Burning Horus Buffed & Returned!

1/1 (Wed) 12:00am - 1/1 (Wed) 11:59pm PST

Pretty random, but Upc noticed that Burning Horus is buffed to be the same as JP version! The dungeon isn’t around though…?

For some background information of Burning Horus, see the JP version post.


Leader Skill
[Fixed 4 second movetime]; 1.5x 2x ATK & RCV for all Att.; 4x ATK when matching 4 or more colors up to 5x at 5 colors
Awakenings Old:
Super Awakenings

Card detail

Stat Lv.99 (+297) Lv.110 (+297)
HP 3005 (3995) 4508 (5498)
ATK 1124 (1619) 1686 (2181)
RCV 570 (867) 855 (1152)
[3977]Burning Horus


Active Skill: Enhance all Light orbs
(15 ➧ 3)

Leader Skill: [Fixed 4 second movetime] 2x ATK & RCV; 4x ATK when matching 4 or more colors up to 5x at 5 colors

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