Christmas Special Gacha Returns With Great Witch!
Time for some Christmas cards! This year they’re here earlier – 2 week instead of a 1 week event!
Gacha details
Free roll!
- One free Gacha roll in mail for everyone, no rank requirements!
Magic Stone + Gacha Roll Bundles
Available: 12/11 (Wed) 10am – 12/25 (Wed) 11:59pm JST
2 bundles are available in Shop tab! One purchase only for each bundle.
▼ Mobile users: Swipe to see the rest of bundles!
#1 | #2 | |
Bundle | 1 Magic Stone + Gacha Set 魔法石1個+クリスマスガチャ |
20 Magic Stones + Guaranteed Uriel Set 魔法石20個+確定聖夜ウリエルガチャ |
Price | 120 yen (US$ 1.06) | 2,440 yen (US$ 21) |
Contains | ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Gacha lineup | All (★9, ★8, ★7, ★6 and ★5) | [5774] Uriel only, comes with Orb Skin. |
Gacha Rates | Same as below. | [5774] Uriel – 100% |
Orb Skin!
Obtaining [5774] Uriel unlocks the Archangel orb skin!
Rare gacha lineup

All cards are linked to PDX database. You can also see New Cards section below for skill translations.





Monster Exchange
Available: 12/11 (Wed) 10am – 12/26 (Thu) 11:59pm JST
★8 & ★9 Gacha rolls
- All ★8 and ★9 cards from the gacha can be obtained through exchange.
- Exchange 4-5 cards for your desired cards! (Duplicates ok)
Desired Card & Exchange Requirements | |
[5772] Great Witch of the Holy Gates, Saline 聖門の大魔女・サレーネ ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[2511] Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali 聖堂の女主神・カーリー ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
[3379] Holy Night Visitor, Gremory 聖夜の来訪者・グレモリー ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
[4064] Holy Night Ash Phantom Demon, Ilmina 聖夜の灰幻魔・イルミナ ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
[4946] Yog-Sothoth, the Holy Night One 聖夜なるもの・ヨグ=ソトース ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
[4947] Holy Night Hell Phantom Heiress, Romia 聖夜の獄幻姫・ロミア ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
Limited-time special exchanges
Collect small, medium, large tokens (Medals) from dungeon, exchange them for higher tier tokens, and use them as currency for these exchanges!
Desired Card | Exchange Requirements |
[5779] Puzzle and Dragons Christmas Tree パズドラクリスマスツリー |
* One Exchange Only |
x 5
[5778] PAD Holy Night Wreath – Rainbow 聖夜のパズドラリース【虹】 |
or x 1 | x 5
[5777] PAD Holy Night Wreath – Gold 聖夜のパズドラリース【金】 |
[5776] PAD Holy Night Wreath – Silver 聖夜のパズドラリース【銀】 |
[5775] PAD Holy Night Wreath – Bronze 聖夜のパズドラリース【銅】 |
x 5
Various Lil’ Snow Globe Dragons |
Monster Point store
Available: 12/11 (Wed) 10am – 12/25 (Wed) 11:59pm JST

Collab dungeon
Duration: 12/11 (Wed) 10am – 12/25 (Wed) 11:59pm JST
Dungeon drops the Christmas Wreaths needed for Monster Exchange. You can get 1 Magic Stones for completion!
- 5 difficulties total.
- Top floor is Team of 4 or less, first clear will give a PreDRA.
Dungeon drops | |
Invade (Santa Claus) |
Boss |
Skill-up dungeon available
Dungeon name: Skill Level-Up / スキルレベルアップ
- Bring in a team of the Christmas special cards you rolled, and get 100% skillups!
- Solo-only, ensure you have Monster Leveling option on!
New cards
From Official Twitter:
★9 Rarity card
Both animated.

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4210 (5200) | 5473 (6463) |
ATK | 2603 (3098) | 3384 (3879) |
RCV | 778 (1075) | 1011 (1308) |
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Fire orbs; Charge allies’ skill by 2 turns
(19 ➧ 19)
Leader Skill: 1.5x all stats for Fire Att.; 2x ATK when above 50% HP; 6x ATK when matching 6 or more connected Fire orbs; 50000 additional damage when matching 6 or more Fire orbs

★7 Rarity card

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4222 (5212) | 5489 (6479) |
ATK | 2519 (3014) | 3275 (3770) |
RCV | 20 (317) | 26 (323) |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall; Change bottom row to Fire orbs
(9 ➧ 4)
Leader Skill: 1.5x all stats for Fire Att.; 2x ATK when above 50% HP; 6x ATK and increase combo by 1 when matching 6 or more connected Fire orbs at once
- Unlocks orb skin.
New Evolution

