GungHo collab agaaaaain! Yet another REM refresh! Another pretty nice orb skin this time!
Rare Egg Machine (REM) lineup
All cards are linked to PDX database, newer cards may not be immediately available. You can also see New Cards section below for skill translations.
Special thanks to Ryulong, and Tactical_Retreat for all the help on Chrono Ma:Gia card names, since official site is gone.
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Summons Board
Summons Board
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Unlocks Orb Skin #3
Unlocks Orb Skin #2
Chrono Ma:Gia
Unlocks Orb Skin #1
Chrono Ma:Gia
Summons Board
Summons Board
Summons Board
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Summons Board
Summons Board
Summons Board
Summons Board
Summons Board
Summons Board
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Magic Stone Bundles at Shop
[Duration 1]: 7/19 (Mon), 0:00 – 7/25 (Sun), 23:59 (UTC-8)
[Duration 2]: 7/26 (Mon), 0:00 – 8/1 (Sun), 23:59 (UTC-8)
#1 | #2 | #3 | #4 [New] | #5 | |
Bundle | 1 Magic Stone + Gacha Set 魔法石1個+ガンホーコラボガチャ * Available twice |
20 Magic Stones + Gacha Set 魔法石20個+確定 吉祥の女神・ラクシュミガチャ |
20 Magic Stones + Gacha Set 魔法石20個+確定 ルーシー&ヴァルキリースタイルガチャ |
20 Magic Stones + Gacha Set 魔法石20個+確定 兇悪の女帝・ベリアルガチャ |
20 Magic Stones + Gacha Set 魔法石20個+★7確定ガンホーコラボガチャ * Available twice |
Price | $1 | $20 | $20 | $20 | $20 |
Magic Stones | x 1 | x 20 | x 20 | x 20 | x 20 |
Gacha lineup | All (★7, ★6 and ★5) | Orb skin [6589] Lakshmi, Goddess of Fortune only | Orb skin [6846] Lucy & Valkyrie Style only | Orb skin [7289] Tyrant Empress Belia only | ★7 only, includes all orb skins! |
Orb Skins
Obtaining select cards will unlock the following orb skins:
- Orb Skin #1: [6589] Lakshmi, Goddess of Fortune (Chrono Ma:Gia)
- Orb skin #2: [6846] Lucy & Valkyrie Style (Ninjala)
- Orb Skin #3: [7289] Tyrant Empress Belia (Chrono Ma:Gia) [New]
Pal Egg Machine (PEM) lineup
No rates announced as this is PEM. This is the same lineup as the last GungHo Collabs run again.
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Summons Board
Summons Board
Summons Board
Summons Board
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Divine Gate
Three Kingdoms Trigger
Three Kingdoms Trigger
Seventh Rebirth
Summons Board
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Princess Punt
Three Kingdoms Trigger
Three Kingdoms Trigger
Three Kingdoms Trigger
Three Kingdoms Trigger
Three Kingdoms Trigger
Divine Gate
Calcio Fantasista
Chrono Ma:Gia
Summons Board
Princess Punt
Princess Punt
Princess Punt
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Chrono Ma:Gia
Monster Exchange
★7 Gacha rolls
- All ★7 cards from the gacha EXCEPT ORB SKINS can be obtained through exchange.
- Exchange 5 cards for your desired cards! (Duplicates ok)
Desired Card & Exchange Requirements | |
[7283] Almighty Zeus 全能の神・ゼウス ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[7286] Rudra The Destroyer 破壊の神・ルドラ ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[7292] Lance Princess Velte 槍姫ベルテ ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[7294] Ceressa, the Resonance of Lost Gear 共奏真姫セレッサ ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[4699] Karin Shindou 神道花梨 ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[4703] Elena Brilliante エレナ・ブリリアント ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[5033] Great Witch of the Dark Flowers, Reeche 冥華の大魔女・リーチェ ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[6162] Dazzling Beast Goddess, Tsukuyomi 幻惑の獣神・ツクヨミ ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[6834] Sari サリー ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[3191] Event Medal – Rainbow ▼ Trade 5 cards in. One exchange only. |
Limited-time special exchanges
Collect small, medium, large tokens (GungHo Tickets) from dungeon, exchange them for higher tier tokens, and use them as currency for these exchanges!
