Thoughts on Fullmetal Alchemist: Is it FMA or FML?

| Nov. 6, 2018 | 530 views |   20    
also helped!


The following is not a review on the worth or power of each card, but a review on how GungHo incorporated the Fullmetal Alchemist collab into Puzzle and Dragons. The thoughts herein are my own unless otherwise noted; though this time around  Reni  will be throwing more than just a few thoughts into this post as well! Should you agree, disagree, or just want to give your own thoughts as well, feel free to comment below~


Fullmetal Alchemist (FMA) is without a doubt one of the most loved and highly acclaimed series currently out there; in fact Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is currently voted number one on My Anime List (and has been there for a long while). My personal experience with FMA, while not as influential as Yu Yu Hakusho, was still very memorable and brings back a lot of fond memories of High School; it being one of the shows I’d look forward to every weekend while I gamed on my PC with my friends (yeah, instead of Saturday morning cartoons, I had Saturday night anime). The show itself was filled with many memorable moments, and made it’s way into my personal favorite list with ease. I do know that the show made more of an imprint on someone else though…

 Reni:  Admittedly I was not able to contribute to anything but this post as I don’t know the other series well. As a chemist myself I obviously am biased, and have FMA as my all-time favorite (lol)! Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to watch it on TV, though I certainly watched the entire series in one sitting more than once. I actually re-watched it not too long ago, just before watching the live action in theatres!

For those of you who don’t know, Fullmetal Alchemist is a story set in the Nation of Amestris, where science has evolved to the point where Alchemist are able to manipulate the environment to fit their needs be it for production purposes such as putting together a broken radio, or for combat were an Alchemist can manipulate a rock wall and form a weapon from it. As powerful as Alchemy is, there is one law that all Alchemist must follow; Equivalent Exchange

The opening of FMA Brotherhood describes Alchemy as such:

Alchemy, It is the scientific technique of understanding the structure of matter, decomposing it, and then reconstructing it. If performed skillfully, it is even possible to create gold out of lead. However, as it is a science, there are some natural principles in place. Only one thing can be created from something else of a certain mass. This is the Principle of Equivalent Exchange.

The story follows two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, as they journey throughout Amestris in search of a legendary artifact known as the “Philosophers Stone” (a powerful object that’s said to allow an Alchemist to ignore the law of Equivalent Exchange) so they may correct a mistake they made as children which resulted in the loss of Edwards Right arm and Left Leg, and Alphonse’s whole body. While on their travels, the brothers meet and befriend various people throughout Amestris and even other distant lands, and eventually get tied up in an incident that threatens the entire world.

FMA does what a lot of other shows fail to do; it world builds like mad and makes the audience actually care about its cast outside of the two main protagonist. The storytelling is performed smoothly, while none of the information given for world-building feels forced with new information being revealed to us as needed. Add the amazing art and beautiful musical score to the memorable characters and immersive world; it’s no wonder why FMA is beloved by many.

About the Collab

The FMA collab features both protagonist as well as various supporting characters as six stars, and many of the more popular supporting cast and antagonist as other summonable five stars or dungeon drops. The collab does seem to focus on Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (aired in 2009), as it includes Ling Yao , who does not appear in the original anime in 2003.

About What We Got

The Six Stars

Overall, I agree with the choices they made for 6-star Units. If I had to be really picky, they could have added one additional person as a 6-star; but we’ll get to that later!

Edward Elric

The elder of the two brothers; Ed relied on his automail arm in combat most of the time, and he would often use it as a means of defense when blocking blows from whoever his opponent was even after transmuting it into a blade or weapon of some sort! He would hold back on using his automail if it was damaged at all, limiting his combat capabilities with it.

His leader skill in PAD is a great reflection of this, as he gets a passive 35% Shield and 3.5x ATK multi when your team is above 50% HP.

Alphonse Elric

The younger of the two brothers, Al, is slower and bulkier than his older sibling; but he’s still a formidable fighter in his own right and is more than capable of holding his own and taking care of himself despite his age. While both brothers are kind, likeable people; Alphonse is portrayed as more of a bleeding heart and would jump at the chance to protect someone who needs it; even if it means placing himself in danger. This is shown well in his active skill, which provides a 50% shield in addition to a full board change.

