June Bride returns with new additions and evolutions!
June Bride returns with new evolutions! As expected from PAD Academy, more pixel evolutions!
…And more buffs than what was shown of stream!
Gacha details
Free roll!
- One free Gacha roll (in mail) for everyone, no rank requirements!
Magic Stone + Gacha Roll Bundles
Available: 6/1 (Mon) 10am – 6/15 (Sun) 9:59am JST
3 bundles are available in Shop tab! One purchase only for each bundle.
#1 | #2 | #3 | |
Bundle | 1 Magic Stone + Gacha Set 魔法石1個+ジューンブライドガチャ |
20 Magic Stones + Gacha Set 魔法石20個+確定花嫁パールヴァティーガチャ |
20 Magic Stones + Gacha Set 魔法石20個+確定新郎イザナギガチャ |
Price | 120 yen ($1.06 USD) | 2,440 yen ($21 USD) | 2,440 yen ($21 USD) |
Contains | ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Gacha lineup | All (★9 to ★4) | [5381] Parvati only, comes with Orb Skin. | [6252] Izanagi only, comes with Orb Skin. |
Gacha Rates | Same as below. | Parvati – 100% | Izanagi- 100% |
Special orb skin #1
Obtaining [5381] Parvati will unlock the special orb skin!
Special orb skin #2
Obtaining [6251] Izanagi will unlock the special orb skin! (So many faces omg)
Rare gacha lineup
5 Magic Stones per roll.
All cards are linked to PDX database. You can also see New Cards section below for skill translations.







Monster Exchange
Available: 6/1 (Mon) 10am – 6/15 (Sun) 9:59am JST
★9 and ★8 Gacha rolls
- All ★9 and ★8 cards from the gacha can be obtained through exchange.
- Exchange 5 or 4 cards for your desired cards! (Duplicates ok)
Desired Card & Exchange Requirements | |
[6249] Radiant Scissors Bride, Cutting Dragon Caller Roche 輝鋏の花嫁・断龍喚士ロシェ ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[5382] Solitary Peak Bride, Zela 孤峰の花嫁・ゼラ ▼ Trade 5 cards in. |
[2949] Saintly Bell Bride, Eschamali 聖鐘の花嫁・エスカマリ ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
[3790] Sacred Chalice Bride, Scheat 聖瓶の花嫁・シェアト ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
[4588] Bridal Chief of the White Heron, Raijin 白鷺の嫁御寮・雷神 ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
[4589] All Illuminating Bride, Rushana 遍照の花嫁・ルシャナ ▼ Trade 4 cards in. |
Limited-time special exchanges
Collect small, medium, large tokens (PAD Bouquet) from dungeon, exchange them for higher tier tokens, and use them as currency for these exchanges!
Desired Card | Exchange Requirements |
[6253] TAMADRA Wedding Cake [New] たまドラウェディングケーキ |
* One Exchange Only |
x 5
[5384] White Rose Wedding Dress 白薔薇のウェディングドレス |
* One Exchange Only |
x 5
Latent TAMADRA (God Killer) |
* One Exchange Only |
x 3
Latent TAMADRA (Devil Killer) |
* One Exchange Only |
x 3
Latent TAMADRA (Healer Killer) |
* One Exchange Only |
x 3
[5388] PAD Bouquet of Happiness – Rainbow 幸福のパズドラブーケ【虹】 |
or x 1 | x 5
[5387] PAD Bouquet of Happiness – Gold 幸福のパズドラブーケ【金】 |
[5386] PAD Bouquet of Happiness – Silver 幸福のパズドラブーケ【銀】 |
[5385] PAD Bouquet of Happiness – Bronze 幸福のパズドラブーケ【銅】 |
x 5
Various Lil’ Snow Globe Dragons |
Monster Point store
Available: 6/1 (Mon) 10am – 6/15 (Sun) 9:59am JST

Special dungeon
Duration: 6/1 (Mon) 10am – 6/15 (Sun) 9:59am JST
Dungeon drops the PAD Bouquets needed for Monster Exchange.
- Top-most floor is Team of 4 or less subs, rewards PreDRA
on first clear.
- 5 difficulties total.
- Dungeon link & Skill up list on Skyozora
Dungeon drops | |
Invades 100% drop on encounter |
(Runaway brides! And Keeper of Gold is such a keeper…) |
Boss |
Skill-up dungeon available!
Dungeon name: Skill Level-Up / スキルレベルアップ
- Bring in a team of the June Bride cards you rolled, and get 100% skillups!
- Solo-only, ensure you have Monster Leveling option on!
New cards
New Evolutions


