Super Awakenings and You

| May. 14, 2018 | 7,861 views |   0    
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Hello, I’m Kennori. I wrote this guide mainly because I see people asking “What’s the best super awakening to aim for on X card?”, or other, similar questions. I really hope it helps answer that question and helps you learn what to look out for, so you can eventually answer that question yourself and help others in the future. I normally hang out on the PDX Discord, so if you have any concerns regarding this guide, please ping me there or on the PAD Community Discord (links below).

Before I begin, it should be worth noting that this guide is meant for both inexperienced and experienced players who are entering late game Puzzle and Dragons. If you’re new to the game, or just looking for general information on Super Awakenings, please check out the Missing Manual below, and return here later on. However, if you’re curious as to how they function or for good


First and foremost, do not read this guide expecting straight answers as when it comes to team building, there are none; the only answer is what you need at the time. Some cards do have more than one decent option for super awakenings, and which option is best varies from player to player.

Next, this guide will go more in-depth into Super Awakenings and we will discuss various game mechanics that I won’t go deeper into. If you get confused, or have any other questions that may arise during this guide, please check out the Missing Manual or the Reddit post below. In the end, it’s up to you if you sink or swim; this is your life jacket, use it.

Finally, just remember that Super Awakenings aren’t needed to clear end-game content; they just make it easier to design teams and clear dungeons with. This entire function is optional.

What are Super Awakenings?

Super Awakenings are a special awoken skill select monsters can obtain after reaching their Level Limit Breakthrough. Upon reaching their Level Limit Breakthrough, a card who’s already been raised to +297 can unlock one of three random awakenings based on the card. If a card has a  awakening to the left of their normal Awakenings, then they can unlock a super Awakening. This feature is only available in Solo Play Mode!

Note: Super Awakenings will also be locked in Rogue Dungeons until a card has reached level 100.

Here, Romia has been Limit Broken, and the [?] has appeared since she has a locked Super Awakening.

Each card has a different set of three Super Awakenings, though some cards do share the same sets of Super Awoken Skills.

Here, the player has unlocked Persephone’s ‘Void Damage Penetration’ Super Awakening.

Note: Currently, a majority of cards only have 3 Super Awakenings, the sole exception to this is Kurogane Maru. He has 8, one of each Killer.

How do I unlock them?

First, ensure the card is Limit Broken. (See the image below for details.)

Image credit: Reni

Once the card has been Limit Broken, you need to feed it a total of 297 plusses, 99 plusses of each stat. Then, you must feed it an additional 297  plusses (This is not limited to specific stats, you can feed a card 3 +99 HP cards, and still unlock a Super Awakening).

The empty bar is a meter that fills up as you feed plusses to the Card.
This bar can also be seen when feeding the card a Super Snow Globe for the first time, and whenever it is fed Pluses.

I got a Super Awakening, but it’s not the one I want. Can I reroll?

Yup, just feed another 297 plusses into the monster and it’ll roll again. The new Super Awakening will be different, however if the new one still isn’t the one you want, you can roll back into the original Super Awakening.

For example, Anubis can have one of the following Super Awakenings: . The player here wants , but unlocks . The next time he rolls, the pool will be just  and . If the player unlocks , the pool will change to  and .  

Below are the rates of rolling a specific Super Awakening after feeding a card the corresponding number of rolls:

# of Rolls Chance %
1 33.3%
2 66.7%
3 83.3%
4 91.7%
5 95.8%
6 97.9%

(These are just the odds, it may take more than 6 rolls to get the Super Awakening you want. It simply comes down to chance.)

Am I ready for unlocking Super Awakenings?

Below are a list of things you should think about before dumping +297’s into your Cards:

  1. Have you entered end game? – This means you have the ability to clear high end techs such as Mechanicals and Arenas, and the ability to clear OSC’s with general ease.
  2. Have you +297’d all of the cards you use often? – That Super Awakening is nice, but having increased stats on a good card is better.
  3. Do you have a decent stockpile of +297s? – Think you have everything you want? Guess what, you just rolled that brand new Card that’s super powerful… and now you don’t have anything to feed them.
  4. Will you use the Card often? – Super Awakenings can take a lot of your resources. So choose what you Super Awaken carefully.
  5. Are the Super Awakenings even worth the trouble? – Most every card has a Super Awakening that would be useful, but take a moment and consider that that Awakening just might not be all that useful for their general purpose (This will be explained further below.)
  6. Does the super awakening fit your team composition? – That Low HP Attack Boost Awakening sure looks fun, just not on a team with a Leader Skill who has a minimum HP requirement. (This will also be explained further below)
  7. Have you finished your quest for total +297 monsters? – Feeding your plusses will push the progress back on your quest for collecting a total of 100 +297’s in your box. Once you get the “Clear!” on the quest, falling to 99/100 willnot unclear the quest. 
If your Quest Page doesn’t look like this, please wait.

This may seem like a lot to ask, however it’s important that you realize that Super Awakenings, as stated before, are a resource dump… a sizable one at that.