If I wanted to make a stretch, I could also say his is also a decent representation of his large heart~

Roy Mustang

Though he may not be the main character, he still plays an integral part in the story through means of giving Ed and Al the means to search for the Philosophers Stone and offering advice to the brothers. He’s also instrumental in revealing the main plot of the story; as he investigates a series of strange and tragic events that occur while the Elric Brothers are away in their search. Mustang is known as the “Flame Alchemist” due to his ability to create fire from thin air with the use of his white gloves; which are lined with flint and have transmutation circles inscribed on them. His active skill spawns fire orbs from wood and dark orbs and enhances Fire Orbs; very fitting for the Flame Alchemist!

Fans of FMA:Brotherhood can also spot another little Easter egg that was added on Mustangs Card… but it’s a fairly large spoiler; so I’ll leave it out (watch the anime if you want to figure it out!).

 Reni:  Husbando is perfect. Even the active skill name, “You look like you could use a hand“, was spot on.

King Bradley

The Furher of Amestris and another important figure in the series. As the ruler of the country the story takes place in, he approves of Edward’s entry into the State Alchemist Program, and personally gives him the title of “Fullmetal Alchemist”; alluding to his automail arm and leg. Bradley is a skilled swordsman, and using the ability of his “Ultimate Eye”, he’s able to surmise his enemies strengths, weaknesses, and fighting capability with one glance; making it so he’s able to quickly dispatch anyone in his way. GungHo giving him a True Damage active was a wise move; even though it’s a single target active.

The New Equip (Assist) Evolutions

These Evolutions were recently added in the First Return for FMA! They’re simply animated versions of each of the six-star cards skill up materials from the dungeons; while being more lucrative as they’re Equip Evos and are (obviously) inheritable.

Honestly, Ed’s, Al’s, and Mustang’s choices were the best picks for Skill Ups/Equipment. Ed’s Red Coat and Mustangs Flint Gloves are their iconic articles of clothing that helped them stand out (which Ed could have done on his own if he drank his milk…). Alphonse’s Pauldron, is also a good choice; as he was just a walking suit of armor. The only other thing I could think of for Al is his helmet… which is effectively his head .__.;

Then we have King Bradley’s Swords… and thinking on it, I can agree with why they used that instead of something more iconic such as his eye patch (which he used to hide his “Ultimate Eye”. GungHo had used everyone else’s weapons of choice as Skill Up materials (with some exceptions, as some Alchemist didn’t use weapons they didn’t create themselves). Overall, wise choices!

 Reni:  While I agree with Ken on King Bradley’s eye patch, I disagree with Ken on the rest of them. I find the choices too similar to the actual skill-up material in game, in terms of appearance. Heck, I don’t think a character should turn into their summoning circle, which doesn’t even show up on the card icon itself! I’d wish to see equip forms as a representative item they have, or directly related to them in the series instead.

Here are my picks: For Ed, I’d rather have the automail as the equip (literally it’s his equip in the series). Al would probably be a cat, since he’s always attracted to cats. Mustang? Of course mini skirts! (Those who watched the anime should know this one!)

The Five Stars

Winry Rockbell

Winry is the automail mechanic for the Elric Brothers and their long time friend since childhood. Originally, she stays behind in their hometown after the brothers leave for their journey; however after a series of fierce battles, she was forced to leave her home as well and come to the Elric Brothers aid. Since that moment, she found herself in the middle of the events that engulfed Amestris.

I can understand why they gave her Machine typing… but she doesn’t have any automail like Ed or Al… but their thought process might be the same as when they gave Julie her typing. Also the fact that she fixed up the brothers automail and enhanced it often is shown well with her active skill, (a heal and shield).

 Reni:  I agree with Ken that it’s quite weird. What’s weirder to me is her outfit… Why not the more iconic tank top? It’s not like we have cards that aren’t more revealing… *cough*

Riza Hawkeye

Roy Mustang’s loyal right hand, she stands by his side throughout the series and helps him in whatever way she can; believing in his ideals and vision of the future of Amestris. Hawkeye is Mustangs literary foil; where Mustang is a more laid back official and can keep things light-hearted most situations, Hawkeye is almost always more stern and professional. She may not be an alchemist, but she’s deadly with a firearm.

The best connection GungHo made is the use of her art/skill up fodder. Throughout the series, she normally only has a pistol, however during a war that took place a few years before the events of the story, she was known to be a deadly sniper; so giving her a rifle was the only move.

 Reni:  I gotta give it to GungHo for this one as well –  Dealing damage to a single enemy 3 times as an active skill does suit Hawkeye really well!

