What To Vote For In The Annual Player’s Choice Survey
The Player’s Choice Godfest (PCGF) is an annual machine dating back to 2013 in which players get to vote for what they want to appear from the machine. As Godfests became Super Godfests, PCGF became SPCGF (Super Player’s Choice Godfest). In the old days, PCGF was the premier machine to roll; it usually contained all of the best cards that people desired instead of regular lineups with only some good cards being featured. Nowadays, though godfests have taken a step back and collabs have become the superlative category of machines, SPCGF has stood out as one of the unusual godfests that may be worth some rolls due to the democratic selection of the lineup.
What this article aims to do is a couple of things. One, this should thoroughly explain the voting process and results that will probably answer any FAQs that you have. Two, the article should hopefully help you organize your thought process in choosing which cards to vote for. Three, this should influence you so that you vote for what I want. Two truths and one lie, I hope you figured out the lie!
Hint: It’s not the third one.
Voting and Results
For this year’s PCSGF, you get three votes in three different pools of cards (one per respective pool). To find the voting form, go to Others The Super Player’s Choice Godfest.
When you begin voting, you are first faced with a plethora of pantheons. However, you are not voting for the entire pantheon. Once you pick out the pantheon you want, then you choose one of the cards in said pantheon as your first vote. For example, once I pick out the pantheon series (Mesopotamian), then I am shown all five cards in the pantheon, from which I vote one (Enkidu
) to appear in the PCSGF.
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After you cast your pantheon vote, then you move on to the 6★ Godfest Exclusives (GFE). Pick one from the extensive list.
After selecting a 6★ GFE, you will come to the third and final vote, with which you will select either a 7★ GFE or a member of the Samurai 3 Pantheon. After you vote from this pool, you will have concluded your ballot for the 2020 Super Player’s Choice Godfest.
That’s it! Now, all you have to do is wait for the lineup to be released, probably around New Year’s Day. Based on JP, the lineup will contain 40 Pantheons, 15 6★ GFE and 15 7★ GFE / Samurai 3 Pantheon.
What Do I Vote For?
This is the question, right? Do I pick Allatu
or Diaochan
? Do I pick Reeche
or Veroah
? Do I pick Red Odin
or Blue Odin
Now, I can’t tell you exactly what to vote for. After all, it’s a personal choice that will be influenced by your box and its needs, and every box is different. What I can tell you is how you should narrow down your choices so that your vote delivers the greatest impact.
VOTE FOR WHAT YOU DON’T HAVE THAT YOU WANT THE MOST. This is your first priority. While dupes can synergize into powerful team compositions, the marginal utility between having one copy and having zero copies of a card trumps all other considerations. One copy gives you access to new team compositions and/or increases your building flexibility with another option. Zero copies means no chance. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. If you don’t have a Remu
and you want a Remu, vote for Remu. If you don’t have a Norza
and you desire a Norza above all else, vote for Norza.
However, sometimes you can’t make up your mind for whatever reason. For example, let’s say you know what you want from the pantheons and 6★ GFE, but you don’t really have any real preference among the 7★ GFE / Samurai 3 Pantheon. In that case, I would prioritize getting what you don’t have rather than voting for a dupe. Keep in mind that my definition for a dupe here does not include equips; for example, I consider Great Witch of the Mysterious Beasts, Nelle
to be a completely different card from Nelle’s Magical Stone Wand, Billios
. If you want a Remu
for its equip form even though you already own a Remu, that’s perfectly reasonable because the equip and the base form are used for different things. However, if you want a Grandis
despite owning six copies, I would be very skeptical about your rationale.
Of course, there are some exceptions to the rule. Team compositions revolving around Norza
are greatly enhanced with two copies of Norza, so if you own only one, it makes perfect sense to vote for Norza so you can get another one to boost your team. Likewise, farmers will probably want plenty of Ra
, Vajrayaksa
, Vajrabhairava
, and other cards for various purposes. While a lot of things depend on the circumstances of your box and its needs, just keep in mind that you should vote for what you want. I’m simply outlining a thought process that may help you make your decision.
One thing to consider is the popularity of the card; the popular choices are probably going to make it in, right? For example, even if you really want Allatu
, she is quite the desired card; she was first amongst all pantheon cards in the 8th Anniversary Reward Survey. Would it be a stretch to say that she will be voted in the lineup regardless of whether you vote for her or not? Therefore, it may be smarter to assume certain cards as locks and vote for the first card that does not have a guarantee of making it in the lineup; that way, your vote has greater impact in sneaking in a card within the last few spots as opposed to jumping on the bandwagon and contributing to a landslide victory. (Also consider the flip side; some cards that you might want may be so obscure that regardless of whether you vote for it, the card won’t make it in.)
Here are the cards I believe to be absolutely guaranteed in the lineup. (I’m not going to say what I think is guaranteed not to make it in. Every card has a chance!)
Pantheon | 6★ GFE | 7★ GFE / Samurai 3 Pantheon |
Allatu (Mesopotamian) Diaochan (3K 2) Inahime (Sam 2) | Dark Kali Aten Raijin | Menoa Grandis Fasca |
If you disagree and you really want one of these, then vote for what you want. I just think that regardless of your choice, these cards are guaranteed to make it in the lineup.
Another thing I want to bring up is the Samurai 3 Pantheon. Yes, the equips are amazing. Does that mean you should vote for them?
Okay, maybe I am imposing myself a bit much there. But I want to stress that 7★ GFE are the premium currency of the game. Didn’t you want Yugi
in the beginning of the year so that you could steamroll content as easy as stomping on an ant to end its existence? (Don’t you want to prepare for the next coming of Yugi known as Tanjiro Kamado
?) I bet you do, which leads me to this. Can you trade in Samurai 3 for these meta-defining cards?
No. You can’t.
Another thing. You know how the Sin Dragons & Key Heroes event was based around the regular ol’ REM? Were the Samurai 3 in there?
Yep. They sure were. (At abysmal rates, but they were there, and you cursed every time you rolled one because it was not a Key Hero.)
If you look to the future, Japan already had another strong event similar to SDKH that was based around the REM. The Samurai 3 were there, too! I’m not saying that you shouldn’t vote for the Samurai 3. It’s your choice, and I don’t want to take away from that. The equips from the Samurai 3 Pantheon are ridiculously strong. I just want you to consider the context surrounding the Samurai 3 Pantheon before voting.
In the end, there are two objective truths that I think most of us would not dispute. One, this is an exciting time in PAD for most of us! Though godfests have stepped aside as collabs dominate, the annual survey still excites us because we get to vote for what we want. Not only does that prospect appeal to us, but it also engenders a lot of discussion on the various social platforms. I won’t say that everyone loves SPCGF, but even if we’ve seen this time a thousand times, the hype is real. Two, we will all vote for what we want. Though I bring up some points to consider, it is your desires that will overrule all other justifications for your votes. After all, most of us don’t own everything. (You can’t say all of us after watching Upc’s Monster Box Tour.)
Hopefully, this article helps you out with what to vote for. If so, great! If not, cool! Remember that these are just my thoughts. We will all see whether our votes mattered when the results are posted.
Good luck and have fun!
I voted exactly on cards thats guaranteed to show up (Diaochan, D. Kali and Menoa), that i dont own these
That makes perfect sense!