The Awakenings

Currently, the following super awakenings (and what they do), can be found in game:

Team HP Boost:
Increases Team HP by 5%
Team Recovery Boost:
Increases Team RCV by 10%
Recover Bind:
Eliminating 1 row of hearts will reduce bind status by 3 turns
Super Time Extend:
Increases move time by 1 second
Two-Pronged Attack:
Eliminating exactly 4 connected orbs of the same color deals 1.5x damage to two enemies
Skill Boost:
The entire team starts with 1 turn charged on their skills
Super Skill Boost:
The entire team starts with 2 turns charged on their skills
Skill Charge:
Card’s skill will charge by 1 turn when team attacks with all 5 attributes
Elemental Resist:
Reduce corresponding elemental damage received by 5%
Super Bind Resist:
100% Bind Resist for this card
Super Cloud Resist:
100% Cloud Resist
Super Seal Resist:
100% Seal Resist
Enhanced Heart Orbs:
Enhanced Heart orbs have a +20% chance to appear, 1.5x increased healing done by enhanced Heart orbs.
3x attack against monsters with the corresponding type
Combo Boost:
2x attack for this card when matching 7 or more combos
Follow-up Attack:
This card will deal a 1 fixed damage follow-up attack after matching 1 column of Heart orbs
Super Follow-up Attack:
2x attack for this card and deals a 2 fixed damage follow-up attack after matching a 3×3 block of Heart orbs
High-HP Attack Boost: 
1.5x attack for this card when HP is 80% or more
Low-HP Attack Boost:
2x attack for this card when HP is 50% or less
L-Attack Boost:
1.5x damage when matching 5 orbs in an L formation. Unlocks orbs
L-Defense Boost:
Reduces damage by 5% when matching 5 orbs in an L formation
Guard Break:
Card will ignore 100% of enemy defense when attacking with all 5 attributes
Void Damage Penetration:
Card will ignore Void Damage Shields and increase damage by 2.5x when matching a 3×3 block of orbs.

These can be more defined by the categories below:


High Tier:

  • Combo Boost
    More combos = more damage, you should always be comboing on anything other than swipe teams.
  • Killers
    Higher Multiplier than Combo Boost, but will see less use since it’s dependant on enemy typing.
  • HP>80% Boost
    Decent pick up on most teams since you generally want to not stay on low HP unless your leader skill requires it

Low Tier:

  • Two Pronged Attack 
    You can TPA occasionally, but does less damage than Combo Boost or Killers, HP>80% has the same multiplier for less effort.
  • HP<50% Boost
    Niche, can be used on Dark Metatron teams, however you need to be below 50% HP, so you essentially need to suicide to 1 HP to get this to work properly. .


Card Specific:

  • Skill Charge
    Great to pick up if your team has all five attributes
  • Super Bind Resist
    Occasionally useful, more so on leaders. There are still ways to deal with bind status without Super Awakenings though.

Team Support:

  • Team HP Boost 
    Amazing for Solo play, which is where SA’s only work anyway. Works best when there’s an HP Stick on your team.
  • Team RCV Boost 
    Also decent to have on teams. If you have low RCV, this will help.
  • L-Attack
    Useful for getting rid of pesky locked Jammers and Poison orbs
  • L-Defense
    Niche, I personally can’t think of times where this will be super useful, though I suppose it would help dealing with pre-emptive attacks (such as DQ Hera)
  • Bind Clear 
    Good to have if you don’t have any from cards you have on your team, but it’s found commonly as a Normal Awakening. Works best on unbindable cards.
  • Skill Boost 
    Skill boosts are always good if you’re trying to get that long CD active up, allows you to stall less. Commonly found as a Normal Awakening, however.
  • Super Time Extend 
    Added second of movement times seems nice, and can help for combo teams, but I personally wouldn’t pick it up as a super awakening since the average player only needs about an extra 2-3 seconds of movement time.
  • Super Skill Boost
    Same as above but twice as good, also more rare
  • Elemental Resist
    Niche, use for cheese teams like Minerva or Kiri
  • Heart Orb Enhance
    Passively improves RCV by adding enhanced heart skyfall and boosts the sub’s RCV by 1.5x when matching a combo of 4 hearts. Supports team in a similar way as Team RCV.

Dungeon Specific:

  • Void Damage Penetration
    Good pick up, but can be conditional. Try to get it on a card that covers an enemy type you don’t have a VDP to counter yet.
  • Guard Break
    Also good to pick up, deal with high Defense cards such as PREDras. Some Monthly Challenges and OSCs have cards with insanely high Defense.
  • Cloud Resist
    Cloud spawns don’t appear frequently, and sometimes you can deal with it, but times where it does show up and half your board is blocked off this will come in handy.
  • Seal Resist
    Same as Cloud Resist. If you have Galvanus from the Monster Hunter Collab, you should consider making its Assist Evolution to grab this for your team instead of rolling for it. Useful to have in dungeons where you encounter this and have to FUA at the same time.
  • Follow-Up Attack
    Helps deal with Resilience on monsters, however this Awakening is becoming more common and you only need one on a team.
  • Super Follow-Up Attack
    Harder to activate than Follow-Up attack, but does give a nice damage boost. Can be worth grabbing on row teams as it’s much more uncommon than the standard Follow-Up Attack. Arondight can become an Assist that grants this.

