Dragonbound & Dragon Caller Series Return With New Additions!
Dragonbound & Dragon Caller (DBDC) series returns again, coming for our wallets! Featuring everything with buffs! Or wait, what buffs? (lol)
Collab gacha details
Free roll!
- One free Gacha roll in mail for everyone, no rank requirements!
Magic Stone + Gacha Roll Bundles
Available: 7/15 (Mon) 12pm – 7/29 (Mon) 9:59am JST
2 bundles are available in Shop tab! One purchase only per ID.
Bundle |
2 Magic Stone + Gacha Set 魔法石2個+龍契士&龍喚士ガチャ |
30 Magic Stone + Gacha Set 魔法石30個+龍契士&龍喚士ガチャ |
Price | 240 yen (US$ 2.22) | 3,600 yen (US$ 33.33) |
Contains | ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Gacha lineup | All (★7, ★6 and ★5) | ★7 only |
Gacha rates |
See below. |
Gacha Lineup
10 Magic Stones per roll.
All cards are linked to PDX database. You can also see New Cards section below for skill translations.



Monster Exchange
★7 Cards from Gacha
Available: 7/15 (Mon) 12pm – 7/29 (Mon) 11:59pm JST
- All ★7 cards from the Rare Gacha can be obtained through Monster Exchange!
- 5 cards needs to be traded for each one, duplicates ok.
Desired Card & Exchange Requirements | |
[3930] Colorful Benevolence Dragon Caller, Ideal 博愛の彩龍喚士・イデアル ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[4186] Spirit Dragonbound, Lajoa 霊龍契士・ラジョア ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[4796] Blazing Stream Devil Dragonbound, Suou 流焔の鬼龍契士・スオウ ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[4798] Black Scissors Cutting Dragon Caller, Roche 黒鋏の断龍喚士・ロシェ ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[4800] Battle Master Dragon Caller, Valeria 転戦の師龍喚士・ヴァレリア ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[5425] Grudging Fallen Dragonbound, Rehven 宿意の堕龍契士・レーヴェン ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[5427] Lively Healer Dragon Caller, Highren 快活の療龍喚士・ハイレン ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
Limited-time special exchanges
Collect small, medium, large tokens (Dragonbound & Dragon Caller Tickets) from the special dungeon, and use them as currency for these exchanges!
Desired Card | Exchange Requirements |
[4810] Crafting Dragonbound, Chuan 工龍契士・チュアン |
One-time Exchange |
x 5
Diamond Dragon Fruit |
One-time Exchange |
x 1
[5444] Dragonbounds & Dragon Callers Ticket [Rainbow]’s Gem 龍契士&龍喚士チケット【虹】の希石 |
x 1 |
[5153] Dragonbounds & Dragon Callers Ticket [Rainbow] |
or x 1 |
x 5
[5152] Dragonbounds & Dragon Callers Ticket [Gold] |
[5151] Dragonbounds & Dragon Callers Ticket [Silver] |
x 5 |
Various Jewels |
x 3 |
Special Dungeons
Duration: 7/15 (Mon) 12pm – 7/29 (Mon) 9:59am JST.
Dragon Forest
- Expert to Mythical difficulties, 5 total!
- Drops the Tickets needed for Monster Exchange.
- Co-op ok!
- Team of 4 or less floor gives a Diamond Dragon Fruit on first clear.
New Dungeon: Ultimate Dragon Research Building (No Dupes)
Duration: 7/15 (Mon) 10:00am – 7/21 (Sun) 11:59pm JST
Skill Level-Up Dungeon!
All the cards in the REM will appear, so you can form a team of your rolls, and skill them up. SOLO ONLY.
Live starting 7/12 (Fri).
(Thanks for not killing me like FF did, but yes that’s all the buffs!)
Card | Buff |
Rathios |
Active Skill max cooldown reduced to 11 turns (previously 12) |
Kulia |
Active Skill max cooldown reduced to 7 turns (previously 8) |
New Cards
From official Twitter:
★7 from Gacha

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 5030 (6020) | 5785 (6775) |
ATK | 2615 (3110) | 3007 (3502) |
RCV | 825 (1122) | 949 (1246) |
Active Skill: Reduce HP to 1; For 2 turns, bypass damage absorb shield and att. absorb shield effects
(25 ➧ 20)
Leader Skill: 2x HP for Fire Att.; 12x ATK when below 50% HP; 2x ATK and increase combo by 1 when matching 3 or more colors