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 5992 (6982) | 7790 (8780) |
ATK | 1728 (2223) | 2246 (2741) |
RCV | 471 (768) | 612 (909) |
Active Skill: (15 ➧ 10) Inheritable
Change the far left column to Light orbs and change the far right column to Heal orbs; For 4 turns, Light orbs are more likely to appear by 15%
Leader Skill: [4/324/1]
6x ATK and 2x HP for God and Machine type; 3x ATK when matching 2+ Light combos; 1,000,000 additional fixed damage when matching 3 or more Light combos


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4405 (5395) | 5727 (6717) |
ATK | 2205 (2700) | 2867 (3362) |
RCV | 353 (650) | 459 (756) |
Active Skill: (15 ➧ 15) Inheritable
Change Wood, Heal, Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Light orbs; For 1 turn, bypass damage absorb shield effects
Leader Skill: [4/256/4]
2x all stats when all cards are Pixel Evolutions; 8x ATK and increase combo by 2 when matching 5 or more connected Light orbs at once


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4505 (5495) | 5857 (6847) |
ATK | 2303 (2798) | 2994 (3489) |
RCV | 146 (443) | 190 (487) |
Active Skill: (12 ➧ 7) Inheritable
Change Water, Jammer, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Light orbs; Charge all allies’ skills by 1 turn
Leader Skill: [1/324/16, 57.75%]
4x ATK & RCV for Dragon and Attacker type; 4.5x ATK and reduce damage taken by 35% when above 50% HP
★9 Rarity card


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 5085 (6075) | 6611 (7601) |
ATK | 3021 (3516) | 3927 (4422) |
RCV | 266 (563) | 346 (643) |
Active Skill: (4 ➧ 4) Inheritable
For 1 turn, increase ATK by 15% for each Two-Pronged Attack awakening skill on the team; Create 4 Wood orbs
Leader Skill: [4/196/1]
[Disable Poison & Mortal Poison orb effects] 2x HP & ATK for Wood Att.; 7x ATK and increase combo by 1 when matching 4 or more connected Wood orbs at once


Stat | Lv.99 | +297 |
HP | 5085 | 6075 |
ATK | 3021 | 3516 |
RCV | 266 | 563 |
Active Skill: (20 ➧ 20) Inheritable
Reduce unable to match orbs effect fully; Remove all awoken skill binds; For 2 turns, increase ATK by 30% for each Two-Pronged Attack awakening skill on the team
★7 Rarity cards


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4163 (5153) | 5412 (6402) |
ATK | 1842 (2337) | 2395 (2890) |
RCV | 420 (717) | 546 (843) |
Active Skill: (9 ➧ 4) Inheritable
Reduce HP by 50%; Change the far right column to Light orbs; For 1 turn, 1.5x ATK for God type
Leader Skill: [4/324/1]
2x HP & ATK for God type; 3x ATK when below 50% HP; 3x ATK and increase combo by 1 when matching 5 or more connected Light orbs at once