Which Super Awakenings are best?

This question is inherently flawed, as each Awakening gains and loses value based on the card it’s on and its purpose on the team. Instead, the best thing to do is examine the available Super Awakenings on the card and determine a few things:

Team Synergy

A card with a super awakening that goes against the general purpose of the team will just be a waste. Taking a Low HP Attack Boost awakening on a team with an HP dependant leader such as Yog or Zeus Verse will do nothing, as you’ll lose your leader bonuses anyway. Conversely, having this on a team where you want your HP to be below a certain threshold (such as Dark Metatron), would be a wise idea.

Card Synergy

Nees comes with a Combo Boost and Team HP Super Awakening as two of her three choices. Since she already has one Combo Boost, getting a second will increase her damage to 4x normal. Conversely, With her absurdly high HP Stat (9200), grabbing Team HP Boost would also work very well, as you’ll be making more of that HP, and the HP of the rest of your cards. In this case, either Awakening would be a good choice, so the final decision would come down to what you need more; HP or Damage.

Dungeon Preparation 

Some Super Awakenings can help teams with specific dungeons. Getting Romia her additional Dragon Killer awakening when going into a dungeon filled with hard to kill dragons will have a greater yield than obtaining the second Combo Boost awakening she can obtain. Once again, if the dungeon doesn’t have many dragons, her Combo Boost awakening would be the better choice.

Utility vs Damage

Once again, going off of the previous two examples, it’s dependant. Karin can obtain an L Attack awakening, which will unlock locked orbs. This can be handy, however if your team already has an Orb unlock such as Aife, or if the locked orbs need to be cleared the same turn, then it might be better to go for her Combo boost awakening.  


Some super awakenings can be very useful, such as Super Bind Resist. However, some cards such as Li can obtain Super Awakenings, but since her value is mostly as an Inherit to lead swap, you’ll likely never see use of any Super Awakening you get on her, even Super Bind Resist.


Some awakenings are good to have. However having two Extra Attack awakenings on a team would be pointless, so if a card you’re Super Awakening would have this while another card also does, especially if it comes built in without Super Awakening, it might be best to aim for something else.

Overall Worth

Some cards can have amazing Super Awakenings, however the card itself might not have much value to you for the time being. Conversely the card can have substantial use to you, but the Super Awakenings it can learn won’t bring much use for it.

F.A.Q. (Lots of these can also be answered in the “Missing Manual”)

“After reading this, it looks like some Super Awakenings are better than others”

This wasn’t even a question. I’d take Combo Boost over TPA anyday. It’s important to remember, however, that cards only get three set Super Awakenings, so Combo Boost isn’t always Available, and not all cards that can get a VDP will be useful with it. The purpose here is to help you determine what Super Awakening is good for you, not overall.

“I really want X Awakening on Y card, but I don’t have many plusses, should I roll for it?”

If you have to ask, the answer is probably no. Wait till you get a good stock of plusses.

“I don’t see the Super Awakening box/I add plusses to a monster but nothing is happening, what’s wrong?”

The card must be limit broken (Level 100+), and already have +297 (+99 each stat). Most importantly, the card must be limit breakable.

“Why doesn’t my card have the Combo Boost Awakening I rolled for when I’m playing with my friend?”

Super Awakenings aren’t available in Co-Op play

“Will X card get Super Awakenings?”

Maybe, depends on what GungHo decides. I’m not with GungHo.

“Is it possible to lose a Super Awakening?”

Yes, some cards with Super Awakenings can be devolved. Doing so will cause you to lose it if it doesn’t have an Super Awakening or a Limit Break.

“Will they be implemented in Co-op later?”

Dunno, I doubt it. But I’m also not with GungHo, so it’s possible.

“How does stacking X Awakening work?”

See the Missing Manual or Cates Team Building Guide for more in-depth analysis on game mechanics.

“I’m in a dungeon in solo player mode, but my Super Awakenings aren’t available? What did I do wrong?”

You’re more than likely in a special descended dungeon, or a Rogue. Dungeons that start your team at level one will also lock your Super Awakening until the card reaches Lv. 100+.

That’s it. If you have other questions, ping me on either the PDX or Pad Comm servers in discord and I or someone else will answer them (and I’ll add them up here for others to see)

Useful Links


Puzzle Dragon X – Online Puzzle and Dragons database, search for Limit Breakable cards here.
The Missing Manual – If you’re new to the game and are wondering what Super Awakenings are, you should also look at this guide.
Cate’s Team Building Guide – A guide written by a member of the Puzzle and Dragons community that will give you insight on good team building edicate.
r/PuzzleandDragons SA Guide – This is where you can see a list of all cards with the potential to unlock Super Awakenings.

Discord Servers

Puzzle Dragon X Discord – Official discord of
Puzzle and Dragons Community Discord – Large community of players on multiple servers.

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