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 5530 (6520) | 6360 (7350) |
ATK | 2365 (2860) | 2720 (3215) |
RCV | 825 (1122) | 949 (1246) |
Active Skill: Reduce HP to 1; For 2 turns, bypass damage absorb shield and att. absorb shield effects
(25 ➧ 20)
Leader Skill: 1.5x all stats for Dark Att.; 16x ATK and increase combo by 2 when matching 4 or more connected Fire, Water, and Dark orbs at once

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 5205 (6195) | 5986 (6976) |
ATK | 2603 (3098) | 2993 (3488) |
RCV | 780 (1077) | 897 (1194) |
Active Skill: Recover all HP; Remove all awoken skill binds; For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 100%
(17 ➧ 12)
Leader Skill: 25x ATK and increase combo by 2 when matching 6 or more connected Fire and Water orbs at once; 2x HP for Fire Att.

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4805 (5795) | 5526 (6516) |
ATK | 2103 (2598) | 2418 (2913) |
RCV | 1200 (1497) | 1380 (1677) |
Active Skill: Recover all HP; Remove all awoken skill binds; For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 100%
(17 ➧ 12)
Leader Skill: 2x HP for Water Att.; Increase combo by 3 when matching 7 or more connected Fire and Water orbs at once; 30x ATK when 10 or more combos
★6 from Gacha

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 1020 (2010) | 1173 (2163) |
ATK | 3010 (3505) | 3462 (3957) |
RCV | 2160 (2457) | 2484 (2781) |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 50%; For 1 turn, 2x ATK for Wood, Dark Att.
(13 ➧ 8)
Leader Skill: [Board becomes 7×6]; 2x HP & ATK for Wood, Dark Att.; 4x ATK when matching Dark+Wood
New Evolution

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 3930 (4920) | 4716 (5706) |
ATK | 2294 (2789) | 2753 (3248) |
RCV | 154 (451) | 185 (482) |
Active Skill: For 4 turns, 2x RCV; Enhance all Fire orbs; Reduce unable to match orbs effect by 5 turns
(9 ➧ 9)
Leader Skill: 2x HP & ATK for all Att. when all cards are from Dragonbounds & Dragon Callers; 9x ATK when matching 3 or more colors
– Yes, No.6 is Ideal’s son.
[_playlist type=”video”][_track caption=”Leven (Base form)” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/miru-data/padimages/animated/5425.mp4″][_track caption=”Leven (Uvo)” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/miru-data/padimages/animated/5426.mp4″][_track caption=”Hailen (Base form)” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/miru-data/padimages/animated/5427.mp4″][_track caption=”Hailen (Uvo)” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/miru-data/padimages/animated/5428.mp4″][/_playlist]
Evolution Material
High resolution artwork
From official Instagram:
Card | Artist |
Mira |
Yoichi Ito |
Leven |
Saichi |
Altura |
Ikeya |
Hailen |
Ikeya |
Author’s side notes
The official site comes with cute artwork, including the following icon to return to top!
Who is N°6 dad then!?!?
God i wish that was me
Thanks for the laugh LOL
these new cards are pretty garbage i mean there making new 7stars that are weaker then the old ones? this collab really didnt get the buffs it sorta needs. Not even one equip also, kinda boo imo
thought maybe at least a lil of ideals strength would rub off on her son 🙁
I mean to be honest n6 is a 5 star, which is relatively easy to get, so it seems kinda obvious that it wouldnt be the best thing ever. If you think about it, this new evo is really good for a 5 star (better than some 6 stars imo)
Anyone else see the rcv on mira OOOOOOOOOOH
Eir seems to be better for the healstick role in basically every way though, and she’s farmable instead of a 6* from a 10 stone machine.
New cards blow and im stilllllll waiting for MEGA AWOKEN YOG!!!! WTF
Let’s see what they’ll do to Beach Yog first… It’s back soon!
Are the rates available? Thanks for the post.
Rates aren’t available until the REM is available in-game, so another 12 hours or so! 🙂
Oh shoot yah. Thanks now! Heh
Hailen is insane, 4 VDP damage will be a lot. Completely outclasses most other VDP damage sticks out there, though thats all she does in awakenings
lol i guess thats dbdc tradition for new broken VDP cards lol. Sort of fair tbh atfter witnessing how strong this card is