmd] – Shows useful information on using a Dark Athena team without

[cmd]^radars-radra?[/cmd] – Shows useful information on using a Ra Dragon team to clear Radar Dragons in Arena 3.
[cmd]^radars-meri?[/cmd] – Shows useful information on using a Meridionalis team to clear Radar Dragons in Arena 3.
[cmd]^hephdra[/cmd] / [cmd]^noahdra[/cmd] / [cmd]^gaiadra[/cmd] / [cmd]^zeusdra[/cmd] / [cmd]^heradra[/cmd] – Discusses each Radar Dragon spawn and how to deal with them.
[cmd]^a3killers[/cmd] – Shows a list of spawns and their typing, good for deciding on what latents to use on your team.
[cmd]^diara[/cmd] / [cmd]^grato[/cmd] / [cmd]^wallace[/cmd] / [cmd]^amnel[/cmd] / [cmd]^ena[/cmd] – Discusses each Radar Dragon Caller spawn and how to deal with them.
[cmd]^a4killers[/cmd] – Shows a list of spawns and their typing, good for deciding on what latents to use on your team.
[cmd]^norns[/cmd] – Describes the general moveset of the Norns in A4.
[cmd]^aapreempts[/cmd] – A list of encounters that will have pre-emptive attacks. Essential for planning for the dungeon.
[cmd]^aakillers[/cmd] – Shows a list of spawns and their typing, good for deciding on what latents to use on your team.
[cmd]^miruserver[/cmd] – Support server for Miru Bot.
[cmd]^pdx[/cmd] – Server for Puzzle Dragon X – The online Puzzle and Dragons database for NA server.
[cmd]^comm[/cmd] – Server for the Puzzle and Dragons Community Discord, known for the quick co-op search for NA.
[cmd]^3p[/cmd] – Server for finding 3 player dungeon partners.
[cmd]^alb[/cmd] – Server for farming with Wood Row leaders.
[cmd]^glav[/cmd] / [cmd]^acc[/cmd] – Server dedicated to farming with Fire Row leaders.
[cmd]^meri[/cmd] – Server dedicated to farming with Meridionalis.
[cmd]^ydra[/cmd] – Server dedicated to farming with Yomi Dragon.
This section will help you setup a profile on Discord to share your PAD in-game information with other players on any server with Miru Bot!!!
[cmd]^profile server[/cmd] [param]<server>[/param] – Creates a PAD Server profile specific to your Discord account.
[cmd]^profile name[/cmd] [param]<server>[/param] [param]<name>[/param] – Sets your in-game name for the specified game server.
[cmd]^profile id[/cmd] [param]<server>[/param] [param]<id>[/param] – Assigns your in-game player ID for the specified server to your Discord profile.
[cmd]^profile text[/cmd] [param]<server>[/param] [param]<text>[/param] – Add notes to your DIscord profile for the specified server.
[cmd]^idme[/cmd] [param]<server>[/param] – Prints your profile for the specified server to the channel the command is used on.
[cmd]^idto[/cmd] [param]<@username>[/param] [param]<server>[/param] – Sends your profile to the tagged user in a private message.
[cmd]^practiceapp[/cmd] – Provides links to practice apps for both Android and iOS devices.
[cmd]^dawnglare[/cmd] [param]<screenshot of board>[/param] – Creates a dawnglare link of the board from your screenshot. You can also use the command immediately after uploading the screenshot.
[cmd]^jpresources[/cmd] – Lists resources for the JP version of PAD.
[cmd]^padrteambuilding?[/cmd] – PAD Radar Team building help.
[cmd]^remindme[/cmd] [param]<amount of time>[/param] [param]<unit of time>[/param] [param]<text>[/param] – Sets a message for Miru to send you after the specified amount of time has passed.
[cmd]^forgetme[/cmd] – Erases all pending reminders set by the [cmd]^remindme[/cmd] command.
[cmd]^pins[/cmd] – Shows you how to check pins, where useful information is left on various Discord servers.
[cmd]^time[/cmd] [param]<timezone>[/param] – Get the time of the specified time zone. Example: [param]^time pdt[/param]
[cmd]^timeto[/cmd] [param]<timezone>[/param] [param]<time>[/param] – Get the length of time till the specified time in the specified time zone. Example: [param]^timeto 6pm pdt[/param]
[cmd]^jpen[/cmd], [cmd]^jpus[/cmd] or [cmd]^jaen[/cmd] or [cmd]^jaus[/cmd] [param]<text>[/param] – Translates text from Japanese to English. Example: [param]^jpen 転生レイラン[/param] shows Reincarnated Leilan.
Wait, is this all?
Nope! These are commands that are available for every server that has access to Miru Bot. There are also server-specific commands or memes, and they are not listed here.
If any issues arise or you have suggestions or concerns, please visit the Miru Bot Support Server or use the [cmd]^feedback[/cmd] [param]<your feedback here>[/param] command in any channels used for Bot Commands/Bot Spam.