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 5874 (6864) | 7636 (8626) |
ATK | 2136 (2631) | 2777 (3272) |
RCV | 263 (560) | 342 (639) |
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, Dark, and Heal orbs; For 4 turns, Wood orbs are more likely to appear by 15%
(14 ➧ 8)
Leader Skill: 4.5x ATK when 6 or more combos; 4x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching Fire, Wood, Dark at once; Increase orb movement time by 3 seconds
[1/324/1, 75%]
- Recall Ilmina got presents last year (mittens).
- [Random] Do you know how many PAD cards has a big Shynee in it too?
Monster Exchange

[_playlist type=”video”][_track caption=”Saline” src=”″ ][_track caption=”Khoza (Assist Evo. of Saline)” src=”″ ][/_playlist]
Evolution Materials
Buffs for Older Cards
Card | Change |
Holy Night Santa Claus, Hera 聖夜のサンタクロース・ヘラ |
Holy Night Divine Elemental, Genie 聖夜の神精霊・ジーニャ |
Mistress of the Sanctuary, Kali 聖堂の女主神・カーリー |
Snow Star Byakko, Haku 星雪の白虎・ハク |
Holy Rites Mistress, Echidna 聖祭の女傑・エキドナ |
Enchantress of the Sanctuary, Siren 聖堂の歌姫・セイレーン |
Christmas Tree Spirit, Alraune 聖樹の精霊・アルラウネ |
Sanctuary Messenger, Archangel 聖天の使徒・エンジェル |
Holy Night Witch, Lilith 聖夜の魔女・リリス |
Sightseeing Sorceress, Ars Paulina 遊覧の魔導姫・アルス=パウリナ |
Powder Snow Byakko, Haku 淡雪の白虎・ハク |
Dragon Hero of the Holy Feast, Liu Bei 聖宴の龍英傑・劉備 |
Goddess of the Sanctuary, Freyja 聖堂の豊麗神・フレイヤ |
Holy Ritual Ninja Princess, Hatsume 聖祭の夜叉姫・初芽局 |
Holy Night Siblings, Castor & Pollux 聖夜の兄妹・ポルックス&カストル |
Active Skill: Change far left column to Light orbs and change far right column to Dark orbs; Charge allies’ skill by 1 turn (13 ➧
Holy Night Guest, Gremory 聖夜の滞在者・グレモリー |
Active Skill: Create 3 Fire, Heal orbs; Reduce unable to match orbs effect by 5 turns; Reduce binds by
Kouryu Emperor of the Holy Feast, Fagan 聖宴の黄龍神・ファガン |
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, and Heal orbs; Reduce enemies’ HP by 20%;
Holy Night Courier, Claíomh Solais 聖夜の運び屋・クラウソラス |
Holy Ritual Love Deity, Venus 聖祭の慈愛神・ヴィーナス |
Holy Thought Ash Phantom Demon, Ilmina 聖想の灰幻魔・イルミナ |
Yog-Sothoth, the Holy Night One 聖夜なるもの・ヨグ=ソトース |
Holy Night Hell Phantom Heiress, Romia 聖夜の獄幻姫・ロミア |
Active Skill: Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, Dark, and Heal orbs; For 4 turns, Wood orbs are more likely to appear by 15% (14 ➧
Holy Ritual Psychopomp Princess, Grida 聖祭の死神姫・グリーダ |
Official Lore
厳ついサンタクロース達は頭に雪を積もらせながら、彼女達が眠るのを待ち続けるのだった。Official Lore
Translation by mal as I’m incapable of translating this (Thanks againnnn). Here we go!
And as the present exchange draws to an end, the two turn to their gifts under the silent night.
Romia, as she dons her gift of an adorable hooded blanket, steals a glance at Ilmina.
“Will she like the gloves I made for her with Scarlet?” Thinks Romia.
But as Ilmina’s fluffy tail starts wagging happily, swept too away was Romia’s worry.
“…ehehe. So soft and so fluffy. So warm too! Ilmina-chan!” Romia begins.
The two continue to revel in their banter below the well ornamented tree.
And peeping at this scene are three merry spirits outside.
“Alas. Looks like they won’t be sleeping any time soon. Well, guess it’s more time to enjoy the cold for us.”
“Our little princess is having such fun! You can’t do to interrupt them, Aamir! We’ll only sneak in through the chimney after they fall asleep. Master Zuoh, you as well, please, try to be as quiet as you can.”
By tomorrow morning, surely the two little ones will wake in amazement at the presents before their beds.
But for now, our Santa Clauses will have to wear snow until the princesses fall sweetly asleep.
Also artwork!
“Next morning”, art by Romia’s artist – Yoichi Ito.
I’m curious as to who the person/angel is next to Gabriel in Christmas Uriel’s artwork. I know Raphael is helping with the tree, and Lucifer is no where to be seen, so maybe it’s Michael with his hair down? But it seems to me Gabriel might be on a date with a female angel seeing as they look very feminine/may be wearing tights with a skirt. What are you’re guy’s thoughts?
Pretty sure that’s Michael, you can just barely see the wings. They’ve always been pretty feminine in a lot of their art, so their casual wear isn’t surprising at all to me.
^ I second this
Either Michael or Freyr. Or Marie from Orchestra if possible.
Well, (as we probably all have thought of) Christmas Saline unfortunately turns out to be just a luxurious farming lead. Green Reeche up next for NY collab?