Stat | Lv.99 (+297) | Lv.110 (+297) |
HP | 4420 (5410) | 5746 (6736) |
ATK | 2055 (2550) | 2672 (3167) |
RCV | 210 (507) | 273 (570) |
Active Skill: (8 ➧ 3) Inheritable
For 1 turn, increase ATK by 15% for each Dragon Killer awakening skill on the team
Leader Skill: [4/256/1]
8x ATK for Light Att.; 2x HP for Dark Att.; 2x ATK and deal 500,000 fixed additional damage when matching Light and Dark
Monster Exchange
Evolution Materials
Base |
Base |
Base |
Base |
Assist Evo |
[_playlist type=”video”][_track caption=”Pixel Bride Eschamali” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/dadguide-data/media/animated_portraits/06247.mp4″ ][_track caption=”Bride Roche” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/dadguide-data/media/animated_portraits/06249.mp4″ ][_track caption=”Bride Roche’s Assist Evo” src=”https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/dadguide-data/media/animated_portraits/06250.mp4″ ][/_playlist]
Live since 5/30 (Sat).
Card | Change |
Scampering Newlywed, Red Dragonbound Gadius 疾走する新郎・赤龍契士ガディウス |
Lovely Bride, Bastet 可憐な花嫁・バステト |
Active Skill: For 3 turns, all attacks become mass attack; For 1 turn, increase orb move time by 2 seconds (9 ➧
Passionate Sun Deity, Ra 情熱の太陽神・ラー |
Deeply in Love Newlywed, Akechi Mitsuhide 深愛の新郎・明智光秀 |
Saintly Ocean Newlywed, Ruka 聖洋の新婦・ルカ |
Active Skill: Change Fire, Dark, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Heal orbs; Reduce binds by 3 turns (12 ➧
White Kimono Bride, Kano 白無垢の花嫁・カノ |
Active Skill: Change Water, Light, Poison, and Mortal Poison orbs to Heal orbs; Reduce binds by 3 turns (12 ➧
Dawn Bride, Izanami 有明の花嫁・イザナミ |
Active Skill: For 3 turns, reduce damage taken by 35% (13 ➧
Pure and Innocent Bride, Sopdet 純真な花嫁・ソティス |
Active Skill: Change Water orbs to Heal orbs; For 1 turn, all attacks become mass attack(16 ➧
White Roses Bride, Hera-Beorc 白薔薇の花嫁・ヘラ・ベオーク |
Starry Night Bride, Persephone 星夜の花嫁・ペルセポネ |
Active Skill: For
Bridal Chief of the White Heron, Raijin 白鷺の嫁御寮・雷神 |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, no skyfall; Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to Fire, Water, Wood, Light, Dark, and Heal orbs (12 ➧
Devoted Bride, Rushana 真心の花嫁・ルシャナ |
Active Skill: Recover
Beast-Taming Newlywed, Panera 獣使いの新婦・パネラ |
Leader Skill: [Fixed
Golden Bride, Parvati 金色の花嫁・パールヴァティー |
Active Skill: For 2 turns, no skyfall; For 2 turns, increase orb move time by 1 second; Change Water orbs to Heal orbs(8 ➧ 3)
Solitary Peak Bride, Zela 孤峰の花嫁・ゼラ |
Leader Skill: 1.5x all stats for Light Att.; Increase orb movement time by 4 seconds;
Emotional Magical Hat, Smokk 感激の魔帽子・スモック |
Active Skill: For 1 turn, increase combo count by
Card | Artist |
Smokk |
ZelaYoichi Ito |
Parvati | Yosuke Adachi |
Rushana | Nakamura8 |
Panera | Saichi |
Time to save up some GFE to guarantee me getting Roche. She reminds me of Tomoko Kuroki, maybe that’s why I love her looks so much.
lmao at Shazel
O GAWD THAT ASSIST IS AWESOME!!! like that art on that izi alot too. Beyond that I don’t think i will really be rolling here. I love roche portrait though, she looks so disintrested in getting married ahahaha. So happy izi is buyable orb skin. Really nice looking orbs too. Looking forward to saving some stones here 😀 !!!
lol, “increase ATK by 15% for each Dragon Killer awakening skill on the team” bawhwhwhah how useful!!!
I mean, six Dragon Killers assuming dual pair for a reasonable ATK boost at literally 3 CD, that’s prime A6/AA4 material.
I don’t think dual Kulia pair is even remotely good for AA4, but she is a great sub for the quick ATK overwrite and killers.
i meant that free exchange assist is awesome*
They should really get rid of the silver egg and just make it as an exchange monster like they once did gungho collab…
I was gonna say they should give Gadius a buff, but adding 3 SB is pretty darn good. I don’t know what team he’d fit on though, so ultimately Gadius is still Gadius.
And apparently 1-color orb change is like 4 CD now. My hope is that all the other orb changers like that get their CDs buffed too, assuming Gungho didn’t forget/don’t care they exist (RIP Gigas).
Roche is Christian now judging by how her beast is holding a Bible lol
Roche seems like a minor upgrade leaderskill and TPA wise from NY Artemis, no?
Parvati was already a very good sub and is now even better than she was before.
Bride Zela with that SFUA and the fact that the new equip for 9 heal orbs is huge and I look forward to using her.