Desired Card | Exchange Requirements |
[6856] Ippon Gum イッポンガム Ninjala |
* One Exchange Only |
x 5
[6606] Magic Card of Siren’s Song セイレーンの歌声のマジックカード Chrono Ma:Gia |
* One Exchange Only |
x 5
[5834] Onmyoji Seimei Card 陰陽師セイメイのカード Chrono Ma:Gia |
* One Exchange Only |
x 2
[5524] Rhea, Rebellious Witch Card 叛逆の魔女レアーのカード Chrono Ma:Gia |
* One Exchange Only |
x 5
[5032] Great Witch of the Solitary Island, Reeche 孤島の大魔女・リーチェ Chrono Ma:Gia |
* One Exchange Only |
x 5
[5031] Flamme, the Burst of Crimson Gear 紅蓮装姫フラマ Summons Board |
* One Exchange Only |
x 5
[6593] Kopapi コパピー Summons Board |
[4683] Honoka Shindou 神道ほのか Chrono Ma:Gia |
[4687] SO135-Alastair SO135-アレスタ Summons Board |
[5030] GungHo Ticket – Rainbow ガンホーチケット【虹】 |
or x 1 | x 5
[5029] GungHo Ticket – Gold ガンホーチケット【金】 |
[5028] GungHo Ticket – Silver ガンホーチケット【銀】 |
[5027] GungHo Ticket – Bronze ガンホーチケット【銅】 |
x 3
Various Pys |
Monster Point store
Chrono Ma:Gia
Summons Board
Collab dungeons
1) Ninjala
- Cards from Ninjala drops here (not 100% drop).
- Also drops GungHo Tickets in the dungeon, used at Monster Exchange.
- Top-most floor (Mythical) rewards 100 Pal Points per clear.
Dungeon drops |
2) GungHo Collab Dungeon 3
- Dungeon drops the GungHo Tickets needed for Monster Exchange.
- Top-most floor (Mythical) rewards 100 Pal Points per clear.
- 5 difficulties total.
Dungeon drops | |
Boss |
3) GungHo Collab 3 (2 Minutes Limit)
- Complete the special dungeon in less than 2 minutes!
- 250 Pal Points in mail per clear!
4) Skill-up dungeon available
Dungeon name: Skill Level-Up / スキルレベルアップ
- Bring in a team of the GungHo Collab cards you rolled, and get 100% skillups!
- Solo-only, ensure you have Monster Leveling option on!
New cards
REM – New ★7 Additions
Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall; For 1 turn, orb move time +1 sec; Create 3 Wood and Heal orbs (2 max CD)
Leader Skill: 15x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when Wood and Heal attack at once; Slightly reduce damage taken and +3 combo when matching 6+ connected Wood orbs
Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall; For 1 turn, 2.5x RCV; Create Water orbs in L shape (3 max CD)
Leader Skill: 3x ATK and RCV and reduce damage taken by 60% when matching 5 Water orbs in L shape; 6x ATK and +2 combo when Water and heart attack at once
Active Skill: Create 10 Water, Dark and Heal orbs; Charge other allies’ active by 2 turns (13 max CD)
Leader Skill: [Fix 9 sec] 1.5x HP and 3x RCV for Water and Dark att.; 20x ATK and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 5+ connected Water orbs
God / Physical
Active Skill: For 1 turn, 2x RCV and orb move time; Unlock all orbs; Create 6 Light and Heal orbs (7 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x all stats for Light att.; 10x ATK when 6+ combo; Slightly reduce damage taken and deals 5,000,000 fix damage when matching 6+ connected Light orbs
God / Attacker
Active Skill: Recovers unmatchable status, bind and awoken bind by 7 turns; Create 5 Light, Dark and Heal orbs (7 max CD)
Leader Skill: 1.6x HP for God type; 14x ATK when 10+ combo; Reduce damage taken by 50% and +4 combo when matching 5 hearts in cross shape
Devil / Healer
Active Skill: Reduce current HP to 1; Fully recovers unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status (5 max CD)
Leader Skill: 18x ATK, 3x RCV and slightly reduce damage taken when Fire and Dark attack at once; Reduce damage taken by 50% and +2 combo when matching 5+ connected Fire or Dark orbs
Devil / Attacker
Active Skill: Reduce current HP by 50%; For 1 turn, orb move time -1 sec; Create 3 Dark orbs from non-Heal orbs (1 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2.5x HP for Dark att.; 12x ATK when HP is 80% or below; 2x ATK and +2 combo when matching 6+ connected Dark orbs
REM – New ★6 Additions
Machine / Attacker
Active Skill: For 2 turns, 1.5x orb move time; Reduce enemies’ defense by 100%; Change bottom row to Fire orbs (6 max CD)
Leader Skill: 14x ATK, Slightly reduce damage taken, +1 combo and deals 4,000,000 fixed damage when matching 2+ Fire combo; 1.5x HP for Fire att.
