[Day 3 Teaser] YYH Rerun with new cards

YYH rerun from stream announcement has finally arrived!

Day 3: REM Toguro and buff preview

[8068]/ The Strength Seeker, Younger Toguro
Devil / Attacker / Physical

Active Skill: For 5 turns, 2x ATK for Devil type; Transform to [8069] for the rest of the dungeon (23 max CD)

Leader Skill: 2.5x HP for Devil type; 12x ATK when HP is 50% or below

[8069]/ Demon Energy Let Off, Younger Toguro (Transform)
Devil / Attacker / Physical

Active Skill: For 3 turns, 2.5x ATK for Devil type; Transform to [8070] for the rest of the dungeon (6 max CD)

Leader Skill: 2.5x HP for Devil type; 20x ATK when HP is 50% or below; Slightly reduce dmg taken when matching 6+ connected dark orbs

[8070]/ Full Power, Younger Toguro (Transform)
Devil / Attacker / Physical

Active Skill: For 1 turn, ATK increase according to number of <50 enhance awakening in the team; Change water and light orbs to dark orbs (2 max CD)

Leader Skill: 3.2x HP for Devil type; 25x ATK when HP is 50% or below; Slightly reduce dmg taken and +3 combo when matching 6+ connected dark orbs

[8071] Younger Toguro’s Sunglasses (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Delay enemies’ next move by 4 turns; For 1 turn, 4x ATK for Dark att. (16 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

Card Change

Yoko Kurama
[1] Change fire, jammer and poison orbs to wood orbs; Delay enemies’ next move by 2 turns; Evolves active to stage [2]
[2] For 5 turns, 50x ATK for self; Change fire and jammer to wood orbs, water and poison to heart orbs; Delay enemies’ next move by 2 turns (9 CD)
4x ATK when HP is 50% or above; 4.5x 20x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 25% 60% and deals 5,000,000 fix dmg when matching 6+ connected wood orbs; 3x 4x RCV when matching 4 connected heart orbs

Day 2: Buff preview and new equip evo

[8080] Yusuke’s Shirt (Assist evo)

Active Skill: For 2 turns, 4x RCV; For 2 turns, 4x ATK for Light att.; For 2 turns, bypass dmg void shield (18 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[8083] Raizen’s Kerchief (Assist evo)

Active Skill: For 3 turns, bypass dmg absorb shield; For 3 turns, 0.5x RCV; For 3 turns, 0.5x ATK for Light att. (11 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

Card Change

Yusuke Urameshi
Max CD 13 > 10
1.5x 2x all stats for Light att.; 3.5x 9x ATK when 7+ combo; 2x ATK Increase combo by 4 when water and light attack at once

Spirit Detective, Yusuke Urameshi
Max CD 13 > 10
1.5x all stats for Light att.; 4x 13x ATK when 7+ combo; 2.5x ATK Reduce dmg taken by 50% and deals 7,000,000 fix dmg when water and light attack at once

Change leftmost column to heart orbs; Fully recovers awoken bind status; Reduce current HP to 1; Deals 200x ATK of light dmg to 1 enemy (Max CD 5 > 3)
Reduce dmg taken by 50%; 3x ATK for Light att.; 3x ATK ATK increase when matching 5+ connected light orbs, to the max 10x ATK

A change has also been made to Yusuke’s evolution tree, where the L/L form is now a revo from the L/B form:

The change also applies to Hiei and Sensui:

  • Hiei D/R form will be revo from D/D form
  • Sensui D/L form will be revo from D/R form

Day 1: New Cards

[8072]/ Enki
Attacker / Physical

Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to fire and light orbs; Transform to [8073] for the rest of the dungeon (25 max CD)

Leader Skill: 18x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 50% when fire and light attack at once

[8073]/ Strongest Couple, Enki and Kokou (Transform)
Attacker / Physical

Active Skill: For 1 turn, 2x ATK for self and Attacker type; Unlock all orbs; Create 3 fire, light and heart orbs (3 max CD)

Leader Skill: 20x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 70% and +2 combo when fire and light attack at once; Deals 6,000,000 fix dmg when matching 2+ light combo

[8074] Enki’s Parcel

Active Skill: For 2 turns, 7x ATK for self; For 2 turns, greatly reduce dmg taken (12 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[8075]/ Shura

+ more?

Active Skill: For 1 turn, 2x orb move time; Fully recovers unmatchable status; Unlock all orbs; Create 5 light orbs from non-heart orbs (5 max CD)

Leader Skill: 2.7x HP and RCV for Light att.; Voids poison dmg; 20x ATK and deals 1,000,000 fix dmg when matching 5+ connected light orbs

[8076]/ Miko of Gandara, Shura (Uvo)

+ more?

Active Skill: For 1 turn, 2x orb move time; Fully recovers unmatchable status; Unlock all orbs; Create 5 light orbs from non-heart orbs (5 max CD)

Leader Skill: [10 sec move time] 1.5x HP and 18x ATK for Light and Dark att.; Reduce dmg taken by 50% and +3 combo when matching 5+ connected light or dark orbs

[8077] Shura’s Incubator (Assist evo)

Active Skill: For 3 turns, reduce dmg taken by 50%; For 3 turns, recovers 30% max HP; Unlock all orbs (13 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

[8078]/ Shigure

+ more?

