New evolutions including Super Reincarnated Odin Dragon!
New evolutions available for Odin Dragon, Maeda Keiji and Okuninushi!
New Evolutions
Super Reincarnated Odin Dragon (Srevo)
God / Dragon / Balanced
Active Skill: [1] Fully recovers HP, unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status; Charge allies’ active by 2 turns; Evolve skill to stage [2] (17 max CD)
[2] Fully recovers unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status (6 max CD)
Leader Skill: 2.7x all stats when team total rarity is 35 or below; 8x ATK, slightly reduce dmg taken and +3 combo when wood and heart attack at once
[8582] Super Reincarnated Odin Dragon’s Bracelet (Assist evo)
Active Skill: Fully recovers unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status; For 2 turns, change enemies’ att. to water att. (ignores barrier) (12 max CD)
Leader Skill: None
[8583] Super Reincarnated Odin Dragon’s Tiara (Assist evo)
Active Skill: Fully recovers HP, unmatchable, bind and awoken bind status; For 4 turns, reduce dmg taken by 50% (15 max CD)
Leader Skill: None
[8585] Dawn’s Warlock, Odin’s Tiara (Assist evo)
Active Skill: For 2 turns, 3x ATK for all sub and God type; Charge allies’ active by 2 turns (15 max CD)
Leader Skill: None
Super Reincarnated Maeda Keiji (Srevo)
God / Attacker / Physical
Active Skill: For 4 turns, increase enhance orb drop rate by 50%; For 4 turns, slightly reduce dmg taken; Replace all orbs (8 max CD)
Leader Skill: 24x ATK and reduce dmg taken by 70% when 5 colors attack at once; Deals 1,000,000 fix dmg for every 5 connected orbs matched
Super Reincarnated Okuninushi (Srevo)
God / Devil / Physical
Active Skill: Delay enemies’ next move by 2 turns; Fully recovers awoken bind status; For 2 turns, 2x orb move time; For 2 turns, 2x ATK for Dark att. (10 max CD)
Leader Skill: ATK increase when 6+ combo, to the max 22x ATK; Reduce dmg taken by 70% and +2 combo when matching 2+ dark combo
Is rarity mean stars?