Maes Hughes

Easily the most memorable character in Fullmetal Alchemist; Maes Hughes was a state officer and Mustangs best friend in the military and fought beside him in the same war mentioned before. When he’s not worrying about his professional affairs, he’s either spending time with his wife and daughter, or bragging about his family and showing pictures to his comrades.

Unfortunately, I’m not able to compare much of Hughes with his PAD card, as his character is the only character to not get much development. What the series to find out what I mean (either the Original or Brotherhood). All I can say is I’m glad they added him as a card!

 Reni:  To be honest I wish GungHo used his wife & daughter’s photos as skill-up material… But with the weapon theme going on for the rest of the cards, I guess the throwing knife will have to do.

Another thought is having a more troll active for Hughes, since often he shows up as comic relief in the anime. (I won’t complain though, Hughes is one of my top favorites)

Alex Louis Armstrong

Alex Louis Armstrong is the man among men in Fullmetal Alchemist, just looking at his PAD art you can tell he’s proud of his physique; and rightfully so! Armstrong is so swole, he often uses his muscles for intimidation and is seen fighting topless most of the time. Don’t believe me? Let’s go to the video!

I have one gripe with how they implemented his character into PAD, and that neither his active or leader skill name is “This technique has been passed down the Armstrong family line for generations!” As any fan of the show would know, Armstrong said this often and when he said it, you knew things were about to get real!

 Reni:  In fact Miru Bot had problems displaying his icon on Discord! It’s so much skin that Discord doesn’t like it…


Scar is portrayed as an antagonist at the start of the series, as he’s introduced as a murderer who targets State Alchemist specifically (such as Edward or Mustang), as he sees them as mere weapons of mass destruction used in the war that nearly obliterated his people.

His main method of killing is his arm, which has been tattooed with alchemy symbols that allow him to deconstruct any matter he places his hands on as long as he knows what he’s breaking down. This is shown well in his active skill, as the only defense against Scar’s attack is not being touched by him at all.

Ling Yao

Next to Mustang, he’s easily one of my favorite characters as he’s a comic relief at first, but soon plays a major role in the story. Ling is a prince from the country of Xing, a nation to the east of Amestris, past a vast desert. His goal in Amestris is to find the Philosophers Stone which he has heard has the ability to grant eternal life. Doing so will put him in favor with his father, and allow him to ascend to the throne as Emperor of Xing.

After the story develops, Ling is faced with a choice, one that sends him from being a comedic side character of sorts, to being a placed in the middle of the events that threaten Amestris. It’s this choice that is played well with Ling’s active skill in PAD; however I can’t exactly talk much about it as it’d be spoilers~

 Reni:  I have no problems with Ling Yao, but why isn’t Lan Fan in game? Why is she just a background?

The Dungeon Drops

Father/The Dwarf in the Flask

Like other shounen collabs, the final boss of the dungeon is also the main antagonist of the arc or series in question. As his base forms name suggest, he is the creator of the Homunculous; the main group of antagonist in Fullmetal Alchemist. As his Uvo suggests, he’s not exactly a human, either. As for what he is; I’ll leave that to the show to explain~

His active skill of creating dark and light orbs pairs well with the fact that Father is the creator of the Homunculi.


As their names suggest, they are named after three of the seven cardinal sins of Christianity. Each of them is also one of Fathers children, a Homunculi created with the task of helping Father further his goals.

The Homunculi are all blessed with a powerful regenerative ability that makes them nearly immortal, and this is played well in PAD by their active skills as well, as each has some form of HP regen effect.

 Reni:  In fact they had a 200% boost in their stats after Limit Break in game! GungHo did well on that part.

Alchemist Notebook/Fullmetal Alchemists’ Silver Pocket Watch

Ed’s Notebook was important in the series… but not nearly as important as his Pocket Watch was. Inscribed on the inside cover of his pocket watch is the message “Don’t forget 3.Oct.11” which is the date that Ed and Al left their home behind to join the military and started their journey to recover their bodies. It’s there to remind Edward of the decisions he and his brother made, and to not look back until they accomplished their goals.

The fact they even have this as an item was a HUGE plus. Really glad they incorporated it somehow!

Missed Opportunities

While there are lots of characters in FMA that are not in this collab (that we aren’t gonna fully list), below are some points or characters we felt that should’ve been included.