Active Skill: Change leftmost and rightmost column to water orbs; Charge allies’ active by 2 turns (14 max CD)

Leader Skill: [No skyfall] Reduce dmg taken by 50% and +1 combo when matching 2+ water combo; 17x ATK and deals 1 fix dmg when matching 4+ connected water orbs

[8079] Brimstone Ring Blade (Assist evo)

Active Skill: Change outmost orbs to heart orbs; Create water orbs in cross shape; For 1 turn, increase combo by 4 (14 max CD)

Leader Skill: None

32 Replies to “[Day 3 Teaser] YYH Rerun with new cards”

    1. you are assuming this page ever gets updated past day one teasers. Orchestra is halfway so done and still on day 2 teasers.

      1. Dude what please just appreciate that they’re even still updating the page at all. Remi is extremely busy and stressed rn.

          1. He typo’d and meant to say Reni with an n instead of an m. Reni was the person who did all the “full details” posts before he/she had to stop because of IRL stuff, so Karyu just updates with teaser details because “full details” posts take hours to format and Karyu is probably too busy to do that.

      2. I just translate my own if I’m really interested. I can read and understand a lot of Japanese, I just can’t write or speak it. Anyways then there’re also plug-ins that can translate pages to English if I don’t feel like doing it. JP PAD and their Twitter both have info.

  1. Shigure getting an equip means they’re all getting equips or that it’s just an orb skin that has faux diamond privileges.

    1. Think Urameshi will have light/blue orb assist, one style after his demonkin form or a new evo?

      1. I just he pairs will with blue hair girl from full metal panic and tig bitty girl from samurai showdown. he could really use a shield that isnt connected to activating damage so he can stall and a big active skill buff.

      2. Yusuke didn’t even get a buff last time this event ran. What makes you think they’d buff him this time?

          1. 2 VDPs were added which means he will only do meaningful damage with a box. that is not something even Nautilus can do and why Naut is the worst robot. Yusuke also can’t guarantee 7c or 10x with his active or leaderskill +combos so have fun burning stones for continues or stamina on dungeons til you get good RNG. Had those open awakening slots been turned into takoyaki or L shields to take advantage of Academy Kio loop then a viable team could have been made.
            The leaderskill has zero survivability at 9x eHP and a board change excluding hearts.
            The active skill is a long cooldown in this meta and isnt condensed with enough effects. Kaneme Chidori and Fourze of Kamen Rider have similar mich better actives.
            His base stat total is straight outta 2016.

            He didnt get any buffs or upgrades. if he did he wouldnt be as subtle in the current meta as he was before. Yusuke is bad.

            1. also Yusuke only have 6 latent slots not 8. That, often doesnt even feel like enough because of 6 slot latents and needing at least 2 SDRs unless you only want to use the card for a one trick team on a specific dungeon without delays)

  2. F that.. These cards are great Im stolked. I love YYU and it’s so cool these new chars. Even If I didn’t watch the show thoguh.. you guys seem not so hyped. Double full resistance in a non transform? Wow

    Plus a double COOP boosting card. Going to be an amazing stat stick

    1. Enki has zero recovery to start with and he is transform so he has no use for all that attack and damage awakenings since he will never hit for more than 2.14. GungHo could have just increased his base stats by 2.25 but instead they lowed his stats and consumed 2 awakenings slots that could have been left empty for future buffs.

      1. How do you know it will rerun? It’s been like 2-3 years since the last run and given the fact that GH left all the other regions in the dust to run Star Wars this year (which they probably didn’t run earlier cause the profit from that would be less than the long term loss from angry players not getting it in other regions), I would think the game is dying soon outside of JP.

        On another note, maybe they’ll eventually allow transform cards to have the double damage cap latent; it seems likely with all the extra-damage transform cards that are still coming out and the need for more and more double damage cap cards for harder and harder content (plus transform’s high relevancy to the meta).

        1. Again with people not understanding that Disney owns Star Wars, Marvel and etc.
          Disney isn’t going to allow licensing everywhere for cheap.
          Anytime it’s owned by Disney it will be JP exclusive. Just get used to it and don’t hype yourself up for something that won’t go to another region.

  3. O wow and that light card equip is similar to the to the wolf equip. Both with Team HP boost and unbind. I could not roll that wolf guy.. This will be redemption.

    1. I’d rather they just leave the old collabs to die. These Yusuke buffs are disrespectful. No card needs more than one VDP and Yusuke had 2 open slots. Daiske added 2 VDP. The active skill buff was only a cd reduction and 1.5 50% is is lower eHP than the entire current meta. Raizen for some reason still has 2 L unlocks– another awakening no card should have more than 1 of.

      GungHo doesnt care about YYH being relevant.

      1. How long have you played the game and what content have you yet to clear?
        VDP, Ls and other awakenings’ damage or multiplied by “x” amount.
        Unless you’re using void damage voids, VDP are important in very late game content.

        1. you only need one VDP for pierce damage. 3 is superfluous. the damage multiplier is only with the box so you aren’t consistently getting damage. Consistency is more important because the goal with a damage sub like Yuskue is to be hitting at or more than the cap every turn. They could have given yusuke one 7 or 10 combo and left the last slot empty and yusuke would have been better off.

  4. The artwork for Toguro was really really lazy on GungHo’s part. It’s the same as the farmable but with an animated background.

    1. It would be really cool if they updated artwork for older cards like spirit gun Yusuke to be animated like a visual upgrade.

    1. they act like its so much work. This whole thing could be automated by putting together a difference check when paddb gets updated and just showing the data that gets changed.

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