Reeche is gonna be Valentine’s or Pad academy. I think Valentine’s because there is only 2 chase cards in that REM and people need a reason to roll that REM.
Gungho has to let Player’s wallets recharge To whale for both Saline and Reeche. There’s so much player hype for the seasonal witches, releasing them too close together would be bad planning.
Why is there so much hate for Saline? The subreddit and JP forums on Pazusoku are just saying how bad she is and talking about Uriel and Michael being so androgynous.
Compared to how useful HMadoo, BZela and BVeroah were in their respective REMs, they (and I as well) were thinking that Saline would have been either meta changing/defining or just had a solid LS with evo Saline awakenings or something along those lines. That’s why they were disappointed to see it was just a semi-decent farming lead, I expect.
Christmas Kali was my first “super rare” card from several years ago and still disappointing every year she doesn’t get some nicer buffs
Will probably trade for Christmas Ilmina (doubt I will ever roll her without robbing a bank first). Those 3 Team HP awakenings are too tempting – oh, and the fluff as well :3
I traded for it (is ilmina a boy or girl we call it, it for now). I used it ALOT when it first came out, including swapping board swaps and stuff. but honestly It’s been awhile since ive used ima call it a her lol
She’s from Heroine REM. All the cards from there are female, no?
While its a very nice card… i dunno that just doesn’t look like saline to me. I really thought echinda got a buff, or maybe like a minerva look alike or something.
Also it’s kind of strange to see the equip of such a high rarity card to have double skill bound resist. (the red thing) If people are whale enough to get this card, pretty much any high tiered cards have 1 red skill resist thingy. So like, I can’t really think of any situations you’d need two. And there have been cards with two already for awhile. You’d really only use them for ranking or something when you have a jank team that doesn’t have the red awokes.
They shoudl’ve put two increase rewards things. That would probably have the pad whales wanting a wall of them for farming collab purposes
Darn, and that xmas kali buff, guess she will never be ontop of meta for a long long time, or even a really a high powered card. I haven’t seen her on trading list lately either. She started out being on alot of them
Lol Archangel Lucifer left out of the angels’ shopping trip
It looks like Christmas gacha is the Red Row gacha now – there’s Gremory, Saline, Uriel…
Also whew that Yog buff, now it can actually put out some damage. I hope this change comes to Beach Yog too, and the potential Mega Awoken Yog.
Maybe they are all buying Lucifer a gift
That would be cute
The Xmas story with Romia and Ilmina is cute. It makes me wish for a master Zuoh seasonal varient with a young ilmina or floof in the artwork somewhere.
how come it hasnt arrived in NA yet.
Seasonals doesn’t always start within 24 hours of each other, it’s not a set rule!
Will Romia be any good? The downside is no Zela, but the damage is a huge step up from ZKitty and 75% damage reduction is amazing. Seems like one of the better green leads since power rangers/hello kitty
I feel as though she COULD be a good lead– her damage output is really great and fairly reasonable, 3 specific colors and 6+ combos is doable on your typical board.
The lack of hp or rcv mults means you’re fully reliant on that 75% shield, though, which means that when you CAN’T hit it, you’re going to be in serious danger. Similarly, wood/fire/dark is a weird trio of colors to build a team around, so you’re stuck with fairly specific subs for orb creation… but at least the utility subs are fairly accessible.
Is it better than ZKitty and her flexibility in damage and bulk? I wouldn’t say that.
With the right team comp, XMas Romia could be decent with her new evo. It’s just a matter of having access to the right board at all times, which would really just be a matter of having the right subs and packing resistance to poison/jammers. I’m much more fond of XMas Romia as a sub for combo leads and wood/dark teams; she sits very comfortably on Kamimusubi builds, for example. But she does have potential overall!