Those New Assist Evos

As mentioned before, I felt that instead of Bradley’s swords, they should have gone with his eyepatch as his equip evolution; it’s simply more iconic and a much more valuable part of his character. In addition, as nice as Ed’s coat is, it would have been WAY cooler if his Assist Evo was his automail arm!

 Reni:  Right?? It would be so much cooler to have related equips!

Mei Chang & Xiao Mei

Mei Chang is also from Xing, and is also royalty; making her a Princess of Xing. She arrives in Amestris around the same time as Ling and has the exact same goal in mind; find the Philosophers Stone in a bid to take the throne and raise the standing of her clan; which is smaller and lower in standing than Lings. Along with her pet mini panda Xiao Mei, she soon learns of the Fullmetal Alchemist and seeks him out in order to learn more of the stone.

While not 6-star worthy, she was still an important ally to Ed, Al, and the others in the events of FMA, and to not include her would be akin to not including Armstrong or Hawkeye.

 Reni:  Mei Chang might not be 6-star worthy, but I secretly hope that GungHo can give her assist form as Xiao Mei!

Van Hohenheim

I’m only adding him for one reason; if Father could be included, so can he. Van Hohenheim is an integral part of the plot, and also the Elric brothers father. Hohenheim is totally worthy of having a 6-star, and it’ll take a spoiler tag for me to explain why.

Click here for spoilers, otherwise go watch FMA!!!
It’s revealed late into the story that Van Hohenheim is actually from the long since destroyed nation of Xerxes which once inhabited the desert region between Amestris and Xing. Xerxes was much like an Atlantis in the world that FMA takes place in, as it was a highly advanced civilization that vanished into legend. Van Hohenheim was originally a slave there, and never had a real name. It wasn’t until he was cleaning up his masters study one day when a strange creature within a flask began talking to him. After a series of events, that creature would find freedom by convincing Hohenheim to free him. As thanks, the creature gave him the name “Van Hohenheim”, Knowledge (which allowed him to become a powerful alchemist), and eternal life; all at a great expense…

A young Van Hohenheim holding the Dwarf in the Flask. You can tell by his smug expression that the Dwarf isn’t thinking of giving everyone free money…

After the events in Xerxes, Hohenheim now actively works in the shadows, trying to figure out a way to stop Father before his can continue with his plan…

 Reni:  Honestly I expect him to be in PAD for the next collab rerun, whenever it would be… On the same note, I’d expect El and Al’s mom, Trisha Elric, to be added too if Hohenheim would be added. One can dream, right?

The Philosopher’s Stone

The different Philosopher Stones seen throughout FMA Brotherhood.

The center focal point of the entire plot of Fullmetal Alchemist. It’s known as the perfect material and allows an alchemist to bypass the law of “Equivalent Exchange”. Out of the three “missed opportunities we’ve discussed today, this is by far the biggest one. It could easily be a split assist evolution of Father (who creates them for his own uses),  or even an assist evolution of Hohenheim (if we had been made a 6 Star). In all honesty, Ed’s Pocket Watch and the Philosopher’s Stone should have definitely made an appearance; so I’m glad we got one of the two!

 Reni:  Ken sees it as evolution, but I see it more of an rare invade item in the dungeon that is needed as evolution material for some Homonulus.

 Ken:  That’s a way better idea, especially if they add Homonculus who we don’t have yet; or even other characters who’ve used the stone.

Monster Exchange

 Reni:  We’re talking Fullmetal Alchemist here. Why are we calling it Monster Exchange and not Equivalent Exchange?? That to me seems like a complete missed opportunity for the collab!

 Ken:  Agreed, GH could have at least made the pun in their news posts. Maybe GHNA will when or if NA gets return 2!

Collab Date

 Reni:  Don’t forget 3.Oct.11. It’s really too bad that the collab didn’t return on October 3rd, but on October 24. Close enough though.

Final words

 Reni:  Nothing is perfect, and so wasn’t this collab. Despite the little bits of frustration we had with some parts (assist evos, especially), both of us really enjoyed the collab and was thrilled to see its return to the JP server. There are some things we wish the collab offered this time, but we can only hope that the collab will return next time to fulfill our greed.

And we’re just thankful that GungHo didn’t have Nina Tucker in game… *shiver*

Image Credits

Featured Image: Minakata Sunao (Twitter)
Smug Edward: Reni!

Also to end on a high note, we’ve been drooling over these artwork (more on Emmm_’s Twitter)!

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