[CoroCoro News] Some More Details PAD Gold – The Nintendo Switch Game!

Some more details for PAD Gold and such from CoroCoro magazine!

PAD Gold on Nintendo Switch!

[ Source: @mutekix9677]  “The golden age for puzzle battle is here!” Well… we know CoroCoro always overly hype things lol.

Let’s see, the Nintendo Switch game will have these…

  • Goal: = Aim for the Gold Medal
  • Battles. Tournaments... Better than PADR ones they say. (That… isn’t a high bar) 
  • Uvo Toragon and Dark Ra Dragon with super real CG (please don’t make Toragon like Sonic, GungHo) 
Ok at least Radra is cool. Hexazeon level of cool.
  • Story Mode featuring Taiga and Toragon as main characters, and their friends are there too!

Game will be released in 2019 Winter, price not announced.

Do note that this Story Mode in PAD Gold is different from Story Dungeons for the mobile PAD we all play!

CoroCoro Magazine, giving away 100 Dark Myr

[ Source: @mutekix9677]  Corocoro giveaway: 100 Dark Myr Monster Memory (MM) Card! Yes, that’s the one that everyone wanted, sold out at GungHo Fes. and was only sold on that day)

This is the second time Dark Myr is available, hopefully we see more chances so that I can stock up!