Strange to see that YamaP himself posting the news (due to working from home), but here are the buffs promised from yesterday!
Featured image: Orya by @Tena_kc
From original Tweets by YamaP: Tweet #1 / Tweet #2
Change Wood, Light, Jammer, and Bomb orbs to Fire orbs; For
Leader Skill: 4x ATK & RCV for Fire att.;
Change Fire, Light, and Poison orbs to Wood orbs; For 1 turn, 1.5x RCV and 1.5x orb move time
Leader Skill: 2x HP & ATK for Dragon and Devil type;
Updated card details

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 7423 (8413) | 9650 (10640) |
ATK | 2781 (3276) | 3615 (4110) |
RCV | 177 (474) | 230 (527) |


Active Skill: (15 ➧ 10) Inheritable
For 1 turn, 0.25x RCV; For 1 turn, 1.5x ATK for Light Att.; For 1 turn, increase combo count by 3
Leader Skill: [4/256/1]
2x HP & ATK for God and Devil type; 8x ATK when matching 6 or more connected Light orbs; 500000 additional damage when matching 6 or more Light orbs

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 6223 (7213) | 8090 (9080) |
ATK | 2631 (3126) | 3420 (3915) |
RCV | 627 (924) | 815 (1112) |


Active Skill: (15 ➧ 10) Inheritable
For 1 turn, 0.25x RCV; For 1 turn, 1.5x ATK for Light Att.; For 1 turn, increase combo count by 3
Leader Skill: [4/1024/1]
[No skyfall] 2x HP & ATK for Balanced type; 8x ATK when there are 8 or fewer orbs remaining up to 16x ATK when 0 orbs left

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 3217 (4207) | 4021 (5011) |
ATK | 1766 (2261) | 2208 (2703) |
RCV | 590 (887) | 738 (1035) |


Active Skill: (14 ➧ 6) Inheritable
Change Wood, Light, Jammer, and Bomb orbs to Fire orbs; For 3 turns, Heal orbs are more likely to appear by 15%
Leader Skill: [1/400/16]
3x ATK when matching 2 Fire combos, up to 5x at 3 Fire combos; 4x ATK & RCV for Fire Att.; Increase orb movement time by 4 seconds

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4805 (5795) | 5526 (6516) |
ATK | 2445 (2940) | 2812 (3307) |
RCV | 248 (545) | 285 (582) |


Active Skill: (13 ➧ 7) Inheritable
Change Fire, Light, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Wood orbs; For 1 turn, 1.5x RCV; For 1 turn, 1.5x orb move time
Leader Skill: [4/289/1]
2x HP & ATK for Dragon and Devil type; 8.5x ATK for matched Att. when matching 5 Orbs with 1+ enhanced

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 5880 (6870) | 7350 (8340) |
ATK | 1562 (2057) | 1953 (2448) |
RCV | 449 (746) | 561 (858) |


Active Skill: (14 ➧ 8) Inheritable
Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, and Dark orbs; For 1 turn, 2x ATK for Devil type
Leader Skill: [1/25/1]
[Board becomes 7×6] 5x ATK when matching Wood, Wood, and Dark (or Wood, Dark, and Dark)


Active Skill: (14 ➧ 8) Inheritable
Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Wood, and Dark orbs; For 1 turn, 2x ATK for Devil type

Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 5208 (6198) | 5989 (6979) |
ATK | 2164 (2659) | 2489 (2984) |
RCV | 590 (887) | 679 (976) |


Active Skill: (30 ➧ 20) Inheritable
Change Heal orbs to Fire orbs; Remove all awoken skill binds; For 1 turn, bypass damage absorb shield and att. absorb shield effects
Leader Skill: [1/196/1, 43.75%]
3.5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 25% when 6 or more combos; 4x ATK when matching 4 or more colors; Increase orb movement time by 2 seconds


Active Skill: (30 ➧ 20) Inheritable
Change Heal orbs to Fire orbs; Remove all awoken skill binds; For 1 turn, bypass damage absorb shield and att. absorb shield effects
They seem alright. I like Romia’s buff because PSI lol. Overall they seem ok. Poor Runelis.
Kuvia heart system for certain leaders like outdated Mel(who has TPA) and Runelis leader skill is modernized (damage wise). I think I wanna try a Green Sparkle Team now lol.
Romia’s buff does not really help with PSI though. She just had her time extend condensed to add the super skill boost.
Maybe they mean they have even more reason to keep using Romia.
I like Orya’s weapon upgrade. I have two of em already and want more.