GungHo Collab returns as expected, with a gacha and Monster Exchange that many have been waiting for!!…
The most random YamaP gacha buff ever – from his Rank 800 memorial roll!…
3 new evolutions announced – Yay that Constallation 2 finally has evolutions!…
3 new cards with 3 evolutions for the new Dracoblades!…
Dragonbound & Dragon Caller (DBDC) series returns again, coming for our wallets!…
New Reincarnated and Super Reincarnated evolutions for some cards you probably forgot about, from Egyptian 1&2, and also Samurai 1 series!…
Longest collab buff list in the history of PAD?? 2 years worth of buffs in one shot for Final Fantasy!…
As expected after the GungHo Festival stream, Super Reincarnated Sakuya and new evolution for Dark Kali is here!!…
All the Attack on Titan collab buffs in one post! Huge list of changes, and… wait, an unconditional 10x ATK leader!?…
Monster Hunter Collab returns for Diablos buff that was announced during GungHo Festival stream!…
Buffs from YamaP’s Gacha Challenge are in! Both base and Uvo forms of his rolled cards received buffs!…