Machine / Attacker
Active Skill: For 2 turns, 1.5x orb move time; Reduce enemies’ defense by 100%; Change bottom row to Fire orbs (6 max CD)
Leader Skill: 14x ATK, reduce damage taken by 50%, +3 combo and deals 1,000,000 fixed damage when matching 2+ Fire combo; 1.5x HP for Fire att.
Machine / Attacker
Active Skill: For 2 turns, greatly reduce RCV; Unlock all orbs; Change bottom row to Fire orbs (3 max CD)
Leader Skill: [No Skyfall] 18x ATK when matching 6+ connected Fire orbs; Reduce damage taken by 60% and +2 combo when matching 2+ Fire combo
Machine / Healer
Active Skill: For 3 turns, 2x orb move time; For 3 turns, 2x ATK for Water att.; Delay enemies’ next move by 2 turns (12 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x HP and ATK for Water att.; Slightly reduce damage taken when 6+ combo; 8x ATK, +1 combo and deals 1 fixed damage when matching 2+ Water combo
Machine / Healer
Active Skill: For 3 turns, 2x orb move time; For 3 turns, 2x ATK for Water att.; Delay enemies’ next move by 2 turns (12 max CD)
Leader Skill: 3x ATK and RCV for Water att.; Reduce damage taken by 50% when 6+ combo; 6x ATK, +2 combo and deals 1 fixed damage when matching 2+ Water combo
Machine / Healer
Active Skill: For 1 turn, unable to match Heal orbs; Fully recovers bind and awoken bind status (5 max CD)
Leader Skill: [No Skyfall] 18x ATK, Slightly reduce damage taken and +2 combo when matching 2+ Water combo; 2.2x HP for Machine and Healer type
Machine / Balanced
Active Skill: For 1 turn, RCV becomes 0; For 2 turns, bypass att. absorb and damage absorb shield (12 max CD)
Leader Skill: [No Skyfall] Reduce damage taken by 50% when 6+ combo; 18x ATK and deals 5,000,000 fixed damage when matching 2+ Dark combo
God / Balanced
Active Skill: For 1 turn, reduce damage taken by 100%; For 99 turns, skyfall Light orbs appear as locked (14 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x HP and ATK for Light att.; Slightly reduce damage taken when 8+ combo; 3.5x ATK and +1 combo per 5 Light orbs match in cross shape
REM – New ★5 Additions
Active Skill: Change leftmost column to fire orbs; For 1 turn, increase combo by 2 and greatly reduce dmg taken (9 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x HP and 3x ATK for Fire att.; 5x ATK when matching 6+ connected fire orbs, increase combo by 3 when matching 9+ connected fire orbs
Active Skill: For 1 turn, greatly reduce ATK for Dark att.; Create 9 heart orbs from non-wood orbs (5 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2x HP for Wood att.; ATK increase when 8+ combo, to the max 15x ATK; Slightly reduce dmg taken and +2 combo when matching 2+ heart combo
Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; For 1 turn, 1.5x orb move time; For 1 turn, 1.5x ATK for Water and Light att. (3 max CD)
Leader Skill: 14x ATK and +1 combo when matching 4+ connected Water orbs; Reduce damage taken by 50% and +1 combo when Water and Light attack at once
Evolution Materials
Buffs for older cards
Card | Change |
Karin Shindou 神道花梨 |
