[Day 2 Teaser Added] Xmas Seasonal REM returns
Xmas Seasonal REM returns with new cards and new awakening!
Day 2: More new evolutions and new cards

Devil / Healer

Active Skill: Deals 300,000 fix dmg to all enemies; Fully recovers unmatchable orb status; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to fire, light and heart orbs (9 max CD)
Leader Skill: [7×6 board] 20x ATK when matching 9+ connected light orbs; Reduce dmg taken by 50% and +3 combo when matching 5 connected heart orbs in cross shape

God / Attacker

(new blob awakening) + more?
Active Skill: For 1 turn, unable to match dark orbs; For 1 turn, bypass dmg void shield (5 max CD)
Leader Skill: Reduce dmg taken by 65% and deals 10,000,000 fix dmg when matching 6+ connected fire orbs; 21x ATK for Fire att.

Machine / Attacker

Active Skill: For 1 turn, ATK increase according to number of wood row awakening; Change water and dark orbs to wood orbs (2 max CD)
Leader Skill: 12x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 50% and +3 combo when matching 6+ connected wood orbs; 1.8x all stats for Wood att.
Day 1: Xmas Selica with new awakening

Dragon / Attacker / Healer

Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Create 2 fire orbs; For 1 turn, 1.5x orb move time (2 max CD)
Leader Skill: 1.6x HP and 22x ATK for Fire att.; Reduce dmg taken by 50% and +2 combo when matching 6+ connected fire orbs
New awakening: Super Connected Match Boost
Part of Xmas Selica’s SA has the new awakening “Super Connected Match Boost” (超つなげ消し強化), with the effect being 12x self attack when matching 12 or more connected orbs of self’s attribute
e.g. Xmas Selica gets 12x ATK from matching 12 fire or 12 wood orbs
Selica was a girl!?
I mean no disrespect but I feel like half the players (who know what they’re doing) can’t tell if the genders I thought it was obvious 😅
ALSO she’s one of the few where they don’t make her boobs the focus of her design which I can appreciate☺️
Remember that bible story of Lot and sodom and gemmorah Suprise they found the cities and its true
Lol “remember” has me dying! My hand burns when I touch a bible, JK but no I haven’t really read it, not my cup of tea🤷🏽♂️
Fog and Kio are boys though right?
Kio is male Kyori is female. That’s my assumption because of Kio academy art
Hopefully the awakening doesn’t go awry like the nail orbs
I she’s the only one from the seasonal with it and there are none in NY with it…then it’ll probably get the same fate as nail orbs.
Are there any leads that use Nailzaki now? She can kinda fit on Oak and Naut teams but I’ve never seen people run her.
Used more for teams with no auto-FUA iirc.
Can someone fill me what happen to nail orb awakening? All I know it is %gravity damage and currently limited to collab unit. Did GungHo messed up?
already shipping Gil teams with that xiou dun dude. Naut and Menoa might be a thing too. Thats crazy