
15 Replies to “Dragonbound & Dragon Caller Series Return With New Additions!”

  1. these new cards are pretty garbage i mean there making new 7stars that are weaker then the old ones? this collab really didnt get the buffs it sorta needs. Not even one equip also, kinda boo imo

  2. thought maybe at least a lil of ideals strength would rub off on her son 🙁

    1. I mean to be honest n6 is a 5 star, which is relatively easy to get, so it seems kinda obvious that it wouldnt be the best thing ever. If you think about it, this new evo is really good for a 5 star (better than some 6 stars imo)

    1. Eir seems to be better for the healstick role in basically every way though, and she’s farmable instead of a 6* from a 10 stone machine.

    1. Rates aren’t available until the REM is available in-game, so another 12 hours or so! 🙂

  3. Hailen is insane, 4 VDP damage will be a lot. Completely outclasses most other VDP damage sticks out there, though thats all she does in awakenings

    1. lol i guess thats dbdc tradition for new broken VDP cards lol. Sort of fair tbh atfter witnessing how strong this card is

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