Active Skill: For Leader Skill: 2x ATK, increase combo by 4, and reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 4 or more colors; 4x ATK when 4 or more combos up to 8x at 8 combos |
Hati, Envoy of the Moon Card 月狼ハティのカード |
Elena Brilliante エレナ・ブリリアント |
Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire and Light orbs; For Leader Skill: |
Aeetes the Demon King Card 魔王アイエーテースのカード |
Great Witch of the Dark Flowers, Reeche 冥華の大魔女・リーチェ |
Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, Dark, and Heal orbs; For Leader Skill: 5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 60% when 7 or more combos; |
Karin Shindou (Dark Color) 神道花梨【ダークカラー】 |
Active Skill: For 3 turns, 2x ATK for Light and Dark Att.; For 3 turns, reduce damage taken by 50%(13 ➧ Leader Skill: |
Elena Brilliante (Dark Color) エレナ・ブリリアント【ダークカラー】 |
Active Skill: For 99 turns, Fire orbs are more likely to appear by 7%; For 2 turns, recover 50% of max HP; For 2 turns, slightly reduce damage taken (10 ➧ 10) Leader Skill: 1.5x HP for Fire Att.; |
Kaguya, Princess of Tsukuyomi Card ツクヨミの姫カグヤのカード |
Joker, Devil’s Adviser Card 悪魔の参謀ジョーカーのカード |
Great Witch of Fresh Snow, Reeche 初雪の大魔女・リーチェ |
Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, Dark, and Heal orbs; For
Reeche’s Dark Magical Hat, Frow リーチェの冥魔帽子・フロウ |
Dazzling Beast Goddess, Tsukuyomi 幻惑の獣神・ツクヨミ |
Leader Skill: 2x HP & ATK for Water Att.;
Dazzling Beast Goddess, Tsukuyomi (Dark Color) 幻惑の獣神・ツクヨミ【ダークカラー】 |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, 0x RCV; For 1 turn, decrease orb move time by 2 seconds; For 1 turn, 1.5x ATK for Water att.; Change the top row to Water orbs (3 ➧ 3)
Leader Skill: 2x all stats for Water Att.; Reduce damage taken by 50% when matching 5+ colors; |
Lakshmi, Goddess of Fortune 吉祥の女神・ラクシュミ |
Active Skill: For 7 turns, reduce damage taken by 30%; Unlock all orbs; Change Wood orbs to Fire orbs (14 ➧ 9) Leader Skill: |
Lakshmi, Goddess of Fortune (Dark Color) 吉祥の女神・ラクシュミ【ダークカラー】 |
Leader Skill:
Dazzling Beast Goddess, Tsukuyomi Card 幻惑の獣神・ツクヨミのカード |
Lakshmi, Goddess of Fortune Card 吉祥の女神・ラクシュミのカード |
Sari サリー |
Active Skill: Unlock all orbs; Create 6 Fire and Wood orbs; Reduce unable to match orbs effect by 6 turns; Reduce awoken skill binds by 6 turns (13 ➧ Leader Skill: 1.5x HP for Fire and Wood Att.; Reduce damage taken by 50% when above 50% HP; |
Sari (Dark Color) サリー【ダークカラー】 |
Leader Skill: 3.5x ATK and
Lucy & Valkyrie Style ルーシー&ヴァルキリースタイル |
Active Skill: Recover all HP; Remove all binds and awoken skill binds; Reduce unable to match orbs effect completely; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, and Dark orbs (15 ➧ 10) Leader Skill: 2.5x HP for Healer and Attacker type; Increase orb movement time by 3 seconds; |
Ippon Katana イッポンカタナ |
Active Skill: Recover all HP; Remove all binds and awoken skill binds; Reduce unable to match orbs effect completely; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, and Dark orbs (12 ➧ 12)
Psyche, Fae Blade Princess Card 妖精剣姫・プシュケーのカード |
Selene, the Midnight Moon Card 暗夜の月・セレーネーのカード |